Blame Netanyahu For Israel Being Totally Unprepared For Hamas' Brazen Attack

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It doesn't know why it wants dead Jews. It only knows it wants them dead.

Remember how you snickered at that Palestinian nurse being shot by an IDF sniper?

Or how you snickered when that IDF soldier ran over Rachel Corrie with a bulldozer?

I don’t hear you snickering g real loud this morning.
I blame Hamas ... I guess some people are just plain stupid ...

Imagine 5,000 rockets landing in El Paso, Texas ... or San Diego, California ... from Mexican drug cartels using public schools, day care centers and hospitals for their rocket launchers ... yeah, returning fire kills thousands of lil' children ... the solution is 130,000,000 guns delivered to each and every Mexican ... have them put the drug cartels down ...

If we let Palestinian children bring their guns to school ... Hamas won't be able to build rocket launchers there ... why is it only Americans have good solutions for other people's problems? ...
It is fair criticism as without question this is a horrible intelligence failure.

However, the reality is that there have been innocents killed and this has been going on for over 12 hours. Hostages, innocent families murdered in their homes. This must be the focus at this time.

Worse still, you have Saudi Arabia blaming Israel for this. Huh? Then there is Iran and their support.

The intel failure cannot be ignored, some heads will roll. This isn't the time.
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It's very unusual that Israeli intelligence would have this level of failure.

This could be the start of the war that many in the region have always feared.
Remember how you snickered at that Palestinian nurse being shot by an IDF sniper?

Or how you snickered when that IDF soldier ran over Rachel Corrie with a bulldozer?

I don’t hear you snickering g real loud this morning.
How can I remember things that never happened, subhuman?

We knew the “Prime Minister for Life” had already sacrificed Israeli unity in his quest to cling to power. We didn’t know he also had allowed Israel’s biggest intelligence failure in 50 years.​

How could this happen? On the 50th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, on the eve of Simchat Torah, how could Israeli intelligence and the IDF not have been prepared for something big?

Dozens, perhaps hundreds, are dead. Soldiers have been taken prisoner. Civilians taken hostage. Massive damage. Israel’s normalcy shattered. Hamas empowered and emboldened. The vaunted Abraham Accords in tatters.

Maybe Israel should cease its ethnic cleansing.

Acting like Nazis is a bad look for Jews.

We knew the “Prime Minister for Life” had already sacrificed Israeli unity in his quest to cling to power. We didn’t know he also had allowed Israel’s biggest intelligence failure in 50 years.​

How could this happen? On the 50th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, on the eve of Simchat Torah, how could Israeli intelligence and the IDF not have been prepared for something big?

Dozens, perhaps hundreds, are dead. Soldiers have been taken prisoner. Civilians taken hostage. Massive damage. Israel’s normalcy shattered. Hamas empowered and emboldened. The vaunted Abraham Accords in tatters.

I can't blame israel or its leaders.for the actions of its insane enemies.
Maybe Israel should cease its ethnic cleansing.

Acting like Nazis is a bad look for Jews.
You are incredibly ignorant

The truth of the matter is that it is actually Jews who have been cleaned from Arab lands while the Arab population in Israel is growing by leaps and bounds

We knew the “Prime Minister for Life” had already sacrificed Israeli unity in his quest to cling to power. We didn’t know he also had allowed Israel’s biggest intelligence failure in 50 years.​

How could this happen? On the 50th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, on the eve of Simchat Torah, how could Israeli intelligence and the IDF not have been prepared for something big?

Dozens, perhaps hundreds, are dead. Soldiers have been taken prisoner. Civilians taken hostage. Massive damage. Israel’s normalcy shattered. Hamas empowered and emboldened. The vaunted Abraham Accords in tatters.

This is totally Israel's fault! What do you expect Palestinians to do after 56 years of oppression and tyranny from the Israeli government. All the Palestinians want is freedom!
The "Daily Kos" wants to play the blame game while the entire world is in jeopardy. I hope not but the stage is set for an escalation to nuclear war with a weak mentally impaired U.S. President and American intelligence networks that are busy chasing Jan 6 mom and pop demonstrators.
This is totally Israel's fault! What do you expect Palestinians to do after 56 years of oppression and tyranny from the Israeli government. All the Palestinians want is freedom!
The sending of missiles into the homes of families, the breaking down of doors and murder of civilians and kids asleep in their beds with ak47s is for "freedom"? Huh?!
This is totally Israel's fault! What do you expect Palestinians to do after 56 years of oppression and tyranny from the Israeli government. All the Palestinians want is freedom!
You love the inbreds because they kill their wives and daughter for "honor" , kill gays out of hand and are devoted to genocide.

Some more more advanced humans that that.

We knew the “Prime Minister for Life” had already sacrificed Israeli unity in his quest to cling to power. We didn’t know he also had allowed Israel’s biggest intelligence failure in 50 years.​

How could this happen? On the 50th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, on the eve of Simchat Torah, how could Israeli intelligence and the IDF not have been prepared for something big?

Dozens, perhaps hundreds, are dead. Soldiers have been taken prisoner. Civilians taken hostage. Massive damage. Israel’s normalcy shattered. Hamas empowered and emboldened. The vaunted Abraham Accords in tatters.

Once Bennie was a good guy, but power corrupts,
if you do not stop the power madness then the corruption becomes absolute.
The sending of missiles into the homes of families, the breaking down of doors and murder of civilians and kids asleep in their beds with ak47s is for "freedom"? Huh?!
How about 56 years of tyranny and oppression? WTF else do you expect them to do? Fuck Israel! It's a scumbag country with scumbag leaders!
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