BLM lynch mob surrounds soldier's home

I am giving him the benefit of the doubt...I don't know the motive for his assault...but he clearly assault him,. It wasn't self-defense, that's clear, it wasn't defense of others....the white guy didn't appear to be the guilt of the assault is pretty clear.

To contend that one assaulted another or that one was not defending himself or herself or others is wholly dependent upon whether you have a firm grasp on the definition of aggression or force in the first place.

Trespassing is aggression. It is force. Forcing yourself into the lives of others, particularly on/onto their own private property uninvited, is aggressiveness and therefore invites defense. Escpecially if you're physically confronting them. Defending oneself or one's fellow community members cannot logically be spun around and twisted as if the defense against the initial aggression was the actual force. That's a fallacy.

Unless he had a valid reason for being there, he was actually the aggressor.

We're likely going to see a lot of this hapening in the near future. They're likely gonna start sending these little minions, likely the hood rat types, into productive residential areas in order to initiate conflict and then spin it around like they're some kind of victim. Of course, then, the quislings show up, 'protesting' as they call it.

Society simply won't tolerate it. Not when you get right down to the nitty gritty of it. Not in their own neighborhoods. Sure, it might be unicorns and fairies to the casual, contemporary cultural Marxist to think they will. But they won't. Again, it's simply not human nature.

And again, as I'd also mentioned elsewhere around here, it's why the brown-shirts have historically deservingly been the ones to suffer that societal retribution first. As it is, they're generally the actual initiators of conflict. They go projecting the image of conflict by making arbitrary claims, a blatant aggression in itself. But they have that whole 'I'm the victim' charade going on, whereas they're actually the aggresssor. Historically, it only works for a little wile before people wise up to what they're actually doing at the societal level of things. It's usually not until the driving force behind the agenda itself at the higher level has got their use from them that they abandon them and leave them to fend for themselves and their reputations in society. Which they never can. Again, historically speaking. Anyone who is a student of history likely will notice that we're probably just about at that point where history revisits itself.

Sit back and watch. It'll be a hoot.
It's a new tactic out there, I'm dealing with it at work myself.
They are scammers trolling for lawsuits.

Been that way for a while now, especially since violent street thug Trayvon Martin's parents won all that bling.

And, they're still after Zimmerman; they just can't let him get away with defending himself from a violent murdering black punk.
Anyway. I'm gonna jump off here, but I want to leave yuns with something to ponder. (note proper use of the term yuns, btw)

Let's say the whole economy crashes. And it will, the monetary policy is finite. Patently. Just a matter of when, really. Not if. Just when.

When that happens, it will be communities who will need to take care for each other. Who look out for one another's safety from outsiders looking to survive or whatever. To protect their communities from outsiders who may very likey intend to loot, kill or whatever as a matter of survival.

Think about that. Really think about it honestly. And ask yourself whether you still feel the same way about some uninvited hood rat wandering around a private community pushing his little bird chest out at people.

And after you think about that, ask yourself how the fellow members in your community would view you if you defended the presence and actions of said outsider, given the nature of the circumstances.

It is my contention that you would very likely be the first one in the village to starve when it came down to who ate what that the community could conjure up and who didn't. You and your property would likely be scratched off of the list of houses to watch out for and protect from looting and you'd be on your own. You yourself would become an outsider. That's what I mean whenever I talk about retribution at the societal level. Again...history is ripe with example. Really think it through. Because all of that 'equity' bullshit? Heh heh. Pft. All that's out the window. It was a good bullshit story though. But I think you'll find the love affair between the people running that narrative and the actual street activists doing the dirty work, the useful idiots, a bit one sided in the equity department. The people running that whole gag are enriching themselves and moving into millions of dollars homes in rich white neighborhoods. Or so I hear. When it gets bad, maybe the BLM activists will show up at their place and remind them of what they were saying about, 'oh, I consider it our money' and see what they say. How much you wanna bet they'll remind you that you don't belong around there? Heh heh. Dumb asses..

Again. People who participate in coercion understand very little of their role in it. And absolutely nothing of its consequence. Historically speaking.
The house next door to me is vacant and being renovated right now..... I want you to buy it and move in.
I am not sure what BLM has to do with the conversation.

I am not sure what the contridiction is...this wasn't the man's property
Uhhh........ they were the ones mobbing the man's house, you dumbass.
i thought we were discussing the man assaulting the guy...

if blm trespassed on his property they should be charged to, but that’s a separate issue from the unhinged guy assaulting the young guy with learning disabilities
Here’s the goal
Your 14 year old daughter is in the front yard and an 18 year old minority is mouthing off to her about how bad he wants to f^uk her. You the dad tell him to move along but he keeps it up and when you approach him he draws a gun and shoots you in the leg. Despite being wounded you get ahold of him and break his neck
In libbie land you go to jail and the punk is extolled as a saint, another victim of racism

Blacks choose not to obey laws utterly disproportionately to their percentage of population. Instead of addressing that we have been forced into dog and pony shows of abandoning laws so that so many blacks won’t be breaking them

lol that's a good one; and tells the truth, too.
I am giving him the benefit of the doubt...I don't know the motive for his assault...but he clearly assault him,. It wasn't self-defense, that's clear, it wasn't defense of others....the white guy didn't appear to be the guilt of the assault is pretty clear.

To contend that one assaulted another or that one was not defending himself or herself or others is wholly dependent upon whether you have a firm grasp on the definition of aggression or force in the first place.

Trespassing is aggression. It is force. Forcing yourself into the lives of others, particularly on/onto their own private property uninvited, is aggressiveness and therefore invites defense. Escpecially if you're physically confronting them. Defending oneself or one's fellow community members cannot logically be spun around and twisted as if the defense against the initial aggression was the actual force. That's a fallacy.

Unless he had a valid reason for being there, he was actually the aggressor.

We're likely going to see a lot of this hapening in the near future. They're likely gonna start sending these little minions, likely the hood rat types, into productive residential areas in order to initiate conflict and then spin it around like they're some kind of victim. Of course, then, the quislings show up, 'protesting' as they call it.

Society simply won't tolerate it. Not when you get right down to the nitty gritty of it. Not in their own neighborhoods. Sure, it might be unicorns and fairies to the casual, contemporary cultural Marxist to think they will. But they won't. Again, it's simply not human nature.

And again, as I'd also mentioned elsewhere around here, it's why the brown-shirts have historically deservingly been the ones to suffer that societal retribution first. As it is, they're generally the actual initiators of conflict. They go projecting the image of conflict by making arbitrary claims, a blatant aggression in itself. But they have that whole 'I'm the victim' charade going on, whereas they're actually the aggresssor. Historically, it only works for a little wile before people wise up to what they're actually doing at the societal level of things. It's usually not until the driving force behind the agenda itself at the higher level has got their use from them that they abandon them and leave them to fend for themselves and their reputations in society. Which they never can. Again, historically speaking. Anyone who is a student of history likely will notice that we're probably just about at that point where history revisits itself.

Sit back and watch. It'll be a hoot.
It's a new tactic out there, I'm dealing with it at work myself.
They are scammers trolling for lawsuits.

Been that way for a while now, especially since violent street thug Trayvon Martin's parents won all that bling.

And, they're still after Zimmerman; they just can't let him get away with defending himself from a violent murdering black punk.
Lawsuits work both ways though; so do cameras documenting things.

His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
You suggesting that's a good idea asshole?
I am giving him the benefit of the doubt...I don't know the motive for his assault...but he clearly assault him,. It wasn't self-defense, that's clear, it wasn't defense of others....the white guy didn't appear to be the guilt of the assault is pretty clear.

To contend that one assaulted another or that one was not defending himself or herself or others is wholly dependent upon whether you have a firm grasp on the definition of aggression or force in the first place.

Trespassing is aggression. It is force. Forcing yourself into the lives of others, particularly on/onto their own private property uninvited, is aggressiveness and therefore invites defense. Escpecially if you're physically confronting them. Defending oneself or one's fellow community members cannot logically be spun around and twisted as if the defense against the initial aggression was the actual force. That's a fallacy.

Unless he had a valid reason for being there, he was actually the aggressor.

We're likely going to see a lot of this hapening in the near future. They're likely gonna start sending these little minions, likely the hood rat types, into productive residential areas in order to initiate conflict and then spin it around like they're some kind of victim. Of course, then, the quislings show up, 'protesting' as they call it.

Society simply won't tolerate it. Not when you get right down to the nitty gritty of it. Not in their own neighborhoods. Sure, it might be unicorns and fairies to the casual, contemporary cultural Marxist to think they will. But they won't. Again, it's simply not human nature.

And again, as I'd also mentioned elsewhere around here, it's why the brown-shirts have historically deservingly been the ones to suffer that societal retribution first. As it is, they're generally the actual initiators of conflict. They go projecting the image of conflict by making arbitrary claims, a blatant aggression in itself. But they have that whole 'I'm the victim' charade going on, whereas they're actually the aggresssor. Historically, it only works for a little wile before people wise up to what they're actually doing at the societal level of things. It's usually not until the driving force behind the agenda itself at the higher level has got their use from them that they abandon them and leave them to fend for themselves and their reputations in society. Which they never can. Again, historically speaking. Anyone who is a student of history likely will notice that we're probably just about at that point where history revisits itself.

Sit back and watch. It'll be a hoot.
It's a new tactic out there, I'm dealing with it at work myself.
They are scammers trolling for lawsuits.

Been that way for a while now, especially since violent street thug Trayvon Martin's parents won all that bling.

And, they're still after Zimmerman; they just can't let him get away with defending himself from a violent murdering black punk.
who did Martin murder?

and what are you talking about? the women beater zimmerman is the one going around filing lawsuits trying to get rich off of killing a kid
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
You suggesting that's a good idea asshole?
I'm suggesting they will be very lucky if that's all that happens to them.

You don't seem to understand just how badly you are pissing people off.
The BLM cancer continues to spread. Thank Obama and the Democrats for the proliferation of this disease on our country.
The cancer is white lower educated motherfuckers line you.

Did you send money to Kyle from Antioch?
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
You suggesting that's a good idea asshole?
I'm suggesting they will be very lucky if that's all that happens to them.

You don't seem to understand just how badly you are pissing people off.
So walking on a public sidewalk "pisses people off"?

Fuck those racists
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
You suggesting that's a good idea asshole?
I'm suggesting they will be very lucky if that's all that happens to them.

You don't seem to understand just how badly you are pissing people off.
So walking on a public sidewalk "pisses people off"?

Fuck those racists
No, you pretending that's all that was happening here because you want to fuck over a white guy is what is pissing people off, you fucking lying, racist cvnt.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.

So you support cold-blooded murder?
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.

So you support cold-blooded murder?
"Fuck around, fuck around, and pretty soon, you won't BE around....."
As my Dad used to say.
I am giving him the benefit of the doubt...I don't know the motive for his assault...but he clearly assault him,. It wasn't self-defense, that's clear, it wasn't defense of others....the white guy didn't appear to be the guilt of the assault is pretty clear.

To contend that one assaulted another or that one was not defending himself or herself or others is wholly dependent upon whether you have a firm grasp on the definition of aggression or force in the first place.

Trespassing is aggression. It is force. Forcing yourself into the lives of others, particularly on/onto their own private property uninvited, is aggressiveness and therefore invites defense. Escpecially if you're physically confronting them. Defending oneself or one's fellow community members cannot logically be spun around and twisted as if the defense against the initial aggression was the actual force. That's a fallacy.

Unless he had a valid reason for being there, he was actually the aggressor.

We're likely going to see a lot of this hapening in the near future. They're likely gonna start sending these little minions, likely the hood rat types, into productive residential areas in order to initiate conflict and then spin it around like they're some kind of victim. Of course, then, the quislings show up, 'protesting' as they call it.

Society simply won't tolerate it. Not when you get right down to the nitty gritty of it. Not in their own neighborhoods. Sure, it might be unicorns and fairies to the casual, contemporary cultural Marxist to think they will. But they won't. Again, it's simply not human nature.

And again, as I'd also mentioned elsewhere around here, it's why the brown-shirts have historically deservingly been the ones to suffer that societal retribution first. As it is, they're generally the actual initiators of conflict. They go projecting the image of conflict by making arbitrary claims, a blatant aggression in itself. But they have that whole 'I'm the victim' charade going on, whereas they're actually the aggresssor. Historically, it only works for a little wile before people wise up to what they're actually doing at the societal level of things. It's usually not until the driving force behind the agenda itself at the higher level has got their use from them that they abandon them and leave them to fend for themselves and their reputations in society. Which they never can. Again, historically speaking. Anyone who is a student of history likely will notice that we're probably just about at that point where history revisits itself.

Sit back and watch. It'll be a hoot.
Your just another red neck that has to be disposed of to save this country.
I don't what people in the military that lose their cool like this over something like this. Obviously, he has anger issues, and we need people in the service that can control their emotions and temperament.
Actually, you want people like the white guy next to you in a combat situation.
Not some weak metrosexual transgendered freak that would start crying when the enemy started shooting. ... :cuckoo:
Add to that the fact that this guy is a DRILL SERGEANT. That persona is intentional. It's part of slapping the meek off of these incoming soldiers. It's all about getting their attention and getting them focused on a whole new way of dealing with the world...
Not to mention the fact that this sergeant has been watching this asinine BS unfold in our country for months and he might just be fed up. A LOT of us feel that way.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
Here’s the goal
Your 14 year old daughter is in the front yard and an 18 year old minority is mouthing off to her about how bad he wants to f^uk her. You the dad tell him to move along but he keeps it up and when you approach him he draws a gun and shoots you in the leg. Despite being wounded you get ahold of him and break his neck
In libbie land you go to jail and the punk is extolled as a saint, another victim of racism

Blacks choose not to obey laws utterly disproportionately to their percentage of population. Instead of addressing that we have been forced into dog and pony shows of abandoning laws so that so many blacks won’t be breaking them
A argument with no facts , built on bigotry and hatred. Very very boring also.
I am giving him the benefit of the doubt...I don't know the motive for his assault...but he clearly assault him,. It wasn't self-defense, that's clear, it wasn't defense of others....the white guy didn't appear to be the guilt of the assault is pretty clear.

To contend that one assaulted another or that one was not defending himself or herself or others is wholly dependent upon whether you have a firm grasp on the definition of aggression or force in the first place.

Trespassing is aggression. It is force. Forcing yourself into the lives of others, particularly on/onto their own private property uninvited, is aggressiveness and therefore invites defense. Escpecially if you're physically confronting them. Defending oneself or one's fellow community members cannot logically be spun around and twisted as if the defense against the initial aggression was the actual force. That's a fallacy.

Unless he had a valid reason for being there, he was actually the aggressor.

We're likely going to see a lot of this hapening in the near future. They're likely gonna start sending these little minions, likely the hood rat types, into productive residential areas in order to initiate conflict and then spin it around like they're some kind of victim. Of course, then, the quislings show up, 'protesting' as they call it.

Society simply won't tolerate it. Not when you get right down to the nitty gritty of it. Not in their own neighborhoods. Sure, it might be unicorns and fairies to the casual, contemporary cultural Marxist to think they will. But they won't. Again, it's simply not human nature.

And again, as I'd also mentioned elsewhere around here, it's why the brown-shirts have historically deservingly been the ones to suffer that societal retribution first. As it is, they're generally the actual initiators of conflict. They go projecting the image of conflict by making arbitrary claims, a blatant aggression in itself. But they have that whole 'I'm the victim' charade going on, whereas they're actually the aggresssor. Historically, it only works for a little wile before people wise up to what they're actually doing at the societal level of things. It's usually not until the driving force behind the agenda itself at the higher level has got their use from them that they abandon them and leave them to fend for themselves and their reputations in society. Which they never can. Again, historically speaking. Anyone who is a student of history likely will notice that we're probably just about at that point where history revisits itself.

Sit back and watch. It'll be a hoot.
Your just another red neck that has to be disposed of to save this country.
And you're just another white hating bigot.

Go gargle with drano, you fucking freak.
I don't what people in the military that lose their cool like this over something like this. Obviously, he has anger issues, and we need people in the service that can control their emotions and temperament.
Actually, you want people like the white guy next to you in a combat situation.
Not some weak metrosexual transgendered freak that would start crying when the enemy started shooting. ... :cuckoo:
Add to that the fact that this guy is a DRILL SERGEANT. That persona is intentional. It's part of slapping the meek off of these incoming soldiers. It's all about getting their attention and getting them focused on a whole new way of dealing with the world...
Not to mention the fact that this sergeant has been watching this asinine BS unfold in our country for months and he might just be fed up. A LOT of us feel that way.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
That's not what I said at all, I said that's what would stop it..... but since when does truth matter to a bigot like you?

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