BLM Vows To Set Cities On Fire & That 'All *Hades Will Break Lose' If Chauvin Is NOT Convicted - Extortion? So Much For Justice Taking Its Course...

BLM is willing to start a race war, which they cannot win, over this human piece of trash, George Floyd?

I don't know why you suppose they can't win! They've been winning the rioting for years --- whole cities, Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, are STILL boarded up. No one fights back against them: they just run wild and steal and destroy whatever they want. So of course they can win, and they do.

Because they promise to start killing innocent children in retribution for the lifetime criminal piece of human garbage, George Floyd. That ratchets up the level of anger and rage to ten.

And it all comes down to numbers in such an instance. Who has the numbers?
Who has the weapons? No one will really win in a race war. But lots of people will lose.

All the white people I know will side with BLM and be against the police.
Both of them?
BLM is willing to start a race war, which they cannot win, over this human piece of trash, George Floyd?

I don't know why you suppose they can't win! They've been winning the rioting for years --- whole cities, Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, are STILL boarded up. No one fights back against them: they just run wild and steal and destroy whatever they want. So of course they can win, and they do.

Because they promise to start killing innocent children in retribution for the lifetime criminal piece of human garbage, George Floyd. That ratchets up the level of anger and rage to ten.

And it all comes down to numbers in such an instance. Who has the numbers?
Who has the weapons? No one will really win in a race war. But lots of people will lose.
Like a Tim mcveigh thing
If Chauvin is acquitted there will not be much concern this time around if cities burn down. There are many armed people in areas also who will have no choice but to defend themselves. But most of the violence will be in blue areas. That is their problem.
All the white people I know will side with BLM and be against the police.

I think this is an interesting point, and Rigby may be right ------ after all, look at Portland. The rioters are almost all white. That happened in Washington, too.

The riots could be mostly young whites. Anyone else think that?
I think this is an interesting point, and Rigby may be right ------ after all, look at Portland. The rioters are almost all white. That happened in Washington, too.

The riots could be mostly young whites. Anyone else think that?
I absolutely agree! Young mentally deranged white kids keep black movements like BLM afloat.
If Chauvin is acquitted there will not be much concern this time around if cities burn down. There are many armed people in areas also who will have no choice but to defend themselves. But most of the violence will be in blue areas. That is their problem.

Well, the rioting has always been in blue areas --- but it seemed a problem to a lot of people at the time. You think people will just blow it off now, Dems unable to govern their populations? Huh, maybe. If people can't solve a problem, maybe the best thing is just quit paying attention to it.
Somebody would like to start a race war
Is that your way of signing on to the racial conflagration BLM is promising if Chauvin is not
guilty of murder? Stock up on ammo, street warrior.

We will miss you...but the rednecks with their deer hunting rifles will not.

Nah...just kidding. No one will miss you.

The only folks I know or that wanted to and tried to violently instigate a race war between whites and blacks were those Crazy Chucky followers.
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

Last yr watching SHoles burn was frightening.

This yr I look at it as Summer entertainment. Burn it down and build back better.
Think of it as replacing MLB.... America's 'new pastime'....

Watching marxist shitholes burn from a safe distance is very enjoyable. I look forward to it... although I'd like to see the body count increase exponentially, if that's not asking too much.
Lol. I never said body

Last year I was frightened like hell seeing my American ShitHoles burned and looted and helplessly watch as those absolute filth pos pond scum libturds cheer it on.

This Summer is going to be role reversal. Role reversals teach big lessons when the roles are reversed back and shoved up their asses with a 2 Iron...hehehehe
FORE!!! :lmao:
Like this??????????????

Last year I was frightened like hell seeing my American ShitHoles burned and looted and helplessly watch as those absolute filth pos pond scum libturds cheer it on.

This Summer is going to be role reversal. Role reversals teach big lessons when the roles are reversed back and shoved up their asses with a 2 Iron...hehehehe

I don't see why you would suppose anything would be different from last summer -- the blacks are likely just to riot worse, since they are appeased and egged on by the Left. Nothing has changed that would stop that.
The feral infants were taught last yr that this is OK. If libturds think because they heisted an election this would stop, I thinkey not not.
If Chauvin is acquitted there will not be much concern this time around if cities burn down. There are many armed people in areas also who will have no choice but to defend themselves. But most of the violence will be in blue areas. That is their problem.

Well, the rioting has always been in blue areas --- but it seemed a problem to a lot of people at the time. You think people will just blow it off now, Dems unable to govern their populations? Huh, maybe. If people can't solve a problem, maybe the best thing is just quit paying attention to it.
Danger can be anywhere. However, there are areas of the nation where it forewarns people to be wary. And if they show up there, then it is on the person or people who show up and get into a dangerous situation. It is just tiresome. Leaders in communities are not improving them. The proof is there.
We already know that BLM & its supporters run this nation.

I am sure that the judge & the jury will obey BLM's order.
BLM is willing to start a race war, which they cannot win, over this human piece of trash, George Floyd?

I don't know why you suppose they can't win! They've been winning the rioting for years --- whole cities, Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, are STILL boarded up. No one fights back against them: they just run wild and steal and destroy whatever they want. So of course they can win, and they do.

Because they promise to start killing innocent children in retribution for the lifetime criminal piece of human garbage, George Floyd. That ratchets up the level of anger and rage to ten.

And it all comes down to numbers in such an instance. Who has the numbers?
Who has the weapons? No one will really win in a race war. But lots of people will lose.
Like a Tim mcveigh thing
McVeigh did not announce his intended terroristic act..
They should not be arresting people for laws that are not legal, like the War on Drugs, and should not be doing things like asset forfeiture, no-knock warrants, etc.

Exactly what law the police were enforcing was / is illegal and illegal according to WHOM?

Easy to explain.
In a democratic republic, like the US is supposed to be, then no laws can be arbitrary.
Instead they have to be necessary in order to defend the rights of others, from someone abusing them.
That makes all drug laws, no-knock warrants, etc., totally illegal, because they are not defending the rights of anyone.
They are inherently an abuse of power, and if police were not corrupt, they would be the first to complain.
That they do not, proves they are deliberately committing these offenses.
Same with prohibition, federal gun control, 3 strikes laws, etc.
They can never be legal and it should be obvious to anyone, in a democratic republic.
They violate the basic premise, which is that the only source of legal authority comes from defense of inherent individual rights.
Nice try, it is a Representative Republic....
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

Maybe this?

Man in car with George Floyd the day he died doesn't want to testify
That man is Floyd's drug dealer
The agenda of keeping America divided is 'working on all cylinders'.
I don't know if anyone is maneuvering this division, but wow, we're sure divided. How soon is this trial supposed to be over? Because that's when the riots will start, and I have to keep track, living near Baltimore.
Biden is doing whatever Hillary-Schumer-Pelosi order him to do. Oh and I think they now include Maxine Waters who is their token nemesis of fast and furious frivolous funding and stalking great Republicans for destructive stunts and stains. :(
This is how Negroes have been extorting cities and corporations for decades now.

The city obviously thought giving the family 28 million dollars would buy them riot insurance....I said at the time they were wasting their money.

Well, I have not followed the trial so I cannot predict if the officer will get off or not.


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