Blame this on Bush! Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

here's a clue....most of the country was snowed under for the first quarter. Sheesh! what a moron.
Good comment....good excuse...I'll add that one to the Little Blue Book of Regressive Excuses.
Thank You!
A pattern seems to be developing that indicates a slow down in retail sales during winter months. People have become more thrifty and cautious with their spending during that period. Tied to the high dollar value that slows down exports the two positives create a slight negative. On the upside, housing starts are up along with jobs growth and other indicators are promising a quick rebound, the same as occurred last year. I have no idea who to blame or credit with the cultural and global changes that influence the economy in the 21st Century.
Eventually the left loons will have to place the blame exactly where it belongs....Dear Leader. Bbbbutttt Boooooosh has ran it's course. Obungles has had 6 1/2 years, time to wake up and smell the coffee, loons. He's an epic fail
Reagan had 16 month recession DURING his presidency. lol, so he recovered from his OWN recession.


Everyone knows it was Carter's mess, but REGARDLESS.

Whether it was Carter's or Reagan's mess HE STILL FIXED IT!

When does Obama get around to that!

Keep digging that hole of excuses, liberals!


To be a Democrat is to never have to say I am responsible for anything

If you think you can prove Obama is responsible for every detail of the economy, by all means,

entertain with that effort.

Strawman. Where did I ever say that? Actually, the President is only one factor in the economy. I just like to mock you for your flagrant double standards regarding Republican and Democratic presidents

So you mock Democrats for not blaming Obama for the slow recovery and then I manage to get you to admit he shouldn't be blamed for it.

You take everything to such ridiculous extremes.

"If you think you can prove Obama is responsible for every detail of the economy, by all means"

"So you mock Democrats for not blaming Obama for the slow recovery and then I manage to get you to admit he shouldn't be blamed for it"

I said

1) My point is your flagrant double standard - you missed that completely

2) The President is one factor, which you turned into not responsible at all, but only for Obama.

Being simplistic is a clear sign you are a simpleton
Inclement weather can slow production and shipping.

And on bad days shoppers tend to stay home.

Yes, yes, blah, blah, blah. Actually, there's one pivotal fact that causes the beginning of the year to be a time of frugality for the American consumer.'s actually two. It's a conjunction of two factors. One is that it immediately follows the holiday season where people have just spent every last penny of disposable income plus maxed out their credit cards. Care to take a guess at the second factor?

And NO OTHER PRESIDENT has had to deal with that issue, ONLY OBAMA, right?


Shut up you fucking moron. If you weren't such a shallow piece of mold and slime maybe you'd have two brain cells to rub together and be able to comprehend something a little more in depth than your love of sucking partisan dick. Get a fucking clue and stop guzzling cum from Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck like the little faggot that you are, and just maybe you'd actually have some thought worth thinking inside that empty pimple of a skull of yours.

You know what the second factor is? It's taxes! Taxes, you fucking moron. After the holidays it becomes tax season, and everyone starts freaking the fuck out about what they're going to owe, because now they're broke and they're worried that they're going to get hit with a steep tax bill that they won't be able to afford. It's not about snow, it's about being broke after Christmas and tax season being here. So what's the deal with Obama and taxes? Under Obama, everyone has been that much more panicked because they know they're going to get hit all the harder. So they're pinching down and becoming even more frugal than before.

Were you under some kind of pathetic notion that I like President Obama? Because if you were than you're way off the fucking mark. The difference between you and me is that my head isn't filled with maggots like yours. If you had ever paid one penny of tax in your life you would have probably already known all of that that I said above. But your trailer trash, welfare riding ass can't be bothered with any of that. You're too busy having a hard on for Obamahate that you're shooting your load all over your face.

Everyone knows it was Carter's mess, but REGARDLESS.

Whether it was Carter's or Reagan's mess HE STILL FIXED IT!

When does Obama get around to that!

Keep digging that hole of excuses, liberals!


To be a Democrat is to never have to say I am responsible for anything

If you think you can prove Obama is responsible for every detail of the economy, by all means,

entertain with that effort.

Strawman. Where did I ever say that? Actually, the President is only one factor in the economy. I just like to mock you for your flagrant double standards regarding Republican and Democratic presidents

Notice Bush was to blame for everything when president yet Obama is NEVER to be blamed for anything.

Long after Bush as left office somehow Bush is STILL TO BLAME and Obama is just a helpless little innocent!


What do you blame Bush for? Do you blame Bush for the worst recession since the Great Depression?

The correct answer is Clinton for his housing bubble policies ... and W for continuing those policies ... and the congresses who enabled them to do it

Do you blame Reagan for the 2nd worst recession since the Great Depression?

That started 5 months into his term. Here's a thought, answer my question. How did he manage that? It wasn't even his budget, it was Clinton.

And you're at the same time arguing Obama is not responsible SIX AND A HALF YEARS into his presidency. You really are not a bright boy
To be a Democrat is to never have to say I am responsible for anything

If you think you can prove Obama is responsible for every detail of the economy, by all means,

entertain with that effort.

Strawman. Where did I ever say that? Actually, the President is only one factor in the economy. I just like to mock you for your flagrant double standards regarding Republican and Democratic presidents

Notice Bush was to blame for everything when president yet Obama is NEVER to be blamed for anything.

Long after Bush as left office somehow Bush is STILL TO BLAME and Obama is just a helpless little innocent!


What do you blame Bush for?


Bush isn't president and yet STILL you want to make this about Bush!

You make my point for me!


He blames Obama for trying too hard, caring too much, and for seeing nothing but good in people and trusting his fellow man, which the Republicans use against him. Sob, sob, Obama is wonderful
Eventually the left loons will have to place the blame exactly where it belongs....Dear Leader. Bbbbutttt Boooooosh has ran it's course. Obungles has had 6 1/2 years, time to wake up and smell the coffee, loons. He's an epic fail
Guess it all depends on your situation and where you live. Things are great where I live. Surplus of jobs. You can have two or three if you want to put in the hours. I am pretty much retired so it doesn't mean anything to me. I do enjoy checking out the new restaurants, pubs and various businesses. My investment portfolio was down 40% in 2008. It has rebounded and gained back all the losses and I am happy with the current growth and returns. Now if I could just sell my baseball card collection everything would be great.

Everyone knows it was Carter's mess, but REGARDLESS.

Whether it was Carter's or Reagan's mess HE STILL FIXED IT!

When does Obama get around to that!

Keep digging that hole of excuses, liberals!


To be a Democrat is to never have to say I am responsible for anything

If you think you can prove Obama is responsible for every detail of the economy, by all means,

entertain with that effort.

Strawman. Where did I ever say that? Actually, the President is only one factor in the economy. I just like to mock you for your flagrant double standards regarding Republican and Democratic presidents

Notice Bush was to blame for everything when president yet Obama is NEVER to be blamed for anything.

Long after Bush as left office somehow Bush is STILL TO BLAME and Obama is just a helpless little innocent!

And if there is a republican president then they will be responsible for everything that happens under their watch from day one.

They call that partisanship.

They won't wait until day one. We were a whisker from a recession six months before W took office, four months before he was elected and that was his fault
Eventually the left loons will have to place the blame exactly where it belongs....Dear Leader. Bbbbutttt Boooooosh has ran it's course. Obungles has had 6 1/2 years, time to wake up and smell the coffee, loons. He's an epic fail
Guess it all depends on your situation and where you live. Things are great where I live. Surplus of jobs. You can have two or three if you want to put in the hours. I am pretty much retired so it doesn't mean anything to me. I do enjoy checking out the new restaurants, pubs and various businesses. My investment portfolio was down 40% in 2008. It has rebounded and gained back all the losses and I am happy with the current growth and returns. Now if I could just sell my baseball card collection everything would be great.

You'd have to be an incompetent jackass to lose money in the markets lately.
Blame this on anybody....
Just as long as it's not blamed on Obama.
You can't blame anything bad on Obama....
Democrat hack rule number one.
Shut up you fucking moron. If you weren't such a shallow piece of mold and slime maybe you'd have two brain cells to rub together and be able to comprehend something a little more in depth than your love of sucking partisan dick. Get a fucking clue and stop guzzling cum from Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck like the little faggot that you are, and just maybe you'd actually have some thought worth thinking inside that empty pimple of a skull of yours.

You know what the second factor is? It's taxes! Taxes, you fucking moron. After the holidays it becomes tax season, and everyone starts freaking the fuck out about what they're going to owe, because now they're broke and they're worried that they're going to get hit with a steep tax bill that they won't be able to afford. It's not about snow, it's about being broke after Christmas and tax season being here. So what's the deal with Obama and taxes? Under Obama, everyone has been that much more panicked because they know they're going to get hit all the harder. So they're pinching down and becoming even more frugal than before.

Were you under some kind of pathetic notion that I like President Obama? Because if you were than you're way off the fucking mark. The difference between you and me is that my head isn't filled with maggots like yours. If you had ever paid one penny of tax in your life you would have probably already known all of that that I said above. But your trailer trash, welfare riding ass can't be bothered with any of that. You're too busy having a hard on for Obamahate that you're shooting your load all over your face.

If you had read the article you would understand that every President has to face economic slowdown in the winter months. Every President has to face people worrying about taxes (if in reality they do). On Obama's watch the first quarter economic growth has been very dismal. Worse than any other President. That is a fact.

Obama has a dismal economic record. His Left idea of redistribution of wealth and income instead of growing the economy by stimulating capitalism has failed miserably. Left economics always fail.

Pointing that out is not moronic. Denying or tying to justify the damage that Obama has done to this economy and to the American people is what most people would call moronic. People that do that are the ones that Jonathan Gruber has refereed to as "the stupid Americans".
Were you under some kind of pathetic notion that I like President Obama? Because if you were than you're way off the fucking mark

Well, maybe here would be a start as to why...

Get a fucking clue and stop guzzling cum from Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck like the little faggot that you are, and just maybe you'd actually have some thought worth thinking inside that empty pimple of a skull of yours.

You sure sound like a liberal simp
Eventually the left loons will have to place the blame exactly where it belongs....Dear Leader. Bbbbutttt Boooooosh has ran it's course. Obungles has had 6 1/2 years, time to wake up and smell the coffee, loons. He's an epic fail
Guess it all depends on your situation and where you live. Things are great where I live. Surplus of jobs. You can have two or three if you want to put in the hours. I am pretty much retired so it doesn't mean anything to me. I do enjoy checking out the new restaurants, pubs and various businesses. My investment portfolio was down 40% in 2008. It has rebounded and gained back all the losses and I am happy with the current growth and returns. Now if I could just sell my baseball card collection everything would be great.

You'd have to be an incompetent jackass to lose money in the markets lately.

Then shouldn't you be thanking Obama? After all you believe he controls every aspect of the economy.

Then shouldn't you be thanking Obama? After all you believe he controls every aspect of the economy.

I love to see the Obama lovers go into their denial mode. "My baby didnt do nutin".

Government fiscal policy can play an enormous role in the economy.

Obama's Left leaning policy of redistribution of wealth and income and enormous government interference in the free market hasn't produced jackshit for economic growth.

If the idiot hadn't been such a greedy class warfare turdbrain he would have stimulated the economy through lower taxes, less regulations, smaller government and more investment. But no the sonofabitch was more concerned that his despicable coalition of welfare queens would not get enough freebies (like subsidies health insurance) if he did that.
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Were you under some kind of pathetic notion that I like President Obama? Because if you were than you're way off the fucking mark

Well, maybe here would be a start as to why...

Get a fucking clue and stop guzzling cum from Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck like the little faggot that you are, and just maybe you'd actually have some thought worth thinking inside that empty pimple of a skull of yours.

You sure sound like a liberal simp

Just because your idea of being "conservative" means being Limbaugh's faggot lover doesn't mean that those of us with actual intelligence are obliged to share in your delusions.
Were you under some kind of pathetic notion that I like President Obama? Because if you were than you're way off the fucking mark

Well, maybe here would be a start as to why...

Get a fucking clue and stop guzzling cum from Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck like the little faggot that you are, and just maybe you'd actually have some thought worth thinking inside that empty pimple of a skull of yours.

You sure sound like a liberal simp

Just because your idea of being "conservative" means being Limbaugh's faggot lover doesn't mean that those of us with actual intelligence are obliged to share in your delusions.

Rush is a conservative. He's entertaining. He's no thought leader. He's just a conservative. You need to stop being the liberals bitch and blindly believe the caricature of him they attack. Maybe listen to him a few times.

As a libertarian, I generally agree with him on fiscal issues and disagree with him on social and military issues. But he's entertaining. And man, no one screws with liberals like him. Stop being the Democrats faggot lover, especially if you're actually not a Democrat
here's a clue....most of the country was snowed under for the first quarter. Sheesh! what a moron.

Here's a clue. OBAMA HAS HAD SIX AND ONE HALF YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!

Reagan turned around the damage Carter did to the country in TWO YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!

Bush rode out the damage 9/11 did to the country

Keep making excuses for a president who has done nothing to improve the economy and in face has made it worse.

Summer of recovery my ass!

You must have a hazy memory, The entire 1980's was a wash out until the mid nineties, real income did not rise...
Bush has a lower fourth quarter GDP than Obama

It is fun when you cherry pick statistics isn't it?
Conservatives please, do not engage in the lying lowlife scum liberal's game of dishonesty to make a point don't sink to their level. This past winter was brutal and widespread it clearly impacted the numbers.

there was a winter, where, for who
in the intermountain west we didn't even know there was a winter

interesting paradox the dems blame the low economy on a phenomenon they don't believe in

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