BLM co-founder slams Taylor Swift fans as 'racists' and Travis Kelce-led Chiefs winning the Super Bowl as a 'right-wing, white-supremacist conspiracy'

The various species of parasites shouldn't co-mingle.

They eat different kinds of shit.
Taylor Swift is a nice looking white girl, so of course the BLM types would hate her.

The real reason Taylor is so popular is because she is a thin white girl. Everyone else in the industry is a fat, black, ugly, or a combination of those.


I once read that the NAACP feels irrelevant because of the rise of BLM, so it is trying to find a new role.

Now it seems that BLM is beginning to feel irrelevant, too, so it now trying to find a new role to keep in the news and to receive "donations."

How pitiful that it thinks its new role is to trash a pop singer.
I once read that the NAACP feels irrelevant because of the rise of BLM, so it is trying to find a new role.

Now it seems that BLM is beginning to feel irrelevant, too, so it now trying to find a new role to keep in the news and to receive "donations."

How pitiful that it thinks its new role is to trash a pop singer.

Well, they're racist vermin and so is their target audience, so there is no low too low for these feral animals to stoop to.
BLM is just another front organization to further the spread of communism in America, not good people at all.
Niners were told to lose. This was all about the amount of revenues Swift generated for the league. Gotta pay her back somehow.
no they weren;t. nfl made sure the othet team one cause their quarter back was right race.

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