BLM Activists Troll 9/11 Remembrances and call 9/11 a "White Tragedy for Racists"

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
Just so you know according to the BLM scum and the Self-Hating WHITE TRASH that SUPPORT them IF you Remember ALL those INNOCENTS who were MURDERED by filthy TERRORISTS on September 11 then you are a WHITE SUPREMACIST a XENOPHOBE and a RACIST.

BLM scum and the Self-Hating WHITE TRASH who support them are literally lower than SLUG SHIT.

The BLM activists, who now seem to include an increasing number of Self-Hating Whites aka WHITE TRASH, they were all Trolling the 9/11 Remembrances with #AllBuildingsMatter and also saying that 9/11 was a "White tragedy for racists" um MANY MANY Blacks INCLUDING Police Officers and Fire Fighters died in The Twin Towers, there were also Blacks who died in the planes that were used. The fact that this feral SCUM is not aware of this illustrates AGAIN what a crowd of low IQ uneducated filth they are.

Twitter which is actually WORSE than Facebook with all this crowd, Twitter had NO problem with any of this and actually DEFENDED it by posting the below message using the ABSURD comparison of #AllBuildingsMatter with #AllLivesMatter


Here's the full story, all of it is beyond disgusting, these filthy feral zoo animals have NO RESPECT for ANYTHING, they literally CRAP on EVERYTHING and CRAP on the memory of those who have died and those Police and Fire Fighters and other Emergency Workers who KNOWINGLY gave their OWN lives in an attempt to SAVE OTHERS lives on 9/11. Disgusting. Leftists aka Communists are LOWER than SLUG SHIT.






^^^^ Bishop Talbert Swan ILLUSTRATING what ALL NORMAL peoples already knew, this crowd does NOT WANT unity they WANT DIVISION. They are the ROOT and the CAUSE of ALL the Social Problems that America is currently facing.


There are in the below link various Tweets from low IQ RACIST SCUM, which you can read, but I thought I would highlight ONE particular Tweet from this ugly RACIST bitch:


I don’t get it, do they think only white people died on 9-11?

These are all just anti-American communists. They would cheer another attack on our country if it happened today.

Yes that's how stupid they are but remember they all think they are more intelligent than Conservatives :rolleyes-41:

They are not only Anti-American they are Anti-Western World and yes they are Communists and I think they DID cheer when 9/11 happened.
S. You're pretty justified....Sick F bastards

Yes it's good to be angry, I post angry at this forum so I get it out of my system so in real life I can then remain laid-back because I have got the anger for these filthy POS out of my system.
I like to make people very angry at me here. And I'm good at it. I don't like posting angry because I've regretted it many times on these
S. You're pretty justified....Sick F bastards

Yes it's good to be angry, I post angry at this forum so I get it out of my system so in real life I can then remain laid-back because I have got the anger for these filthy POS out of my system.
I like to make people very angry at me here. And I'm good at it. I don't like posting angry because I've regretted it many times on these

I literally don't care anymore, I regret ZERO and I apologise for ZERO.
I don’t get it, do they think only white people died on 9-11?

These are all just anti-American communists. They would cheer another attack on our country if it happened today.
These people are so GD stupid their lighting themselves on fire and having 800 lb statues fall on their heads.
So when there is a tragedy that doesn't "discriminate" (like CV-19 does), they are resentful.

At the current rate, the wrongful police killings of African Americans will catch up to the wrongful killings of mostly-white Americans by Muslim terrorists on 9-11-01 in A COUPLE HUNDRED YEARS... fucking morons.
Such disrespectful comments just serve to further divide public support from their cause, if they genuinely have one.

He is too intellectually challenged to understand this, but yes, indeed, if another building were to collapse and kill thousands of people through the actions of human scum, then we should all respond with the same outrage and sorrow. I'm not even sure he understands how absurd, beyond the obvious; his comment is.

I'm with this guy #AllBuildingsMatter. They may not all receive the same coverage or historic video reference (not to mention being hit with coordinated hijackings), but it would be a tragedy just the same.
S. You're pretty justified....Sick F bastards

Yes it's good to be angry, I post angry at this forum so I get it out of my system so in real life I can then remain laid-back because I have got the anger for these filthy POS out of my system.
I like to make people very angry at me here. And I'm good at it. I don't like posting angry because I've regretted it many times on these

I literally don't care anymore, I regret ZERO and I apologise for ZERO.
Your mad would not be like mine. lol... I get really dirty and personal. I don't like to post like that. I like to be nice and embarrass foes.
S. You're pretty justified....Sick F bastards

Yes it's good to be angry, I post angry at this forum so I get it out of my system so in real life I can then remain laid-back because I have got the anger for these filthy POS out of my system.
I like to make people very angry at me here. And I'm good at it. I don't like posting angry because I've regretted it many times on these

I literally don't care anymore, I regret ZERO and I apologise for ZERO.
Your mad would not be like mine. lol... I get really dirty and personal. I don't like to post like that. I like to be nice and embarrass foes.

I do my best NOT to get personal, instead I generalise it as opposed to attacking a specific person and/or persons. I prefer to attack them as a Collective GROUP as opposed to individuals.
Sick fucker trying to make a statement on 9/11.

Yes BLM are sick fuckers and so are the WHITE TRASH who support them, the comments about 9/11 illustrate they are not decent and they are very sick and also beyond stupid, considering MANY MANY Non-Whites died on 9/11.
I don’t get it, do they think only white people died on 9-11?

These are all just anti-American communists. They would cheer another attack on our country if it happened today.
Along with the NFL.

Never forget, the NFL didnt honor the first responders of 9-11 yesterday, but they chose to honor a rapist

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