Blame this on Bush! Obama Has Lowest Average 1stQ GDP Growth of Any President on Record

The Dow rises while Obama is in office.
Obama has nothing to do with that but the Libs give him all the credit.....
Well it happened under Obama's watch I guess that would be their reply......

The 2015 first quarter GDP number was abysmal and it happened 'under Obama's watch'.....
The Libs will have none of that,,,,
Obama has nothing to do with GDP......

Wait until the number bumps up a bit....
The Libs will be all over it ....
Post after post will be .....

Thank you Mr.President for a great GDP number.....

Un fucking believable.
here's a clue....most of the country was snowed under for the first quarter. Sheesh! what a moron.

Just WOW

You really are one stupid motherfucker

You sure like to call people stupid and motherfuckers. Why is that? We know it's not an effort to convince anyone that you're smart or couth.

If you believe it is you're even dumber than I know you to be.
Who told you that?

The misery index told me that!

GDP was -2.77% in Bush's last quarter as president, Q4 2008, and that's not even counting the very bad Jan 2009.

Carter never had a quarter that bad his entire presidency.

The GDP became -2.77% when the Democrat elected Congress took over after the 2006 midterm elections. Obama has done nothing to significantly improve the economy after becoming President. For instance, his stimulus package was a tremendous failure.

All the sonofabitch had to do was lower taxes, cut back on the regulatory framework and encourage private investment then we would have had a booming recovery. Instead he played golf, raised money for the filthy Democrat Party and raided the Treasury and gave the money to the despicable special interest groups that elected him like the welfare queens and unions.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what Obama did wrong.

Blaming Obama's failures on Booosh is nothing more a pathetic form of denial. The shithead has been President for seven years now and he had a Democrat control Senate for all but one year and his Party controlled Congress for two years before he became President and two years after. It is his failure.

Those idiots that voted for him need to take responsibility for making a very bad decision. They should have known better.
Cut taxes, cut back on regulation and watch the economy boom

Didn't we try that under Bush and created the worst economic Colapse in seventy five years
Cut the bullshit...You were just told that the dems had control of Congress for 4 consecutive years.
Obama had the bully pulpit for two years running. They could have done anything they wanted. Instead nothing was done.
The obfuscation, eschewing of responsibility and the blaming of others stops here.

Your ignorance of the rules of the Senate are showing.
Dumb luck for Obama to be the only president to reign during a cold winter. I mean he can't catch a break!

Does such a comment ^^^ bring anything of substance to the issue at hand? Meathead seems a most appropriate nom be plume for this guy(?). Maybe he or one of the other meatheads can comment on this link below, a rebuttal of meatheads of other echo chamber members:

Addicting Info 18 Crazy Right-Wing Myths About Obama Debunked
Sorry, I thought this was the first cold winter in American history.

Seriously, the economy tanked in the 1rst quarter because of the weather?! That's right up there with it's Bush's fault.
After the destruction of the economy on Bush's watch, it's understandable that years later the damage would still not be undone.

Huh? Fannies and Freddie are "Profitable" and all the banks have been doing great for half a decade

WTF are you talking about?
Cut the bullshit...You were just told that the dems had control of Congress for 4 consecutive years.
Obama had the bully pulpit for two years running. They could have done anything they wanted. Instead nothing was done.
The obfuscation, eschewing of responsibility and the blaming of others stops here.

Republicans had control for six years in which they passed two tax cuts and ordered the Justice Dept to cut back on regulation

We ended up with the worst collapse in generations

Reaganomics at its best
Link to Republicans ordering te Justice Dept to cut back on regulations?
HaHa! of course not! I was just kidding. You can't prove any of the shit you post. Because it's all a lie!
Rabbi Rule #1: Never give in to Rabbis demands for links

You will waste your time and Rabbi will immediately declare them bogus without reading them
Translation: Never provide proof for something that doesnt exist.

How Rabbi Rule works

Rabbi: can't prove that

Other Poster......Link, proof, irrefutable proof

Rabbi: That is all bullshit, I told you that you can't prove it

I agree, however you missed the other comments Rabbi(t) adds, calling others stupid morons - something he must have heard often growing up.

Cut taxes, cut back on regulation and watch the economy boom

Didn't we try that under Bush and created the worst economic Colapse in seventy five years

Even with Bush's rinky dink tax reduction the economy recovered after the trillion dollar hit because of 911.

However, he really didn't do much to cut back on regulation. In fact he grew the size of government, increased debt, created entitlements and wouldn't even seal the borders. You know, all the things that Democrats normally do.

Bush's model (until the 2006 Democrat elected Congress and Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski and Harry Reid got control) was far from perfect but it was better than Obama's.

The economy can't do well when over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government. When $4 trillion alone is taken out of the economy by the filthy ass federal government and a similar amount by the state and locals no wonder jobs are not created. The money is being spent on subsidies for union pension, payback to Solyndra executives, Obamaphones, food stamps for illegals, vacations for Michelle, and shrimp treadmill studies. Junk that may make the Clintons rich and get Obama reelected but does nothing to grow the productive economy.

In the meantime the debt is growing. At $18 trillion now for the Feds and another three and a half trillion for state and local.

Obama is doing it wrong. Instead of concentrating on growing the economy by stimulating capitalism he is doing what all Left Wing dumbasses have been doing for the last 100 years that has failed all over the world. He has focused on taking money away from those that earned it and giving it to the shitheads that didn't earn it. That always reeks havoc on an economy.

Cut taxes, cut back on regulation and watch the economy boom

Didn't we try that under Bush and created the worst economic Colapse in seventy five years

Even with Bush's rinky dink tax reduction the economy recovered after the trillion dollar hit because of 911.

However, he really didn't do much to cut back on regulation. In fact he grew the size of government, increased debt, created entitlements and wouldn't even seal the borders. You know, all the things that Democrats normally do.

Bush's model (until the 2006 Democrat elected Congress and Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski and Harry Reid got control) was far from perfect but it was better than Obama's.

The economy can't do well when over 40% of the GNP goes to the combined cost of government. When $4 trillion alone is taken out of the economy by the filthy ass federal government and a similar amount by the state and locals no wonder jobs are not created. The money is being spent on subsidies for union pension, payback to Solyndra executives, Obamaphones, food stamps for illegals, vacations for Michelle, and shrimp treadmill studies. Junk that may make the Clintons rich and get Obama reelected but does nothing to grow the productive economy.

In the meantime the debt is growing. At $18 trillion now for the Feds and another three and a half trillion for state and local.

Obama is doing it wrong. Instead of concentrating on growing the economy by stimulating capitalism he is doing what all Left Wing dumbasses have been doing for the last 100 years that has failed all over the world. He has focused on taking money away from those that earned it and giving it to the shitheads that didn't earn it. That always reeks havoc on an economy.
Bush started two wars and cut taxes to pay for them

Fucking moron
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Bush's overall average GDP growth for his 8 years was 4.225%. Obama's average over 7 years is 3.417%.
Bush beat Obama. Obama is the worst president economically speaking ever.
Bush was given a booming economy and left an economy in collapse. Bush started with the Dow at 10,750 and left it at 8150 eight years later

Meanwhile, the Dow has risen 10,000 under Obama

So why do his first quarter numbers suck Kenyan monkey dick? Booooosh?
here's a clue....most of the country was snowed under for the first quarter. Sheesh! what a moron.

Just WOW

You really are one stupid motherfucker

You sure like to call people stupid and motherfuckers. Why is that? We know it's not an effort to convince anyone that you're smart or couth.

If you believe it is you're even dumber than I know you to be.
You too are either a dumb motherfucker or a hack.

Which is it?
here's a clue....most of the country was snowed under for the first quarter. Sheesh! what a moron.

Just WOW

You really are one stupid motherfucker
Can you explain what about that comment is stupid?
Everything lol

I was unaware that it only snowed during Obamas tenure lol

Well let's look at your cherry picked data points

1 Qtr 2009: Obama takes office in an economic downfall. GDP negative 7
1 Qtr 2014 : Severe snow storms mean roada closed and businesses closed. GDP negative 1 and rebounds for the rest of the year
1 Qtr 2015: Again record storms droping four or more feet of snow in the east. GDP negative 0.7. We will see how it rebounds

Those are three of seven data points. And they prove?

Nothing actually
Bush's overall average GDP growth for his 8 years was 4.225%. Obama's average over 7 years is 3.417%.
Bush beat Obama. Obama is the worst president economically speaking ever.
Bush was given a booming economy and left an economy in collapse. Bush started with the Dow at 10,750 and left it at 8150 eight years later

Meanwhile, the Dow has risen 10,000 under Obama

So why do his first quarter numbers suck Kenyan monkey dick? Booooosh?
His very first GDP quarter in Jan-March 09 was negative SEVEN GDP
Yes, you can blame Bush
Conservatives please, do not engage in the lying lowlife scum liberal's game of dishonesty to make a point don't sink to their level. This past winter was brutal and widespread it clearly impacted the numbers.

Yeah, because NO OTHER president ever had to deal with bad weather!!!!

Who's being dishonest here?



All I'm saying is don't sink to their level, there's 101 indisputable things to call this administration out on.

Gee, as far as I know, people STILL go to work whether or not the weather is bad or not.
People STILL need a paycheck to feed and put clothes on their families.
IF anything, people will go out and buy more shovels, snowmobiles, snow blowers, roof rakes, etc.
Then again, apparently, you will defend obama with any flimsy excuse.

Obama is a retard, you are not much smarter. What is the key driver in our economy...yes housing which tanks when its that brutally cold out. Our economy is succeeding in spite of Obama and his band of liberal idiots not because of them. They take credit because they are dishonest liars.

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