Blaxk actress gets abuse after being cast as Juliet.

Blaxk actress gets abuse after being cast as Juliet.​

You changed one spelling error but did not notice the other .

A lazy person who does not check .
He's making sure that the "blaxks" can understand. :lol:

w. t. h.

I thought we were over this shit. But there are still knuckle draggers among us.
The cowardly right wing fucks who do this are why we have hate crimes.

These right wing shits should consider this.

1. They are not the sort of people who would watch Shakespeare anyway. It is too complex for their tiny brains to process. They are more likely to be watching a Segal movie.

2. Through most of the plays life Juliet was played by a young boy in drag. Imagine the uproar from the ignorant if that was still the case ?

3.. ALl of Shakespeares black characters have been played by white actors in black face. So fuck off you racist trash.
So why again are you publicizing this and giving the haters a platform to spread their poison? It would be far better to marginalize them by ignoring them, but here we are...
Two transsexuals

A female posing as a boy playing Romeo

And a boy pretending to be a girl playing juliet

Confusion reigns in lib la la land
OK....Are the feuding families then hetero-normative (I'm sorry, "CIS") or also LGBTQWERTY+++ fruitcakes?

We may be onto a big, big hit here! :laugh2:

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