BLM Mob traps 100 customers inside grocery store

Just curious ... does the grocery store not have a back door?

In where do they bring the groceries?

Most people are too polite to go through the stockroom in a store and look for the back door. The store employees tend to yell at you for that.

Don't ask me how I know that.
Like I said, Fuck BLM and while we're at it, fuck you too. I find the white people in BLM every bit as disgusting as the black people in BLM,

You must really hate these women:

A line of almost all white women formed between police officers and black protesters at Thursday night's rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.

A line of almost all white women formed between police officers and black protesters at Thursday night's rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.

Yeah, when Americans use their First Amendment Right to peaceably assemble to express a grievance against the government you find it despicable when it’s those damned angry blacks having grievance.

See that picture above - What really pisses you off about that? Its not blacks rioting abd looting so that bothers you but what must really disgust you is white women on the side of the disgusting ———— fill in the blank.

Whites are not reproducing fast enough to sustain the 1950s comfortable political majority much longer. So you can’t spare those women to be on the other side.

But it’s uncomfortable and not real easy hiding racist tendencies inside the contempt of black people engaged in peaceful protest.

This thread is the perfect example of the solution of the racist dilemma - You simply deny the existence of peaceful black protests by altering the news to make any gathering of ten or more Black Americans into an angry mob of rioting Marxist terrorists with no intention other than to destroy the America that white Anglo Saxon mostly Protestant Christians, with their superior brains, a tireless work ethic, and with guns and the God of the Bible built.

Why would you put your name in support of this thread that is based on racist lies and propaganda to stir up more and more racial divisions that could lead to more and more viokence. Why do you let yourself be lied to like this?
Like I said, Fuck BLM and while we're at it, fuck you too. I find the white people in BLM every bit as disgusting as the black people in BLM,

You must really hate these women:

A line of almost all white women formed between police officers and black protesters at Thursday night's rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.'s rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.

A line of almost all white women formed between police officers and black protesters at Thursday night's rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.

Yeah, when Americans use their First Amendment Right to peaceably assemble to express a grievance against the government you find it despicable when it’s those damned angry blacks having grievance.

See that picture above - What really pisses you off about that? Its not blacks rioting abd looting so that bothers you but what must really disgust you is white women on the side of the disgusting ———— fill in the blank.

Whites are not reproducing fast enough to sustain the 1950s comfortable political majority much longer. So you can’t spare those women to be on the other side.

But it’s uncomfortable and not real easy hiding racist tendencies inside the contempt of black people engaged in peaceful protest.

This thread is the perfect example of the solution of the racist dilemma - You simply deny the existence of peaceful black protests by altering the news to make any gathering of ten or more Black Americans into an angry mob of rioting Marxist terrorists with no intention other than to destroy the America that white Anglo Saxon mostly Protestant Christians, with their superior brains, a tireless work ethic, and with guns and the God of the Bible built.

Why would you put your name in support of this thread that is based on racist lies and propaganda to stir up more and more racial divisions that could lead to more and more viokence. Why do you let yourself be lied to like this?

Wowsers! What a bunch of fat, disgusting-looking cows in that picture. Good thing there wasn't a McDonald's or a Burger King nearby, so many innocent diners would have lost their lives in the stampede.

Honestly, that bunch proves why low-class hippie scooter-trash should have been sterlized before popping out all those crotch-fruits.

Like I said, Fuck BLM and while we're at it, fuck you too. I find the white people in BLM every bit as disgusting as the black people in BLM,

You must really hate these women:

A line of almost all white women formed between police officers and black protesters at Thursday night's rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.'s rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.

A line of almost all white women formed between police officers and black protesters at Thursday night's rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.

Yeah, when Americans use their First Amendment Right to peaceably assemble to express a grievance against the government you find it despicable when it’s those damned angry blacks having grievance.

See that picture above - What really pisses you off about that? Its not blacks rioting abd looting so that bothers you but what must really disgust you is white women on the side of the disgusting ———— fill in the blank.

Whites are not reproducing fast enough to sustain the 1950s comfortable political majority much longer. So you can’t spare those women to be on the other side.

But it’s uncomfortable and not real easy hiding racist tendencies inside the contempt of black people engaged in peaceful protest.

This thread is the perfect example of the solution of the racist dilemma - You simply deny the existence of peaceful black protests by altering the news to make any gathering of ten or more Black Americans into an angry mob of rioting Marxist terrorists with no intention other than to destroy the America that white Anglo Saxon mostly Protestant Christians, with their superior brains, a tireless work ethic, and with guns and the God of the Bible built.

Why would you put your name in support of this thread that is based on racist lies and propaganda to stir up more and more racial divisions that could lead to more and more viokence. Why do you let yourself be lied to like this?
Like I said, Fuck BLM and while we're at it, fuck you too. I find the white people in BLM every bit as disgusting as the black people in BLM,

You must really hate these women:

A line of almost all white women formed between police officers and black protesters at Thursday night's rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.'s rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.

A line of almost all white women formed between police officers and black protesters at Thursday night's rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.

Yeah, when Americans use their First Amendment Right to peaceably assemble to express a grievance against the government you find it despicable when it’s those damned angry blacks having grievance.

See that picture above - What really pisses you off about that? Its not blacks rioting abd looting so that bothers you but what must really disgust you is white women on the side of the disgusting ———— fill in the blank.

Whites are not reproducing fast enough to sustain the 1950s comfortable political majority much longer. So you can’t spare those women to be on the other side.

But it’s uncomfortable and not real easy hiding racist tendencies inside the contempt of black people engaged in peaceful protest.

This thread is the perfect example of the solution of the racist dilemma - You simply deny the existence of peaceful black protests by altering the news to make any gathering of ten or more Black Americans into an angry mob of rioting Marxist terrorists with no intention other than to destroy the America that white Anglo Saxon mostly Protestant Christians, with their superior brains, a tireless work ethic, and with guns and the God of the Bible built.

Why would you put your name in support of this thread that is based on racist lies and propaganda to stir up more and more racial divisions that could lead to more and more viokence. Why do you let yourself be lied to like this?

Oooohhhh....this ones very angry! I'm going to enjoy every minute!
The normal folks

You aint normal folks. You don’t speak for normal folks. Normal folks don’t accept lies and propaganda like the OP as real. We got rid of a President who has tried to make abnormal racist folks normal. He lost - You lost. Political recovery looks weak for the likes of you. Threatening a violent way back wont work either. How did the Jan 6 attack on Capitol Hill go when you still had a fascist watching TV in the White House?

Like Tony Montana said “Look at you now”
The normal folks

You aint normal folks. You don’t speak for normal folks. Normal folks don’t accept lies and propaganda like the OP as real. We got rid of a President who has tried to make abnormal racist folks normal. He lost - You lost. Political recovery looks weak for the likes of you. Threatening a violent way back wont work either. How did the Jan 6 attack on Capitol Hill go when you still had a fascist watching TV in the White House?

Like Tony Montana said “Look at you now”
Not really though.
Like I said, Fuck BLM and while we're at it, fuck you too. I find the white people in BLM every bit as disgusting as the black people in BLM,

You must really hate these women:

A line of almost all white women formed between police officers and black protesters at Thursday night's rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.'s rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.'s rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.'s rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.

A line of almost all white women formed between police officers and black protesters at Thursday night's rally in downtown Louisville calling for justice in the death of Breonna Taylor.

Yeah, when Americans use their First Amendment Right to peaceably assemble to express a grievance against the government you find it despicable when it’s those damned angry blacks having grievance.

See that picture above - What really pisses you off about that? Its not blacks rioting abd looting so that bothers you but what must really disgust you is white women on the side of the disgusting ———— fill in the blank.

Whites are not reproducing fast enough to sustain the 1950s comfortable political majority much longer. So you can’t spare those women to be on the other side.

But it’s uncomfortable and not real easy hiding racist tendencies inside the contempt of black people engaged in peaceful protest.

This thread is the perfect example of the solution of the racist dilemma - You simply deny the existence of peaceful black protests by altering the news to make any gathering of ten or more Black Americans into an angry mob of rioting Marxist terrorists with no intention other than to destroy the America that white Anglo Saxon mostly Protestant Christians, with their superior brains, a tireless work ethic, and with guns and the God of the Bible built.

Why would you put your name in support of this thread that is based on racist lies and propaganda to stir up more and more racial divisions that could lead to more and more viokence. Why do you let yourself be lied to like this?

Oooohhhh....this ones very angry! I'm going to enjoy every minute!

Anger is a good motivational tool. But personally, I think
NotfooledbyW is wasting his time trying to convince we yokels of his cause. He needs a bigger platform, some way to make a more powerful statement so he can get the whole world on board.

Those Buddhist monks had the right idea. How else to make a powerful political statement and gain sympathy, than by setting oneself on fire? A little gasoline, and a match, and viola! You have the attention and sympathy of the whole world.

Hell, I'll even support the cause by donating my Kwik-Trip gas card, if it's tax deductible.
The normal folks

You aint normal folks. You don’t speak for normal folks. Normal folks don’t accept lies and propaganda like the OP as real. We got rid of a President who has tried to make abnormal racist folks normal. He lost - You lost. Political recovery looks weak for the likes of you. Threatening a violent way back wont work either. How did the Jan 6 attack on Capitol Hill go when you still had a fascist watching TV in the White House?

Like Tony Montana said “Look at you now”
Trump's actions with Americans were good. He was crucified day in and day out by the media. Never given a chance. You never saw a Repub talk like you. And you found it disgusting. Well maybe you should learn lessons. And you have not.

15 of the boards finest racists and not one can find one lick of evidence that:

"A mob of Black Lives Matter agitators in Rochester, N.Y., physically trapped shoppers in a Wegmans grocery store on Tuesday

Physically trapped shoppers? Terrorized them by eating pizza while listening to music and the most violent of this viscous disgusting subhuman mob - wait fir this -

They wrote BLACK LIVES MATTER on the parking lot They really did that .... WITH CHALK !!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh The inhumanity of it all.

And the terrorized white victims that were inside the store had to cover their eyes as they escaped with their lives to not see that cruel written message on the way to their cars.

15 of the boards finest racists and not one can find one lick of evidence that:

"A mob of Black Lives Matter agitators in Rochester, N.Y., physically trapped shoppers in a Wegmans grocery store on Tuesday

Physically trapped shoppers? Terrorized them by eating pizza while listening to music and the most violent of this viscous disgusting subhuman mob - wait fir this -

They wrote BLACK LIVES MATTER on the parking lot They really did that .... WITH CHALK !!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh The inhumanity of it all.

And the terrorized white victims that were inside the store had to cover their eyes as they escaped with their lives to not see that cruel written message on the way to their cars.

Didn't watch the video, did ya? If you had, you would have seen how those BLM turd-burglars swarmed the door, and the store staff had to close it and lock it.

Once again, fuck BLM with a rusty AIDS-infected garden tiller, after they they all choke on individual-sized bags of rotten dicks.

May spilled fuck be heaped upon their empty little heads, forever and ever amen.

15 of the boards finest racists and not one can find one lick of evidence that:

"A mob of Black Lives Matter agitators in Rochester, N.Y., physically trapped shoppers in a Wegmans grocery store on Tuesday

Physically trapped shoppers? Terrorized them by eating pizza while listening to music and the most violent of this viscous disgusting subhuman mob - wait fir this -

They wrote BLACK LIVES MATTER on the parking lot They really did that .... WITH CHALK !!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh The inhumanity of it all.

And the terrorized white victims that were inside the store had to cover their eyes as they escaped with their lives to not see that cruel written message on the way to their cars.

"Hands up! Don't Shoot" never happened Burn Loot Murder is based on a lie. Sorry. That's a fact.

15 of the boards finest racists and not one can find one lick of evidence that:

"A mob of Black Lives Matter agitators in Rochester, N.Y., physically trapped shoppers in a Wegmans grocery store on Tuesday

Physically trapped shoppers? Terrorized them by eating pizza while listening to music and the most violent of this viscous disgusting subhuman mob - wait fir this -

They wrote BLACK LIVES MATTER on the parking lot They really did that .... WITH CHALK !!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh The inhumanity of it all.

And the terrorized white victims that were inside the store had to cover their eyes as they escaped with their lives to not see that cruel written message on the way to their cars.

"Hands up! Don't Shoot" never happened Burn Loot Murder is based on a lie. Sorry. That's a fact.

Trayvon Martin wasn't an innocent young teen either. He deserved his fate.
Another misinformation bullcrap story. The shoppers were trapped but walked out as the BLM protestors scribbled chalk messages on the blacktop parking lot.

Someone should mob you like this...

No arrests for False Imprisonment?

That's what I was hoping for.

Bet the left calls this "Peaceful Protest" and not a rioting mob

They do a lot of stupid shit.

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