Bleeding Heart Tightwads, Liberals don´t care about the needy like conservatives do.

Turn Right

VIP Member
Jun 24, 2019
Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates.
What you don't know about the "Hail Satan" liberal soup kitchen down on second Street?

Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates.

Dear Turn Right
For Liberals who live by "scarcity mentality"
they don't have faith that people can invest in their own solutions.
They believe the only way to protect all people equally is to
centralize this through govt as a "public default" institution and authority.

When it comes to giving individually, people respond to
different priorities.

To their credit, I notice when Liberal friends and activists will go out of their
way to help others in the community, even when they don't have resources themselves. The heroes after Harvey and other catastrophic flooding include
people who did animal rescues when everyone else had their hands full with other emergencies.

Everyone has their place and purpose,
talents and best ways of contributing.

Not everyone connects with a large church or a nonprofit that can do all the work it takes to serve the greater population. So the liberals I know who want everyone to have equal access to help often turn to GOVT as the central source they trust to make sure such programs will be established to serve the public equally.

There are those who believe in using the government as their
substitute "church' authority for taking care of the general welfare.
If that's their belief, I just ask that they take RESPONSIBILITY for it
and NOT impose terms of taxation on others who have different
standards and conditions on providing social services to people.

So it's fine to believe in govt duty for "promoting general welfare"
and protecting public interest including health and safety -- but
laws and reforms must follow CONSTITUTIONAL process and
respect limits and DUE PROCESS. Citizens cannot be deprived
of liberty to choose or their income/labor just because of some
PERCEIVED "compelling interest".

This is where Liberals fail to recognize other Constitutional laws
and rights protecting others EQUAL to their own beliefs.

There is nothing wrong with believing in public options through govt,
but the part Liberals don't all get is it is also UNCONSTITUTIONAL
to force others to fund their beliefs without due process of laws
and democratic representation, so everyone's freedom is protected equally.
Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates.

Dear Turn Right
For Liberals who live by "scarcity mentality"
they don't have faith that people can invest in their own solutions.
They believe the only way to protect all people equally is to
centralize this through govt as a "public default" institution and authority.

When it comes to giving individually, people respond to
different priorities.

To their credit, I notice when Liberal friends and activists will go out of their
way to help others in the community, even when they don't have resources themselves. The heroes after Harvey and other catastrophic flooding include
people who did animal rescues when everyone else had their hands full with other emergencies.

Everyone has their place and purpose,
talents and best ways of contributing.

Not everyone connects with a large church or a nonprofit that can do all the work it takes to serve the greater population. So the liberals I know who want everyone to have equal access to help often turn to GOVT as the central source they trust to make sure such programs will be established to serve the public equally.

There are those who believe in using the government as their
substitute "church' authority for taking care of the general welfare.
If that's their belief, I just ask that they take RESPONSIBILITY for it
and NOT impose terms of taxation on others who have different
standards and conditions on providing social services to people.

So it's fine to believe in govt duty for "promoting general welfare"
and protecting public interest including health and safety -- but
laws and reforms must follow CONSTITUTIONAL process and
respect limits and DUE PROCESS. Citizens cannot be deprived
of liberty to choose or their income/labor just because of some
PERCEIVED "compelling interest".

This is where Liberals fail to recognize other Constitutional laws
and rights protecting others EQUAL to their own beliefs.

There is nothing wrong with believing in public options through govt,
but the part Liberals don't all get is it is also UNCONSTITUTIONAL
to force others to fund their beliefs without due process of laws
and democratic representation, so everyone's freedom is protected equally.
Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates.

Dear Turn Right
For Liberals who live by "scarcity mentality"
they don't have faith that people can invest in their own solutions.
They believe the only way to protect all people equally is to
centralize this through govt as a "public default" institution and authority.

When it comes to giving individually, people respond to
different priorities.

To their credit, I notice when Liberal friends and activists will go out of their
way to help others in the community, even when they don't have resources themselves. The heroes after Harvey and other catastrophic flooding include
people who did animal rescues when everyone else had their hands full with other emergencies.

Everyone has their place and purpose,
talents and best ways of contributing.

Not everyone connects with a large church or a nonprofit that can do all the work it takes to serve the greater population. So the liberals I know who want everyone to have equal access to help often turn to GOVT as the central source they trust to make sure such programs will be established to serve the public equally.

There are those who believe in using the government as their
substitute "church' authority for taking care of the general welfare.
If that's their belief, I just ask that they take RESPONSIBILITY for it
and NOT impose terms of taxation on others who have different
standards and conditions on providing social services to people.

So it's fine to believe in govt duty for "promoting general welfare"
and protecting public interest including health and safety -- but
laws and reforms must follow CONSTITUTIONAL process and
respect limits and DUE PROCESS. Citizens cannot be deprived
of liberty to choose or their income/labor just because of some
PERCEIVED "compelling interest".

This is where Liberals fail to recognize other Constitutional laws
and rights protecting others EQUAL to their own beliefs.

There is nothing wrong with believing in public options through govt,
but the part Liberals don't all get is it is also UNCONSTITUTIONAL
to force others to fund their beliefs without due process of laws
and democratic representation, so everyone's freedom is protected equally.

Seriously keepitreal
After over 25 years of trying to explain
Constitutional limits on govt to fellow Liberals
and Democrats, it took me halfway through the ordeal
over Obamacare to understand they really don't believe
they can have rights and protection without going through Govt.

That's their belief system.
Like atheists not believing that laws from God
empower people equally.

Liberals who don't have the same faith they
can govern themselves directly by invoking
and enforcing authority of law, end up
depending on Govt as their central authority.

Trying to explain Constitutional laws to liberals
is like trying to teach the Bible to ATHEISTS.

Once you understand that's just how some people BELIEVE,
then we can work around those BELIEFS instead of trying
to change them and thinking the issue is education.

Yes and No.
Yes, by example, they can LEARN BY SEEING PROOF
there are better ways to provide social programs and coverage effectively
without IMPOSING taxes and forcing programs through govt on other people.
But NO they AREN'T going to change their beliefs.
They will still want to work through GOVT to manage programs for them.
That's how their hierarchy is set up.

Some people put God and church authority first as managing society
where govt supports that.
Others put Govt and judges in charge of laws and public security,
where churches and nonprofits are optional programs.

Since we are dealing with separate beliefs about Govt,
we need to RECOGNIZE these political beliefs and just
require people to FUND THEIR OWN and quit imposing
their beliefs on people OF THE OTHER GROUPS!
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Liberals only care about helping the needy, non-American, third-world, borderline-human dregs of humanity. They don't give a flying fuck about fellow Americans. They're perfectly cool with third-worlders causing white Americans a lot of suffering, because it's probably the only way these traitors' tiny little penises can get an erection.
Bill Clinton was fond of saying "it's the economy, stupid" but when a republican creates an economic environment that lowers unemployment to a historic low they hate him for it. It used to be about jobs but a liberal's way of dealing with the homeless is to issue them shopping carts and new hypodermic needles.
Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates.

Not for nothing, but this is an opinion piece from December 20, 2008. Got something a bit more relevant and current, rather than something that is almost 11 years old?
Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates.

Dear Turn Right
For Liberals who live by "scarcity mentality"
they don't have faith that people can invest in their own solutions.
They believe the only way to protect all people equally is to
centralize this through govt as a "public default" institution and authority.

When it comes to giving individually, people respond to
different priorities.

To their credit, I notice when Liberal friends and activists will go out of their
way to help others in the community, even when they don't have resources themselves. The heroes after Harvey and other catastrophic flooding include
people who did animal rescues when everyone else had their hands full with other emergencies.

Everyone has their place and purpose,
talents and best ways of contributing.

Not everyone connects with a large church or a nonprofit that can do all the work it takes to serve the greater population. So the liberals I know who want everyone to have equal access to help often turn to GOVT as the central source they trust to make sure such programs will be established to serve the public equally.

There are those who believe in using the government as their
substitute "church' authority for taking care of the general welfare.
If that's their belief, I just ask that they take RESPONSIBILITY for it
and NOT impose terms of taxation on others who have different
standards and conditions on providing social services to people.

So it's fine to believe in govt duty for "promoting general welfare"
and protecting public interest including health and safety -- but
laws and reforms must follow CONSTITUTIONAL process and
respect limits and DUE PROCESS. Citizens cannot be deprived
of liberty to choose or their income/labor just because of some
PERCEIVED "compelling interest".

This is where Liberals fail to recognize other Constitutional laws
and rights protecting others EQUAL to their own beliefs.

There is nothing wrong with believing in public options through govt,
but the part Liberals don't all get is it is also UNCONSTITUTIONAL
to force others to fund their beliefs without due process of laws
and democratic representation, so everyone's freedom is protected equally.
^^^ The icon of a closed mind.
Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates.

Not for nothing, but this is an opinion piece from December 20, 2008. Got something a bit more relevant and current, rather than something that is almost 11 years old?

Tons of stuff available on the internet. None of it contradicts this, which has been well-known for a while

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