Blame this on Bush! Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

The economy that Reagan inherited from Carter was a lot worse than the economy that obama inherited from Bush.

Who told you that?

The misery index told me that!

GDP was -2.77% in Bush's last quarter as president, Q4 2008, and that's not even counting the very bad Jan 2009.

Carter never had a quarter that bad his entire presidency.
Bush's average D GDP growth through his presidency far exceeds Obama's, dum-dum.

Which has exactly nothing to do with the condition of the economy when Obama took over.
here's a clue....most of the country was snowed under for the first quarter. Sheesh! what a moron.

Here's a clue. OBAMA HAS HAD SIX AND ONE HALF YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!

Reagan turned around the damage Carter did to the country in TWO YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!

Bush rode out the damage 9/11 did to the country

Keep making excuses for a president who has done nothing to improve the economy and in face has made it worse.

Summer of recovery my ass!


well it doesnt help when the admin bses its way through

getting almost a trillion dollars saying the jobs are shovel ready

only to find out after the money disappeared that laughingly

(the joke is on you)

that the jobs in fact was not shovel ready at all
kaz said:
Do you blame Reagan for the 2nd worst recession since the Great Depression?

That started 5 months into his term. Here's a thought, answer my question. How did he manage that? It wasn't even his budget, it was Clinton.

And you're at the same time arguing Obama is not responsible SIX AND A HALF YEARS into his presidency. You really are not a bright boy

So NYCarbineer, you still hiding from this question? I've asked you a half dozen times. Being the student of history that you are, how did Reagan cause a recession in five months not even operating on his budget? Stop running away and answer it, it's your claim
The economy that Reagan inherited from Carter was a lot worse than the economy that obama inherited from Bush.

Who told you that?
Notice the false pattern recognition? Reagan enherits carters mess bush enherts clintons mess but clinton didn't enherit Bush's mess and Obama didn't take on Bush's recession.

And right now GOP governors all around america aren't taking credit for Obamas recovery. We can't win.
Ya gotta love it....
Fact.... first quarter GDP's there right in your face Libs.
Fact....Obama is President....

Libs rally around their Supreme leader....

'Well we had bad weather the first quarter.... I guess this is the first time in our history that has happened???
'Well it's Bush's fault or It's the Republicans fault....

How about you Libs try this....

'We had a sucky first quarter GDP but then again look who's President'....and we move on to other things.
We still have Baltimore to make fun of...

I still have a few more suggestions for a new welcome to Baltimore sign.... heh heh heh
The hypocrisy from the crazy far right wing is humongous but is still smaller than their mendacious and fatuous posts.

Remember when they posted
  • Presidents can't create jobs
  • Government can't create jobs
and now they blame him for a jobless recovery.

Here are a few more:

Addicting Info 18 Crazy Right-Wing Myths About Obama Debunked
No one is a bigger hypocrite than you. Or a bigger ignoramus.
Governments can and do create conditions that are either conducive to job creation or antithetical to it (look up the big words in a dictionary or get an adult to help).
This government has created adverse conditions in every industry. Never mind this past quarter, virtually every quarter of Obama's presidency has sucked, with one exception. All have been below 3%. That isnt the weather, that isnt kiosks, that isn't the Russians. That is the Democrats reaping what they've sown.
Oh, really? The economy is worse now than it was when Bush left office? Incredible. The economy shrinks, racism inflates, more wars and closing stores. What's next? I will pray for the nation.
Something extraordinary must occur for the American economy to grow at a rate of only .7%.

Well lets see...we have extraordinary government spending and debt (BO will have doubled the debt in just 8 years), we have QE, ZIRP, massive regulations on business, Obamacare, unreported inflation, under reported unemployment, huge increase in government entitlement usage, nearly 100 million Americans of working age not working, income inequality spiking, government corruption everywhere....

What have I missed?

And yet, some are confused as to why we have stagnant economic growth.
The hypocrisy from the crazy far right wing is humongous but is still smaller than their mendacious and fatuous posts.

Remember when they posted
  • Presidents can't create jobs
  • Government can't create jobs
and now they blame him for a jobless recovery.

Here are a few more:

Addicting Info 18 Crazy Right-Wing Myths About Obama Debunked
No one is a bigger hypocrite than you. Or a bigger ignoramus.
Governments can and do create conditions that are either conducive to job creation or antithetical to it (look up the big words in a dictionary or get an adult to help).
This government has created adverse conditions in every industry. Never mind this past quarter, virtually every quarter of Obama's presidency has sucked, with one exception. All have been below 3%. That isnt the weather, that isnt kiosks, that isn't the Russians. That is the Democrats reaping what they've sown.

You should be commended first for not using vulgar sexual comments. That said, you failed to respond to anything in the link and opened your post, as usual, with an ad hominem and failed to respond to the 18 examples in the link and the meme, echoed by other crazy right wingers, that government cannot create jobs - one more example of you attempting to rewrite history. I don't know if you're are trying to fool others, or yourself.
here's a clue....most of the country was snowed under for the first quarter. Sheesh! what a moron.

:wtf:'s called winter. It happens every year...

And for those old enough to remember, in past snowy winters we didn't have Amazon and other online vendors to help offset brick and mortor losses.

Actually there are some businesses that thrive during snowy seasons.

Snow removal
Tire and battery retail
Auto body shops
here's a clue....most of the country was snowed under for the first quarter. Sheesh! what a moron.

:wtf:'s called winter. It happens every year...

And for those old enough to remember, in past snowy winters we didn't have Amazon and other online vendors to help offset brick and mortor losses.

Actually there are some businesses that thrive during snowy seasons.

Snow removal
Tire and battery retail
Auto body shops

"Economists estimate the drop-off in consumer spending, missed days at work, and transportation delays caused by the string of winter storms have already cost Massachusetts more than $1 billion in lost business activity. The losses are sizable enough to reduce the local economy’s output by 1 percentage point during the beginning of 2015."
Mass. businesses reeling from storm cycle - Business - The Boston Globe

And this was only in one state, the Eastern Seaboard and even the deep south experience very unusual and extreme weather conditions so far this year Consider this past week the rain and floods and tornadoes in Texas and Oklahoma.
South gets hit with another winter storm -

Well, asking a partisan hack to consider anything which conflicts with his or her worldview is silly - of course facts will never intrude on their fantasy world.
Dumb luck for Obama to be the only president to reign during a cold winter. I mean he can't catch a break!
here's a clue....most of the country was snowed under for the first quarter. Sheesh! what a moron.

:wtf:'s called winter. It happens every year...

And for those old enough to remember, in past snowy winters we didn't have Amazon and other online vendors to help offset brick and mortor losses.

Actually there are some businesses that thrive during snowy seasons.

Snow removal
Tire and battery retail
Auto body shops

"Economists estimate the drop-off in consumer spending, missed days at work, and transportation delays caused by the string of winter storms have already cost Massachusetts more than $1 billion in lost business activity. The losses are sizable enough to reduce the local economy’s output by 1 percentage point during the beginning of 2015."
Mass. businesses reeling from storm cycle - Business - The Boston Globe

And this was only in one state, the Eastern Seaboard and even the deep south experience very unusual and extreme weather conditions so far this year Consider this past week the rain and floods and tornadoes in Texas and Oklahoma.
South gets hit with another winter storm -

Well, asking a partisan hack to consider anything which conflicts with his or her worldview is silly - of course facts will never intrude on their fantasy world.

I was pointing out obvious flaws. And one more.

In Past snowy winters the 4x4 was rare, now millions more are on the road.
The economy that Reagan inherited from Carter was a lot worse than the economy that obama inherited from Bush.

Who told you that?

The misery index told me that!

GDP was -2.77% in Bush's last quarter as president, Q4 2008, and that's not even counting the very bad Jan 2009.

Carter never had a quarter that bad his entire presidency.

The GDP became -2.77% when the Democrat elected Congress took over after the 2006 midterm elections. Obama has done nothing to significantly improve the economy after becoming President. For instance, his stimulus package was a tremendous failure.

All the sonofabitch had to do was lower taxes, cut back on the regulatory framework and encourage private investment then we would have had a booming recovery. Instead he played golf, raised money for the filthy Democrat Party and raided the Treasury and gave the money to the despicable special interest groups that elected him like the welfare queens and unions.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what Obama did wrong.

Blaming Obama's failures on Booosh is nothing more a pathetic form of denial. The shithead has been President for seven years now and he had a Democrat control Senate for all but one year and his Party controlled Congress for two years before he became President and two years after. It is his failure.

Those idiots that voted for him need to take responsibility for making a very bad decision. They should have known better.
After the destruction of the economy on Bush's watch, it's understandable that years later the damage would still not be undone.

Bashing and blaming Bush does not build the case that Obama's policies are the solution to improving the economy. Name a President that has not inherited a recession? You people are convinced that Bush is the problem for Obama's 6+ Year Economy and Running but you have yet to convince yourself and others that Obama's policies are the solution. If Obama's policies were working, at least part of the Hill would remain with Democrats and 2016 Democrat Candidates would be riding on his success.
Bush has a lower fourth quarter GDP than Obama

It is fun when you cherry pick statistics isn't it?

Do you understand the word "average" or were absent that day in school when it was discussed?
Sure do

And Bushs "average" fourth quarter growth is the worst in history. Thereby making him the worst president in history
The economy that Reagan inherited from Carter was a lot worse than the economy that obama inherited from Bush.

Who told you that?

The misery index told me that!

GDP was -2.77% in Bush's last quarter as president, Q4 2008, and that's not even counting the very bad Jan 2009.

Carter never had a quarter that bad his entire presidency.

The GDP became -2.77% when the Democrat elected Congress took over after the 2006 midterm elections. Obama has done nothing to significantly improve the economy after becoming President. For instance, his stimulus package was a tremendous failure.

All the sonofabitch had to do was lower taxes, cut back on the regulatory framework and encourage private investment then we would have had a booming recovery. Instead he played golf, raised money for the filthy Democrat Party and raided the Treasury and gave the money to the despicable special interest groups that elected him like the welfare queens and unions.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what Obama did wrong.

Blaming Obama's failures on Booosh is nothing more a pathetic form of denial. The shithead has been President for seven years now and he had a Democrat control Senate for all but one year and his Party controlled Congress for two years before he became President and two years after. It is his failure.

Those idiots that voted for him need to take responsibility for making a very bad decision. They should have known better.
Cut taxes, cut back on regulation and watch the economy boom

Didn't we try that under Bush and created the worst economic Colapse in seventy five years

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