Blame this on Bush! Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

Oh wait. I forgot to say "...of any President on record".
U.S. Manufacturing Growth Accelerates For First Time In Six Months

The Institute for Supply Management, a trade group of purchasing managers, said Monday that its manufacturing index rose to 52.8 last month, from 51.5 in April. That's the highest reading since February. Any reading above 50 signals expansion.

U.S. Economy Shrank In Winter But Staging A Spring Rebound

But steady job gains are expected to fuel modestly healthy growth for the rest of 2015. The harsh winter, which kept many consumers home and businesses closed, and a labor dispute that slowed trade at West Coast ports are both over. Home sales and construction are rebounding, along with business investment.

Analysts generally foresee the economy, as measured by the gross domestic product, growing at an annual rate of 2 percent to 2.5 percent in the April-June quarter, with further strengthening later in the year.


Republicans would bring down our economy if they could because they think, somehow, it would hurt Obama. Only, it would hurt them more.
Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

Really? What was the 1st quarter GDP growth for 2009?
That term "average" kinda threw you there, didnt it, Sparky?
This just in: Obama has worst average gas prices after 1 pm on the second Tuesday of months ending in R.
Non answer noted.
Obama has the worst record on the economy of any president since WW2
Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

Really? What was the 1st quarter GDP growth for 2009?
That term "average" kinda threw you there, didnt it, Sparky?
This just in: Obama has worst average gas prices after 1 pm on the second Tuesday of months ending in R.
Non answer noted.
Obama has the worst record on the economy of any president since WW2

Shhhhhh.....Don't mention.....BOOOOOsh
"I'm going to Las Vegas to learn the casino business" --Wry "Freddo" Catcher
I'm going to SanFrancisco to suck cock-Wry "Cum" Catcher

Seems you and Rabbi(t) have much in common. I do hope Warrior isn't reading your post, he and Rabbi(t) consummated their relationship months ago; having a co-member of the echo chamber also gay curious may create a situation. Remember, Warrior was well known as a soap dropper in boot camp, of course having never served and being a chicken hawk crusaderfrank probably have no concept of boot camp.
You sure seem interested in gay sex. Are you outing yourself?

Anyway, on topic: There is no denying that Obama's economic program is a disaster as his foreign policy is. The slowest growth post recession on record. He can blame the weather, kiosks, tsunamis and whatever else but the truth is high taxes and high regulation equals less output.

In a lower division history midterm the Blue Book Question was this:

"Name a historical figure and determine, did history make the man, or did man make history. Illustrate your response with evidence to support your opinion."
I'm not doing your homework for you. Sorry.
The truth is Democratic policies enacted under Obama, at his urging, combined with actions of regulatory agencies, again at his direction,created a situation of slow growth and low participation in the workforce.

LOL, it was rhetorical in nature, Rabbi(t), and stating a Blue Book Midterm was homework is very insightful.
Cue the paid liberals who will flood this thread with skewed or made up stats, that prove somehow Obama "created jobs." They can lie but the real numbers won't.

Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth.

In all first quarters since 1947, the real annual rate of growth of GDP has averaged 4.0 percent.

In the seven first quarters during Obama’s presidency, it has declined by an average of -0.43 percent. And if you leave out the first quarter of 2009 and look only at the first quarters of the six years since the recession ended, it has averaged only 0.4 percent

In the six years of Harry Truman’s presidency for which the BEA has calculated quarterly GDP, the annual rate of growth in GDP in the first quarter averaged 4.5 percent.

Blame It on Global Cooling Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

It's hard to get around the real numbers. Liberals will trot out the usual explanations that it's really Bush's fault, or the Republicans fault.

But Republicans are not to blame for this mess.

Lie your way out of this liberals.
duh!!! He was handed a recession BY HIS REPUBLICAN PREDECESSOR, the likes of which this great nation hasn't seen since the 30's..
ALSO, econ policy changes aren't mirrored in the market for months/years so the lost revenue due to Bush II's tax-cuts to polluters and the wealthy and the unpaid-for $2TRILLION war would not be felt immediately felt Sugar Shorts.
And he went and made it WORSE. Household income is worse today than when Bush left office. Wealth is worse today than when Bush left office. Workforce participation is worse than when Bush left office. Government dependence is worse today than when Bush left office.
WHat part of this do you not get?

The part I don't get is you. You're may be very dumb, completely & willfully ignorant or a partisan liar. Of course I'm convinced you are all of the above.
I'm going to SanFrancisco to suck cock-Wry "Cum" Catcher

Seems you and Rabbi(t) have much in common. I do hope Warrior isn't reading your post, he and Rabbi(t) consummated their relationship months ago; having a co-member of the echo chamber also gay curious may create a situation. Remember, Warrior was well known as a soap dropper in boot camp, of course having never served and being a chicken hawk crusaderfrank probably have no concept of boot camp.
You sure seem interested in gay sex. Are you outing yourself?

Anyway, on topic: There is no denying that Obama's economic program is a disaster as his foreign policy is. The slowest growth post recession on record. He can blame the weather, kiosks, tsunamis and whatever else but the truth is high taxes and high regulation equals less output.

In a lower division history midterm the Blue Book Question was this:

"Name a historical figure and determine, did history make the man, or did man make history. Illustrate your response with evidence to support your opinion."
I'm not doing your homework for you. Sorry.
The truth is Democratic policies enacted under Obama, at his urging, combined with actions of regulatory agencies, again at his direction,created a situation of slow growth and low participation in the workforce.

LOL, it was rhetorical in nature, Rabbi(t), and stating a Blue Book Midterm was homework is very insightful.
All of your posts are rhetorical in nature. That's a polte way of saying they're bullshit.
Ever hear of a take home exam?
"The best definition ever offered came from John Maynard Keynes in his 1936 classic,The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Keynes said a depression is, "a chronic condition of sub-normal activity for a considerable period without any marked tendency towards recovery or towards complete collapse."

Keynes did not refer to declining GDP; he talked about "sub-normal" activity. In other words, it's entirely possible to have growth in a depression. The problem is that the growth is below trend. It is weak growth that does not do the job of providing enough jobs or staying ahead of the national debt. That is exactly what the U.S. is experiencing today.

The long-term growth trend for U.S. GDP is about 3%....That is the meaning of depression. It is not negative growth, but it is below-trend growth. The past seven years of 1% growth, when the historical growth is 3%, is a depression exactly as Keynes defined it." -- Jim Rickards on Obama's Depression
Cue the paid liberals who will flood this thread with skewed or made up stats, that prove somehow Obama "created jobs." They can lie but the real numbers won't.

Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth.

In all first quarters since 1947, the real annual rate of growth of GDP has averaged 4.0 percent.

In the seven first quarters during Obama’s presidency, it has declined by an average of -0.43 percent. And if you leave out the first quarter of 2009 and look only at the first quarters of the six years since the recession ended, it has averaged only 0.4 percent

In the six years of Harry Truman’s presidency for which the BEA has calculated quarterly GDP, the annual rate of growth in GDP in the first quarter averaged 4.5 percent.

Blame It on Global Cooling Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

It's hard to get around the real numbers. Liberals will trot out the usual explanations that it's really Bush's fault, or the Republicans fault.

But Republicans are not to blame for this mess.

Lie your way out of this liberals.
duh!!! He was handed a recession BY HIS REPUBLICAN PREDECESSOR, the likes of which this great nation hasn't seen since the 30's..
ALSO, econ policy changes aren't mirrored in the market for months/years so the lost revenue due to Bush II's tax-cuts to polluters and the wealthy and the unpaid-for $2TRILLION war would not be felt immediately felt Sugar Shorts.
And he went and made it WORSE. Household income is worse today than when Bush left office. Wealth is worse today than when Bush left office. Workforce participation is worse than when Bush left office. Government dependence is worse today than when Bush left office.
WHat part of this do you not get?

The part I don't get is you. You're may be very dumb, completely & willfully ignorant or a partisan liar. Of course I'm convinced you are all of the above.
No, the part you dont get is "Democrat policies produce failure 100% of the time." Can you name a single social or economic policy pursued by Democrats that has succeeded?
Remember when Obama thought America was smart enough to make him his own declared 'One term President'

Even Obama was surprised at his re-election


I don't remember that....maybe you can provide the quote

I seem to remember Mitch McConnell vowing to make him a one term president...he failed

Obama will make McConnell a one term Majority leader
Obama I ll be a one-term president if I can t get this done in three years Radio Vice Online

But you will deny that the quote applies anyway.

Evidently, he got it done

He was reelected by a large margin
And there it is.

No, he didn’t get it done by his own metrics and was elected anyway because the people don’t care. They will elect whatever snake sells the best oil not because it works but because it is their guy.

Politics in this nation has become a joke.
Seems you and Rabbi(t) have much in common. I do hope Warrior isn't reading your post, he and Rabbi(t) consummated their relationship months ago; having a co-member of the echo chamber also gay curious may create a situation. Remember, Warrior was well known as a soap dropper in boot camp, of course having never served and being a chicken hawk crusaderfrank probably have no concept of boot camp.
You sure seem interested in gay sex. Are you outing yourself?

Anyway, on topic: There is no denying that Obama's economic program is a disaster as his foreign policy is. The slowest growth post recession on record. He can blame the weather, kiosks, tsunamis and whatever else but the truth is high taxes and high regulation equals less output.

In a lower division history midterm the Blue Book Question was this:

"Name a historical figure and determine, did history make the man, or did man make history. Illustrate your response with evidence to support your opinion."
I'm not doing your homework for you. Sorry.
The truth is Democratic policies enacted under Obama, at his urging, combined with actions of regulatory agencies, again at his direction,created a situation of slow growth and low participation in the workforce.

LOL, it was rhetorical in nature, Rabbi(t), and stating a Blue Book Midterm was homework is very insightful.
All of your posts are rhetorical in nature. That's a polte way of saying they're bullshit.
Ever hear of a take home exam?

Yep. They're similar to term papers, typed and not completed in a Blue Book. Apparently you have no idea what a blue book is, but now that you've goggled it I've once again provided info you never had before.

You're welcome.
1st quarter blues. How does he rate for the other 3 quarters?

Figures lie and liars figure.
Cue the paid liberals who will flood this thread with skewed or made up stats, that prove somehow Obama "created jobs." They can lie but the real numbers won't.

Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth.

In all first quarters since 1947, the real annual rate of growth of GDP has averaged 4.0 percent.

In the seven first quarters during Obama’s presidency, it has declined by an average of -0.43 percent. And if you leave out the first quarter of 2009 and look only at the first quarters of the six years since the recession ended, it has averaged only 0.4 percent

In the six years of Harry Truman’s presidency for which the BEA has calculated quarterly GDP, the annual rate of growth in GDP in the first quarter averaged 4.5 percent.

Blame It on Global Cooling Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

It's hard to get around the real numbers. Liberals will trot out the usual explanations that it's really Bush's fault, or the Republicans fault.

But Republicans are not to blame for this mess.

Lie your way out of this liberals.
duh!!! He was handed a recession BY HIS REPUBLICAN PREDECESSOR, the likes of which this great nation hasn't seen since the 30's..
ALSO, econ policy changes aren't mirrored in the market for months/years so the lost revenue due to Bush II's tax-cuts to polluters and the wealthy and the unpaid-for $2TRILLION war would not be felt immediately felt Sugar Shorts.
And he went and made it WORSE. Household income is worse today than when Bush left office. Wealth is worse today than when Bush left office. Workforce participation is worse than when Bush left office. Government dependence is worse today than when Bush left office.
WHat part of this do you not get?

The part I don't get is you. You're may be very dumb, completely & willfully ignorant or a partisan liar. Of course I'm convinced you are all of the above.
No, the part you dont get is "Democrat policies produce failure 100% of the time." Can you name a single social or economic policy pursued by Democrats that has succeeded?

Do your own homework. Post every Democratic policy which was a 100% failure!
You sure seem interested in gay sex. Are you outing yourself?

Anyway, on topic: There is no denying that Obama's economic program is a disaster as his foreign policy is. The slowest growth post recession on record. He can blame the weather, kiosks, tsunamis and whatever else but the truth is high taxes and high regulation equals less output.

In a lower division history midterm the Blue Book Question was this:

"Name a historical figure and determine, did history make the man, or did man make history. Illustrate your response with evidence to support your opinion."
I'm not doing your homework for you. Sorry.
The truth is Democratic policies enacted under Obama, at his urging, combined with actions of regulatory agencies, again at his direction,created a situation of slow growth and low participation in the workforce.

LOL, it was rhetorical in nature, Rabbi(t), and stating a Blue Book Midterm was homework is very insightful.
All of your posts are rhetorical in nature. That's a polte way of saying they're bullshit.
Ever hear of a take home exam?

Yep. They're similar to term papers, typed and not completed in a Blue Book. Apparently you have no idea what a blue book is, but now that you've goggled it I've once again provided info you never had before.

You're welcome.
And you're pathetic. Yes, take home exams sometimes came in a blue book. But it is irrelevant. Lke you.
Cue the paid liberals who will flood this thread with skewed or made up stats, that prove somehow Obama "created jobs." They can lie but the real numbers won't.

Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth.

In all first quarters since 1947, the real annual rate of growth of GDP has averaged 4.0 percent.

In the seven first quarters during Obama’s presidency, it has declined by an average of -0.43 percent. And if you leave out the first quarter of 2009 and look only at the first quarters of the six years since the recession ended, it has averaged only 0.4 percent

In the six years of Harry Truman’s presidency for which the BEA has calculated quarterly GDP, the annual rate of growth in GDP in the first quarter averaged 4.5 percent.

Blame It on Global Cooling Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

It's hard to get around the real numbers. Liberals will trot out the usual explanations that it's really Bush's fault, or the Republicans fault.

But Republicans are not to blame for this mess.

Lie your way out of this liberals.
duh!!! He was handed a recession BY HIS REPUBLICAN PREDECESSOR, the likes of which this great nation hasn't seen since the 30's..
ALSO, econ policy changes aren't mirrored in the market for months/years so the lost revenue due to Bush II's tax-cuts to polluters and the wealthy and the unpaid-for $2TRILLION war would not be felt immediately felt Sugar Shorts.
And he went and made it WORSE. Household income is worse today than when Bush left office. Wealth is worse today than when Bush left office. Workforce participation is worse than when Bush left office. Government dependence is worse today than when Bush left office.
WHat part of this do you not get?

The part I don't get is you. You're may be very dumb, completely & willfully ignorant or a partisan liar. Of course I'm convinced you are all of the above.
No, the part you dont get is "Democrat policies produce failure 100% of the time." Can you name a single social or economic policy pursued by Democrats that has succeeded?

Do your own homework. Post every Democratic policy which was a 100% failure!
I asked you to post one that was a success. You cant. Because they all failed.
Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

Really? What was the 1st quarter GDP growth for 2009?
That term "average" kinda threw you there, didnt it, Sparky?
This just in: Obama has worst average gas prices after 1 pm on the second Tuesday of months ending in R.
Non answer noted.
Obama has the worst record on the economy of any president since WW2
Oh there was an answer all right. You just didn't want to face it.
duh!!! He was handed a recession BY HIS REPUBLICAN PREDECESSOR, the likes of which this great nation hasn't seen since the 30's..
ALSO, econ policy changes aren't mirrored in the market for months/years so the lost revenue due to Bush II's tax-cuts to polluters and the wealthy and the unpaid-for $2TRILLION war would not be felt immediately felt Sugar Shorts.
And he went and made it WORSE. Household income is worse today than when Bush left office. Wealth is worse today than when Bush left office. Workforce participation is worse than when Bush left office. Government dependence is worse today than when Bush left office.
WHat part of this do you not get?

The part I don't get is you. You're may be very dumb, completely & willfully ignorant or a partisan liar. Of course I'm convinced you are all of the above.
No, the part you dont get is "Democrat policies produce failure 100% of the time." Can you name a single social or economic policy pursued by Democrats that has succeeded?

Do your own homework. Post every Democratic policy which was a 100% failure!
I asked you to post one that was a success. You cant. Because they all failed.
Equal pay for equal work.

Passed Health Care Reform

Passed the Stimulus

Passed Wall Street Reform

Ended the our war in Iraq

Began Drawdown of War in Afghanistan

Eliminated Osama bin laden

Turned Around U.S. Auto Industry

Recapitalized Banks

Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

Toppled Moammar Gaddafi

Reversed Bush Torture Policies

Improved America’s Image Abroad

Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded Pell Grant Spending

Created Race to the Top

Increased Support for Veterans

Passed Credit Card Reforms

Protected Two Liberal Seats on the U.S. Supreme Court

Improved Food Safety System

Made NASA support private space craft

Expanded Hate Crimes Protections

Brokered Agreement for Speedy Compensation to Victims of Gulf Oil Spill (GOP apologized)

Pushed Broadband Coverage

Expanded Health Coverage for Children

Expanded Stem Cell Research

Provided Payment to Wronged Minority Farmers

Solyndra turned a profit

Banks paid back loans

Car companies paid back loans


I could go on and on and.................

He even expanded gun rights. Oops.

Major Garrett Obama has expanded not reduced gun rights - CBS News

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