Blame Netanyahu For Israel Being Totally Unprepared For Hamas' Brazen Attack

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How about 56 years of tyranny and oppression? WTF else do you expect them to do? Fuck Israel! It's a scumbag country with scumbag leaders!
I didn't expect kill innoncent families asleep in their homes, they didn't pose any threat. The world needs more peace, not war. Hamas just chose destruction rather than love.

We knew the “Prime Minister for Life” had already sacrificed Israeli unity in his quest to cling to power. We didn’t know he also had allowed Israel’s biggest intelligence failure in 50 years.​

How could this happen? On the 50th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, on the eve of Simchat Torah, how could Israeli intelligence and the IDF not have been prepared for something big?

Dozens, perhaps hundreds, are dead. Soldiers have been taken prisoner. Civilians taken hostage. Massive damage. Israel’s normalcy shattered. Hamas empowered and emboldened. The vaunted Abraham Accords in tatters.

Blame Netanyahu also for his apartheid policies that foment continued disdain for Israel contributing to this endless cycle of violence and war.
If I was the US President, I would end this conflict in 90 days!

I would...
  1. End all weapons shipments to Isreal.
  2. Freeze all Israeli assets in US banks.
  3. Submit a resolution to the UNSC telling Israel they have 90 days to end the occupation, or the decision to leave, will no longer be their's to make!
Israel is the insane enemy! All the Pals want is freedom. Gaza is a prison! Fuck Israel!
Nobody is making any of them stay in Gaza. They are free to move to any country they like.

The people of Gaza should depose the insane death cult that controls their land. That would be the first step to ending the humanitarian crisis, there.
^ More trolling without content.

Israel is a ruthless terror state engaged in ethnic cleansing.
All you are doing is repeating the same delusions that the actual terrorists created to fool those with double digit IQs.
Nobody is making any of them stay in Gaza. They are free to move to any country they like.

The people of Gaza should depose the insane death cult that controls their land. That would be the first step to ending the humanitarian crisis, there.
You are a fucking liar! Gazan's cannot leave the area without Israeli or Egyptian permission. Gaza is a prison.

You shoot at their fishermen, you shoot at their farmers, they cannot live their lives in peace because of Israeli tyranny!
You wish to arm an organization devoted to the genocide of a small minority

It doesn't GET any more antisemitic than that.
No, all they want is freedom and YOU won't give it to them! You're at fault! You're the cause of all the violence!
The Kos came out with this stuff pretty fast. Was the blog site briefed by Hamas? Left wing policy- blame the Jew.
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