BLM probe msy derail Bundy trial


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
So far, the first group of defendants tried in Oregon were acquitted altogether, after enduring a year behind bars and the targeting of their friends and family by BLM and fed agents. The jury found that there was no evidence that ANY of the defendants had committed the crimes they were charged with...and in fact they found that all of those so called crimes were in fact committed by federal agents who tried unsuccessfully to pull the protesters in...and failed.

After acquittal, the judge illegally refused to release them, and instead allowed one of their attorneys to be tazed in the courtroom by Marshalls...and shipped them to Nevada.

Understand, Nevada had not issued an order requesting they be detained, and had never arrested them. But they got them. And promptly dropped the weapons charges, leaving only misdemeanors.

Meanwhile, in Oregon, plea deals are being offered to defendants, pleas of trespassing only...a misdemeanor, with no limitations on gun use and ownership.

The entire time the group has been in the jail in Oregon they have been mistreated. They've been subjected to physical assault...Ryan was thrown down stairs...they've had their mail and legal research seized and tampered with. They've been denied access to the library to research their cases, they've had their families repeatedly turned away from visitations, they've been pit in solitary over and over. The complaints and demands from the defendants have been public and constant. Ryan was seized and dragged to a doctors office where they tried to intimidate him into allowing the removal of the bullet in his shoulder...that the feds initially said didn't exist.

Now on top of the plea deals, the
The warden went to visit them recently to ask if she could do anything for them, claiming she only recently heard of the abuse. Not true, she has been receiving letters and phone calls.

Now the BLM agent behind the Bundy and Malheur debacles is FINALLY under investigation. BLM misconduct probe may derail Bundy Ranch standoff trial
in Oregon, judge brown has determined the defendants will not be allowed a jury trial. It's patently unconstitutional for her to do so. But she knows that no sane jury will convict these ppl.

there will be huge lawsuits. The enviro idiots badly overplayed their hand. As a result, ppl have died, lives destroyed...but in the end, we will see restitution and the elimination of these jackasses who creep around our public lands and who have destroyed the ranching and timber cultures (and economies).
When the blm wants ppl dead they call in Love.

And they want ppl dead pretty often.

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