BLM lynch mob surrounds soldier's home

And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
Know that isn't true---the black guy had had two run ins with police in that neighborhood. He's either tripping on drugs, trying to get people to go after him playing I's a picked on miniority who were doing nuffin but trying to cause trouble, and/or some sort of sexual deviant or other criminal.

Oh and fyi, his Michael Jackson speech pattern indicates pedophile.
There is nothing in what you said that gave the man a right to assault him in the situation on the video. Nothing.

If he had prior run ins the man in the video wasn't aware of it...he clearly stated he had never seen the kid before.
The soldier was protecting his family and his neighborhood from an obvious threat..........

Quit fucking sick that you think the soldier is the bad guy-------The soldiers actions were justified and quit frankly in line with with what nature intended all males to do ----protect the defenseless from threats playing games. Males job is to deter other deviant males playing sick games and plotting attacks.

What soldier is trained to assault a teenager? That is nothing but right wing bullshit you are spouting.
How do I put this---I am from a military family. I married a marine who is now retired....father was airforce, grandfather was army, son is a current naval officer--you get the gist....all branches. You get a an obvious freak harassing women and grabbing children--------you are going to get the military guys after your ass teen or not. Instinctively, they will run off the danger. And this is how things should be---you freaks who can't grasp or don't want to admit why the soldier had to run off the Threat are again proving you either morons or partisan trolls who don't care about facts or are a combo the both. Again lack brains and morals.

First of all I am a disabled Vet, so you can't tell me shit about the military. Nowhere in the military are you trained to assault a child. You have made all these accusations and haven't provided one ounce of proof which shows you for the lying, racist hag you are.
what about the little basterds (suicide bombers) coming to blow your sorry ass up...should we shoot em? you bet your ass, if you want to live...thats what they train you for---to matter what the age
BLM is the new KKK

Derek Chauvin found guilty that's the first step ,next is you bigots that make up the majority of the republican party, this country is coming for you people , keep a eye open at all times. You will get what you deserve,
Come ahead on then.

We ain't hiding.
you are nothing but cannon fodder to anyone who is a patriot and a Good American. Believe me when I tell you it isn't just me, it is every patriot that this country has
BLM is the new KKK

Derek Chauvin found guilty that's the first step ,next is you bigots that make up the majority of the republican party, this country is coming for you people , keep a eye open at all times. You will get what you deserve,

Bring it on motherfucker. I hope you all are really that fucking
You will be fighting this countries military and every patriot this country has. You people who say that your guns have to be pulled out of your dead cold hands will throw away and piss in your pants, right before the tank waving the American flag so proudly from it's flag, runs you over and we will hear nothing put Crunch. You people are less them a joke.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
Clearly, you didn't bother to get the facts...

Tell us Turtle Shit when are you going to show us the proof that this teenager was doing something wrong. All we have heard come out of your DS is accusations and opinions that you have yet to back up.
Still haven't learned to put on your big girl panties and do your own research? Police are even still claiming that he had cops called on him twice before in the neighborhood and that they are seeking "help" as he has some sort of "mental issues" ----------earlier stories state the two incidences of cops being called on him involved him groping and picking up a strangers child. His name is DEandre and they are not releasing his last name for a reason nor is the lib media reporting it and I am seeing articles not coming up in the search engines now. LIBS and their propaganda.

“On April 8, one incident report says [Deandre] allegedly put his arm around a woman’s waist, put his hand down the right side of her shorts and then put his arm back around her waist as her pants were partly down,” the Post’s Hannah Knowles and Meryl Kornfield report. “On April 10, another report alleges the man repeatedly picked up a baby without permission and tried to walk away.”

Normal males would be going after his ass and punching him out to get rid him...the military guy showed remarkable reserve------------and yet evil race hos go after those protecting children and others your criminal crazy drugged up riff raff.

Oh FYI Superstupid, I am only putting this up now because I was asked by another poster nicely who isn't a super ass and meant to put these up for him. You, on the otherhand are stupid---lazy--and dishonest----NO one should be posting links for your worthless manipulative ass.
Do you know where the stupidity lies , you not being able to find a lie on the internet so it has to be a plot to hide it. You hate Nazi's have the same access as anyone else on the internet, so maybe it is you being fill of shit. , Qanon at its best. What a hoot.
One, he doesn't look like a teenager to me.

Two, act like a shithead, you get treated like a shithead.

(Maybe consider teaching young people to act right, instead of telling all the rest of us we have to put up with their bad behavior...... oh wait, that would require you do some good parenting, though. Never mind)
That's why that race-soldier got his ass arrested and is currently on the fast track to get all his rank RIPPED away from him.

As it should be.

Racists are going to swiftly come to terms with the fact that if you violate you will get punished!
they are attacking the soldier because 1) he's white and 2) he is protective of others---the communists socialists don't want people standing up and protecting others--they need chaos and fear running things in order to continue to take over and seize power. they don't want anyone going after their Brown shirts which is antifa and the black activist love the criminal movement.
How stupid is this , first there isn't enough Communist , socialist and marxist in this country to even care and there never will be , murder as Hate crimes by American, hundreds by You hate Nazi's none by BLM or Antifa.
This asshole assaulted a kid for "walking while black"

And the racist assholes on this site defend the racist

Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot.
Bullshit. I've done exactly that my whole life. You scared little cracker
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
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I am giving him the benefit of the doubt...I don't know the motive for his assault...but he clearly assault him,. It wasn't self-defense, that's clear, it wasn't defense of others....the white guy didn't appear to be the guilt of the assault is pretty clear.

To contend that one assaulted another or that one was not defending himself or herself or others is wholly dependent upon whether you have a firm grasp on the definition of aggression or force in the first place.

Trespassing is aggression. It is force. Forcing yourself into the lives of others, particularly on/onto their own private property uninvited, is aggressiveness and therefore invites defense. Escpecially if you're physically confronting them. Defending oneself or one's fellow community members cannot logically be spun around and twisted as if the defense against the initial aggression was the actual force. That's a fallacy.

Unless he had a valid reason for being there, he was actually the aggressor.

We're likely going to see a lot of this hapening in the near future. They're likely gonna start sending these little minions, likely the hood rat types, into productive residential areas in order to initiate conflict and then spin it around like they're some kind of victim. Of course, then, the quislings show up, 'protesting' as they call it.

Society simply won't tolerate it. Not when you get right down to the nitty gritty of it. Not in their own neighborhoods. Sure, it might be unicorns and fairies to the casual, contemporary cultural Marxist to think they will. But they won't. Again, it's simply not human nature.

And again, as I'd also mentioned elsewhere around here, it's why the brown-shirts have historically deservingly been the ones to suffer that societal retribution first. As it is, they're generally the actual initiators of conflict. They go projecting the image of conflict by making arbitrary claims, a blatant aggression in itself. But they have that whole 'I'm the victim' charade going on, whereas they're actually the aggresssor. Historically, it only works for a little wile before people wise up to what they're actually doing at the societal level of things. It's usually not until the driving force behind the agenda itself at the higher level has got their use from them that they abandon them and leave them to fend for themselves and their reputations in society. Which they never can. Again, historically speaking. Anyone who is a student of history likely will notice that we're probably just about at that point where history revisits itself.

Sit back and watch. It'll be a hoot.
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I am giving him the benefit of the doubt...I don't know the motive for his assault...but he clearly assault him,. It wasn't self-defense, that's clear, it wasn't defense of others....the white guy didn't appear to be the guilt of the assault is pretty clear.

To contend that one assaulted another or that one was not defending himself or herself or others is wholly dependent upon whether you have a firm grasp on the definition of aggression or force in the first place.

Trespassing is aggression. It is force. Forcing yourself into the lives of others, particularly on/onto their own private property uninvited, is aggressiveness and therefore invites defense. Escpecially if you're physically confronting them. Defending oneself or one's fellow community members cannot logically be spun around and twisted as if the defense against the initial aggression was the actual force. That's a fallacy.

Unless he had a valid reason for being there, he was actually the aggressor.

We're likely going to see a lot of this hapening in the near future. They're likely gonaa start sending these little minions, likely the hood rat types, into productive residential areas in order to initiate conflict and then spin it around like they're some kind of victim. Of course, then, the quislings show up, 'protesting' as they call it.

Society simply won't tolerate it. Not when you get right down to the nitty gritty of it. Sure, it might be unicorns and fairies to the casual, contemporary cultural Marxist to think they will. But they won't. Again, it's simply not human nature.

And again, as I'd also mentioned elsewhere around here, it's why the brown-shirts have historically been the ones to suffer that societal retribution first. As it is, they're generally the actual initiators of conflict. They go projecting the image of conflict by making arbitrary claims. But they have that whole 'I'm the victim' charade going on, whereas they're actually the aggresssor. Historically, it only works for a little wile before people wise up to what they're actually doing at the societal level of things. It's usually not until the driving force behind the agenda itself has got their use from them that they abandon them and leave them to fend for themselves and their reputations in society. Which they never can. Again, historically speaking. Anyone who is a student of history likely will notice that we're probably just about at that point where history revisits itself.

Sit back and watch. It'll be a hoot.
This wasn't his property, it was a public street. He wasn't trespassing. Certainly you have a right to use force to defend your property.

So that defense goes flying out the window real quick.

The 22 year old didn't approach the white guy, he wasn't yelling, threatening, nor pushing the guy....the aggressor is viewed quite clearly in the video
You have to be very vigilant of strangers in your neighborhood these days.
I'd add to that the caution if ANYONE you don't know is drifting around, aimlessly in your neighborhood. Remember, 90% or more of BLM are psychotic whites.
If we would open up fire on these terrorist assholes it wouldn't take too many times for them to get the message that terrorism and intimidation will not be tolerated in this country.

At least here in Florida law enforcement has a legal way to deal with the scumbags now that DeSantis has signed the anti rioting bill.
I'd be very suspicious if I saw a black guy that didn't live in my neighborhood just walking around my street for no reason.
Was he looking for house's where the owners aren't home during the day in order to come back and rob them?
Was he trying to see which house's had women or girls that were alone?
You have to be very vigilant of strangers in your neighborhood these days. ... :cool:

We get hood rats coming through our development going through unlocked cars in the middle of the night all the time. Nowadays we actually sit out on our porches at night and work shifts watching.
If we would open up fire on these terrorist assholes it wouldn't take too many times for them to get the message that terrorism and intimidation will not be tolerated in this country.

At least here in Florida law enforcement has a legal way to deal with the scumbags now that DeSantis has signed the anti rioting bill.

Yeah, but not everybody is a scumbag, though. Can't just go shooting mofos. lol.

And you'd have to be physically threatened yourself, anyway, before defending yourself or your community/family to that magnitude.

Personally, I'm more prone to beating the ever living shit out of someone of they tried to attack me on my property. Or anywhere, really. Or maybe even just scaring the ever living shit out of them. They do scare really easily, to be honest. What's the personal satisfaction in just shooting someone?
I don't know...

With that said, it wasn't the guy's property.

That's a direct contradiction.

But BLM didn't have a problem finding it, for the record.

If you don't know the street, then you don't know the status of the community.

That makes your whole point conjecture. Respectfully speaking.

And that's precisely how these minions thrive in keeping this stuff going.

Projecting an image of what one wants the truth to be doesn't mean that it's actually the truth of the matter.

Anyway. I'll stand by my previus thoughts on it.

I do so because they cannot be contested. Not principally speaking anyway.
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