Blame on obamacare

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Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Price of milk has gone up. Wal-Mart has raised the price of every thing. Private healthcare have raised their premiums, co-payments and deductions and rationed and eliminated some services, price of gasoline has gone up. Earthquake in Japan. You name it and the Radical Right will find a way to blame it on Obamacare.
Private healthcare system raised it premiums even before Obamacare was signed into law. But they are not offering more serviced to their clients.

Health insurance to rise by about 6 per cent Chalpat Sonti
February 23, 2010
Private Health Insurance Increases | HBF | HIF | Medibank Private

Obamacare is already making a positive difference is people’s lives. And that is what it was meant to do.
If private healthcare system is raising it’s premiums it is not because they are offering their clients more and better services, it’s because they can pay their CEOs bigger bonuses.
De-funding Obamacare means funding private healthcare. Just like de-funding public education means funding private education.
Words used by the Radical Right do not add up to and is just more radical fear mongering.
America is not broke. Social Security has a surplus. Obama say stay out of Vegas and they stayed out. Obamacare will discriminate against Republicans. Spreading lies, hate and fear to raise money even if it mean throwing their own under the bus. Obamacare is un-affordable. Will create death panels and ration healthcare. Buy lots of duct tape and plastic covering. Obama is the boogey man himself. “Most families neither want nor need hundreds of terrorists seeking to kill Americans in their communities." (Eric Cantor) The mushroom cloud. etc, etc, etc,
Place fear into people’s lives and you can control them. Radical Right created the Tea Party and they put horns on Obama pictures.
Don't Let Republican Fear Mongering Scare You
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