BLM founder sentenced to 6 years for illegally voting.

This is why Republicans know voter fraud exists. Because they are doing it. But no poor person who doesn't have homes in 3 states is voting 3 times.

So Republicans know there are flaws with the system.

They also know that in red states, when Granny is in Hospice, they always send in her vote for Republican governor or Republican president. This is why they know this happens. Because they do it themselves.

And they've rigged voting machines. Diebold in 2000. So they know voting machines can be hacked. They've hacked them.

And they thought starting a riot would work on January 6th because it worked for Bush in 2000. Google the Brooks Brother Riots. Trump saw how Bush got the recount stopped and thought maybe a riot would work again. Do you know who participated in both riots 2000 and 2016?

Roger Stone

Many of the demonstrators were Republican staffers.[2] Both Roger Stone and Brad Blakeman take credit for managing the riot from a command post

Where in your article does it say he voted in more than one state? When people move to another state they are not required to tell anybody about it at voter registration. When they purge rolls (as they did in this case) the voter is removed which really pisses off the left. And don't give us Republicans this or Republicans that when it's the Communists who want to make voter purges nearly impossible to do in their so-called Voters Rights bill.

Remember the swirl of stories around Diebold Election Systems and its CEO, Walden O’Dell, in 2004? O’Dell was an Ohio resident who held a fundraiser at his home for President Bush and wrote a fundraising letter promising to help “Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.” Some took him too literally, claiming that Bush “stole” Ohio’s electoral votes and the 2004 election.

But even the liberal New York Times editorial board waved off that conspiracy theory as nonsense. There were some glitches, as expected, with the machines on Election Day, but, as the Times wrote, there was “no evidence of vote theft or errors on a large scale.”

New York Times editorial, Nov. 14, 2004: It’s important to make it clear that there is no evidence such a thing happened.

She was convicted and sentenced for voting illegally when I posted this thread, Dumbass. :cuckoo:

And you still chose to ignore the part of your own article which explained why her conviction was wrong. That's on you. She was told by the state that she could vote. So how is that an illegal vote? You implied she committed voter fraud and she didn't. If you were a man, you'd own your error. Sadly, you're not so you don't.


Memphis BLM founder Pamela Moses sentenced to 6 years for illegally voting​

Jackie Salo
February 6, 2022 8:51am

The date is Feb 6 2022. When was it overturned>?

In March...

In an unexpected move last Friday, a Memphis judge ordered a new trial for Pamela Moses, the Black Lives Matter activist who was sentenced to six years in prison for trying to register to vote.

The decision to order a new trial was in part based on new evidence I obtained and wrote about in this newsletter last week. W Mark Ward, the judge in the case, ruled prosecutors should have turned over that evidence to Moses’ lawyers before the trial. The document, an internal email from the department of corrections, showed officials had investigated why a probation officer signed off on a form telling Moses she was eligible to vote when she actually was not. The investigation found that the officer had made a good-faith error. Moses’ lawyers had never seen that document. Amy Weirich, the district attorney, said the Tennessee department of corrections never provided the document to her office.
You're rambling. Just know she was INNOCENT of what you charged her with. Remember whenever it's a Republican it's innocent until proven guilty?

It was innocent until proven guilty here too. She tricked the parole board workers into believing she was no longer on parole and they just believed her without checking. She was charged and had her day in court. She was guilty because she pulled a fast one and was well aware she couldn't vote when she was sentenced the first time. If she had any questions, she should have went through her lawyer.
And you still chose to ignore the part of your own article which explained why her conviction was wrong. That's on you. She was told by the state that she could vote. So how is that an illegal vote? You implied she committed voter fraud and she didn't. If you were a man, you'd own your error. Sadly, you're not so you don't.

She was convicted and sentenced for voting illegally when I posted this thread, Dumbass. :cuckoo:

An article doesn't overturn a court ruling, Dipshit.
She was convicted and sentenced for voting illegally when I posted this thread, Dumbass. :cuckoo:

An article doesn't overturn a court ruling, Dipshit.


Your own article showed why she was wrongly convicted, Dumbfuck; which was ultimately overturned. You chose to ignore that and imply she voted illegally even though she didn't.

Now for even more fun .... when did she illegally vote ... ?

Your own article showed she was wrongly convicted dumbass. You chose to ignore that and imply she voted illegally even though she didn't.

Now for more fun .... when did she illegally vote ... ?
Once again, an article doesn't negate a court ruling, Idiot.

And quote the part of the article that said "she was wrongly convicted".


Your own article showed why she was wrongly convicted, Dumbfuck; which was ultimately overturned. You chose to ignore that and imply she voted illegally even though she didn't.

Now for more fun .... when did she illegally vote ... ?
Not exactly, new evidence was produced and the judge ordered a new trial.
Once again, an article doesn't negate a court ruling, Idiot.

And quote the part of the article that said "she was wrongly convicted".


Poor, demented, Dumbfuck. Still doesn't understand English. So sad.

Dumbfuck, I didn't say the article said that. I said it showed it. Which it did when it explained the state signed off for her to register to vote. Which ultimately led to the charges being dropped.

Now for the part you ignored -- when did she illegally vote ... ?
The state falsely gave her permission to vote, then arrested her for their "mistake".

A setup if there ever was one. It will soon be overturned.
can't "set up" a person to commit a crime unless the person does the crime and then... the person still has done thecrime...
And you still chose to ignore the part of your own article which explained why her conviction was wrong. That's on you. She was told by the state that she could vote. So how is that an illegal vote? You implied she committed voter fraud and she didn't. If you were a man, you'd own your error. Sadly, you're not so you don't.

looks like both she and the state committed a c rime... didn't see which state but probably blue?
Poor, demented, Dumbfuck. Still doesn't understand English. So sad.

Dumbfuck, I didn't say the article said that. I said it showed it. Which it did when it explained the state signed off for her to register to vote. Which ultimately led to the charges being dropped.

Now for the part you ignored -- when did she illegally vote ... ?
Once again, an article doesn't negate a court ruling, Idiot. :dance: :5_1_12024:
The state falsely gave her permission to vote, then arrested her for their "mistake".

A setup if there ever was one. It will soon be overturned.
Like I rightly predicted months ago, it will soon be overturned, and it now, it has....

Like I rightly predicted months ago, it will soon be overturned, and it now, it has....

Ignorance of the law isn't a "Get out of jail free" least for most people.

“In the interest of judicial economy, we are dismissing her illegal registration case and her violation of probation,” she said in a statement.

She noted that Moses is permanently barred from voting in Tennessee. One of the crimes she pleaded guilty to in 2015, tampering with evidence, causes people to permanently lose their voting rights in Tennessee.

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