Blind leading the blind...

View attachment 79007
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State....

Daws, our guns rights have nothing to do with hunting food and everything to do with freedom. We are a well regulated militia, as long as our right is not infringed upon. Exactly what the Obama/Clinton regime want to get rid of. They are the reason for the right. According to our founding fathers, this isn't a right. It is considered a necessity.
Obama is not coming for your rights. And the militia was only intended to protect against external threats or a govt that ignored established laws and elections.
my favorite part was when she said we are a well regulated militia .
she's either ignorant or willfully ignorant the we all ready have a militia it's called the national guard.
any other un sectioned group calling themselves a militia is un lawful .
ummm, well, I think the milita was properly considered to be the body of citizens who could be called up. And, I think the framers intended for citizens to retain a right to rebel if a govt chose to ignore the constitutional provisions for elections, or refused to allow citizens rights secured by the BoR.

But neither HRC, Obama or even Trump are suggesting anything like that.
I think you both need to grasp English:
  • (in particular) An army of trained civilians, which may be an official reserve army, called upon in time of need, the entire able-bodied population of a state which may also be called upon or a private force not under government control.
  • Characteristic of members of the armed forces.
  • *
  • (North America) Relating to armed forces such as the army, marines, navy and air force (often as distinguished from civilians or police forces).
View attachment 79007
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State....

Daws, our guns rights have nothing to do with hunting food and everything to do with freedom. We are a well regulated militia, as long as our right is not infringed upon. Exactly what the Obama/Clinton regime want to get rid of. They are the reason for the right. According to our founding fathers, this isn't a right. It is considered a necessity.
Obama is not coming for your rights. And the militia was only intended to protect against external threats or a govt that ignored established laws and elections.
my favorite part was when she said we are a well regulated militia .
she's either ignorant or willfully ignorant the we all ready have a militia it's called the national guard.
any other un sectioned group calling themselves a militia is un lawful .
ummm, well, I think the milita was properly considered to be the body of citizens who could be called up. And, I think the framers intended for citizens to retain a right to rebel if a govt chose to ignore the constitutional provisions for elections, or refused to allow citizens rights secured by the BoR.

But neither HRC, Obama or even Trump are suggesting anything like that.

The Dems are sitting on a floor today cause they couldn't take our guns. Disarmament is the goal, and they are doing it by a thousand cuts, for example:
Consider medical marijuana. Astounding results for PTSD. Prescribe it for a vet and his guns rights are removed immediately. Next step, any person on antidepressants, same thing.
I don't know about you, but if a militia was necessary, I'd want trained military civilians armed and ready..
I think you both need to grasp English:
  • (in particular) An army of trained civilians, which may be an official reserve army, called upon in time of need, the entire able-bodied population of a state which may also be called upon or a private force not under government control.
  • Characteristic of members of the armed forces.
  • *
  • (North America) Relating to armed forces such as the army, marines, navy and air force (often as distinguished from civilians or police forces).
the only trained civilians are the national guard and veterans
a couple of shooting lessons a few camping skills and a case of bud is not a militia .
View attachment 79007
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State....

Daws, our guns rights have nothing to do with hunting food and everything to do with freedom. We are a well regulated militia, as long as our right is not infringed upon. Exactly what the Obama/Clinton regime want to get rid of. They are the reason for the right. According to our founding fathers, this isn't a right. It is considered a necessity.
Obama is not coming for your rights. And the militia was only intended to protect against external threats or a govt that ignored established laws and elections.
my favorite part was when she said we are a well regulated militia .
she's either ignorant or willfully ignorant the we all ready have a militia it's called the national guard.
any other un sectioned group calling themselves a militia is un lawful .
ummm, well, I think the milita was properly considered to be the body of citizens who could be called up. And, I think the framers intended for citizens to retain a right to rebel if a govt chose to ignore the constitutional provisions for elections, or refused to allow citizens rights secured by the BoR.

But neither HRC, Obama or even Trump are suggesting anything like that.

The Dems are sitting on a floor today cause they couldn't take our guns. Disarmament is the goal, and they are doing it by a thousand cuts, for example:
Consider medical marijuana. Astounding results for PTSD. Prescribe it for a vet and his guns rights are removed immediately. Next step, any person on antidepressants, same thing.
I don't know about you, but if a militia was necessary, I'd want trained military civilians armed and ready..
false the dems are holding a sit in to strengthen the terror watch list to prohibit gun sales to people on that list .
no body is coming to get your guns if " they " were the streets would be full of armored vehicles and we would not be having this conversation.
No new laws will even save one life... No proof to the contrary.
Exploiting Orlando: Nets Advance Anti-Gun Agenda By 8 to 1
About Us

Credibility we don't need no stinkin ' credibility. !
So that's where half the shit on this board comes from! I've always wondered

You haven't begun to feel our pain --- trying to reason with at least 80% of you and yours.
Who's "our?
Why is it you clowns need to use argumentum ad populum to post an obviously personal opinion?
As to "reason" that's a completely alien concept to you because reason requires logic and objectivity.
"Our" in the context I am using it here refers to conservative and non-liberal posters on these boards.
I / we have to endure worthless responses --- often like yours -- which are at best a total diversion from the crux of the issues, or name calling, or laughing at the source, or "yeah but what about your guy" answers, or just plain garbage.

IOW, I am very much dismayed by the lack of intellectual honesty, and honesty period, on this US Message Board by too many people --- just like you.
Last edited:
I think you both need to grasp English:
  • (in particular) An army of trained civilians, which may be an official reserve army, called upon in time of need, the entire able-bodied population of a state which may also be called upon or a private force not under government control.
  • Characteristic of members of the armed forces.
  • *
  • (North America) Relating to armed forces such as the army, marines, navy and air force (often as distinguished from civilians or police forces).
Well there is no group of trained civilians. So the only "milita" that may exist is the general populace, or at the founders time, free white men. Scalia went with that in Heller.

As for congress and guns, the dems are not arguing to disarm everyone. If a law was passed doing that, and it won't be, the courts would strike it down. If in some recess of your mind, you envision a US govt refusing to abide by a court decision concerning individual rights, then yeah, I'd agree that under the const we have some retained right to revolt against "tyranny." However the tyranny the founders feared was a federal govt that would impose some kind of monarchy or govt that was not legally elected.

You do not have a right to any firearm (or weapon) you desire. States may choose to make ownership of some classes of weapons illegal. It's unwise imo, but our recourse is the ballot box.
The National guard is a government agency. Citizens are not.
Approximately half the states maintain laws regulating private militias. Generally, these laws prohibit the parading and exercising of armed private militias in public, but do not forbid the formation of private militias. In Wyoming, however, state law forbids the very formation of private militias. Under section 19-1-106 of the Wyoming Statutes, "No body of men other than the regularly organized national guard or the troops of the United States shall associate themselves together as a military company or organization, or parade in public with arms without license of the governor." The Wyoming law also prohibits the public funding of private militias. Anyone convicted of violating the provisions of the law is subject to a fine of not more than $1,000, imprisonment of six months, or both, for each offense.

In states that do not outlaw them, private militias are limited only by the criminal laws applicable to all of society. Thus, if an armed private militia seeks to parade and exercise in a public area, its members will be subject to arrest on a variety of laws, including disturbing-the-peace, firearms, or even riot statutes.
View attachment 79007
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State....

Daws, our guns rights have nothing to do with hunting food and everything to do with freedom. We are a well regulated militia, as long as our right is not infringed upon. Exactly what the Obama/Clinton regime want to get rid of. They are the reason for the right. According to our founding fathers, this isn't a right. It is considered a necessity.
Obama is not coming for your rights. And the militia was only intended to protect against external threats or a govt that ignored established laws and elections.
my favorite part was when she said we are a well regulated militia .
she's either ignorant or willfully ignorant the we all ready have a militia it's called the national guard.
any other un sectioned group calling themselves a militia is un lawful .
ummm, well, I think the milita was properly considered to be the body of citizens who could be called up. And, I think the framers intended for citizens to retain a right to rebel if a govt chose to ignore the constitutional provisions for elections, or refused to allow citizens rights secured by the BoR.

But neither HRC, Obama or even Trump are suggesting anything like that.

The Dems are sitting on a floor today cause they couldn't take our guns. Disarmament is the goal, and they are doing it by a thousand cuts, for example:
Consider medical marijuana. Astounding results for PTSD. Prescribe it for a vet and his guns rights are removed immediately. Next step, any person on antidepressants, same thing.
I don't know about you, but if a militia was necessary, I'd want trained military civilians armed and ready..
false the dems are holding a sit in to strengthen the terror watch list to prohibit gun sales to people on that list .
no body is coming to get your guns if " they " were the streets would be full of armored vehicles and we would not be having this conversation.

Another means to an end. Another cut. Vets have had their rights removed, now they want no fly lists that can have anyone's name on them that the regime chooses. No train lists, no bus lists, no this, no that, till the only persons that qualify to own guns are the elite's bodyguards. (because guns really do protect)
I want a gun to protect myself. I don't care against whom.

These people have no rights now:
No Fly List Grows, Along With Injustice For Those Wrongly Stuck On It ...
Until the No Fly List Is Fixed, It Shouldn’t Be Used to Restrict People’s Freedoms
Last edited:
No new laws will even save one life... No proof to the contrary.
Exploiting Orlando: Nets Advance Anti-Gun Agenda By 8 to 1
About Us

Credibility we don't need no stinkin ' credibility. !
So that's where half the shit on this board comes from! I've always wondered

You haven't begun to feel our pain --- trying to reason with at least 80% of you and yours.
Who's "our?
Why is it you clowns need to use argumentum ad populum to post an obviously personal opinion?
As to "reason" that's a completely alien concept to you because reason requires logic and objectivity.
"Our" in the context I am using it here refers to conservative and non-liberal posters on these boards.
I / we have to endure worthless responses --- often like yours -- which are at best a total diversion from the crux of the issues, or name calling, or laughing at the source, or "yeah but what about your guy" answers, or just plain garbage.

IOW, I am very much dismayed by the lack of intellectual honesty, and honesty period, on this US Message Board by people just like you.
Obama is not coming for your rights. And the militia was only intended to protect against external threats or a govt that ignored established laws and elections.
my favorite part was when she said we are a well regulated militia .
she's either ignorant or willfully ignorant the we all ready have a militia it's called the national guard.
any other un sectioned group calling themselves a militia is un lawful .
ummm, well, I think the milita was properly considered to be the body of citizens who could be called up. And, I think the framers intended for citizens to retain a right to rebel if a govt chose to ignore the constitutional provisions for elections, or refused to allow citizens rights secured by the BoR.

But neither HRC, Obama or even Trump are suggesting anything like that.

The Dems are sitting on a floor today cause they couldn't take our guns. Disarmament is the goal, and they are doing it by a thousand cuts, for example:
Consider medical marijuana. Astounding results for PTSD. Prescribe it for a vet and his guns rights are removed immediately. Next step, any person on antidepressants, same thing.
I don't know about you, but if a militia was necessary, I'd want trained military civilians armed and ready..
false the dems are holding a sit in to strengthen the terror watch list to prohibit gun sales to people on that list .
no body is coming to get your guns if " they " were the streets would be full of armored vehicles and we would not be having this conversation.

Another means to an end. Another cut. Vets have had their rights removed, now they want no fly lists that can have anyone's name on them that the regime chooses. No train lists, no bus lists, no this, no that, till the only persons that qualify to own guns are the elite's bodyguards. (because guns really do protect)
I want a gun to protect myself. I don't care against who.
could you rationalize any harder,
my favorite part was when she said we are a well regulated militia .
she's either ignorant or willfully ignorant the we all ready have a militia it's called the national guard.
any other un sectioned group calling themselves a militia is un lawful .
ummm, well, I think the milita was properly considered to be the body of citizens who could be called up. And, I think the framers intended for citizens to retain a right to rebel if a govt chose to ignore the constitutional provisions for elections, or refused to allow citizens rights secured by the BoR.

But neither HRC, Obama or even Trump are suggesting anything like that.

The Dems are sitting on a floor today cause they couldn't take our guns. Disarmament is the goal, and they are doing it by a thousand cuts, for example:
Consider medical marijuana. Astounding results for PTSD. Prescribe it for a vet and his guns rights are removed immediately. Next step, any person on antidepressants, same thing.
I don't know about you, but if a militia was necessary, I'd want trained military civilians armed and ready..
false the dems are holding a sit in to strengthen the terror watch list to prohibit gun sales to people on that list .
no body is coming to get your guns if " they " were the streets would be full of armored vehicles and we would not be having this conversation.

Another means to an end. Another cut. Vets have had their rights removed, now they want no fly lists that can have anyone's name on them that the regime chooses. No train lists, no bus lists, no this, no that, till the only persons that qualify to own guns are the elite's bodyguards. (because guns really do protect)
I want a gun to protect myself. I don't care against who.
could you rationalize any harder,
You understood that? LOL
ummm, well, I think the milita was properly considered to be the body of citizens who could be called up. And, I think the framers intended for citizens to retain a right to rebel if a govt chose to ignore the constitutional provisions for elections, or refused to allow citizens rights secured by the BoR.

But neither HRC, Obama or even Trump are suggesting anything like that.

The Dems are sitting on a floor today cause they couldn't take our guns. Disarmament is the goal, and they are doing it by a thousand cuts, for example:
Consider medical marijuana. Astounding results for PTSD. Prescribe it for a vet and his guns rights are removed immediately. Next step, any person on antidepressants, same thing.
I don't know about you, but if a militia was necessary, I'd want trained military civilians armed and ready..
false the dems are holding a sit in to strengthen the terror watch list to prohibit gun sales to people on that list .
no body is coming to get your guns if " they " were the streets would be full of armored vehicles and we would not be having this conversation.

Another means to an end. Another cut. Vets have had their rights removed, now they want no fly lists that can have anyone's name on them that the regime chooses. No train lists, no bus lists, no this, no that, till the only persons that qualify to own guns are the elite's bodyguards. (because guns really do protect)
I want a gun to protect myself. I don't care against who.
could you rationalize any harder,
You understood that? LOL
I'm fluent in many forms of gibberish, rationalizing, tantrums, bogus proclamations etc.
when you are raised in the Mormon faith the translation and interpretation of nonsense is an essential skill .
Language, from Guthrie on the June 13 Today show were typical: Here’s the gun argument:
They’re a weapon of war. They’re not a hunting rifle.

Thing is, Paul Revere never said, "The deer are coming, the deer are coming."
My gun rights stem from the 1700's. To protect myself from government, not wildlife.
When Paul Revere, William Dawes, Dr. Samuel Prescott, and others, rode to warn rebel leaders in Lexington and Concord that soldiers were heading their way, looking mainly for the stores of ammunition that were being stockpiled by rebel colonists and an excuse to arrest the leaders, they would never have shouted “The British are coming!” because, simply put, they were all still British. Imagine someone running down a road in Concord, MA today shouting “The Americans are coming!” and you’ve got the idea.

Hitlery is coming. And you've got the idea.
Language, from Guthrie on the June 13 Today show were typical: Here’s the gun argument:
They’re a weapon of war. They’re not a hunting rifle.

Thing is, Paul Revere never said, "The deer are coming, the deer are coming."
My gun rights stem from the 1700's. To protect myself from government, not wildlife.
When Paul Revere, William Dawes, Dr. Samuel Prescott, and others, rode to warn rebel leaders in Lexington and Concord that soldiers were heading their way, looking mainly for the stores of ammunition that were being stockpiled by rebel colonists and an excuse to arrest the leaders, they would never have shouted “The British are coming!” because, simply put, they were all still British. Imagine someone running down a road in Concord, MA today shouting “The Americans are coming!” and you’ve got the idea.

Hitlery is coming. And you've got the idea.
Well, Hillary would push a natl ban on AR-15s if she could, but the NRA isn't going to allow that, and that's really the only positive thing I see with the NRA.
Language, from Guthrie on the June 13 Today show were typical: Here’s the gun argument:
They’re a weapon of war. They’re not a hunting rifle.

Thing is, Paul Revere never said, "The deer are coming, the deer are coming."
My gun rights stem from the 1700's. To protect myself from government, not wildlife.
When Paul Revere, William Dawes, Dr. Samuel Prescott, and others, rode to warn rebel leaders in Lexington and Concord that soldiers were heading their way, looking mainly for the stores of ammunition that were being stockpiled by rebel colonists and an excuse to arrest the leaders, they would never have shouted “The British are coming!” because, simply put, they were all still British. Imagine someone running down a road in Concord, MA today shouting “The Americans are coming!” and you’ve got the idea.

Hitlery is coming. And you've got the idea.
your point?

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