BLM Vows To Set Cities On Fire & That 'All *Hades Will Break Lose' If Chauvin Is NOT Convicted - Extortion? So Much For Justice Taking Its Course...

Violence is wrong. Nothing justifies violence, certainly not the death of a thug.

That is silly.
Violence is usually right, such as the American Revolution, defeating Hitler, etc.
And it would not matter if Floyd were a thug or not, his murder still can't be allowed.

Try and burn anything of mine down and you will not make it away the scene.
But it will be a “mostly peaceful” fire.

Yeah, not riots, heaven forbid --- just "protest demonstrations."

When people are being killed, they more than just peaceful demonstrations are warranted to stop it.
Violence isn't "protest".

So who claims that one should only protest when there is a murder by the government?
When government murders, there MUST be violence unless the murder is properly prosecuted by the government.
We did not "protest" Hitler or King George III, we properly used violence that was called for.
People are murdered every day in Chicago. Why aren't there violent protests for that?

The police cause the murders in Chicago.
Almost all the murders are due to the War on Drugs.
Making drugs illegal raised the profits, so entices more to sell.
They can't use banks, checks, credit cards, police, etc., they then all need guns, and then shootings are the fault of the police.
No, police aren't causing murder in Chicago. Black people are shooting each other, 20 to 30 every week.
A chunky IMG model.
Chunky models are the new woke symbol of beauty and body "positivity" (i.e. being overweight).
It's the new woke aesthetic. So fat people, albinos, people with additional fingers and toes,
missing teeth, tattoos like a 19th century drunken sailor, etc. are what is "beautiful" now.
You'd believe it if you saw my latest Vogue Knitting. They went out of their way to photograph fat, black, and ugly.
23 people shot in Chicago, 7 killed, this Easter weekend. Not one of them killed by a cop. No protests. No riots. No businesses burned.
Did I miss something? I've been on the news today --- what is this "killing innocent children in retribution" business? Do you have a link?
Post #50.
Thanks, but I couldn't find any proof that wasn't some cartoon dreamed up by an angry white man.

I understand this is why they are rioting onto the major freeways, because they want our attention and they KNOW we don't care at all if they burn themselves out. So it's a development to watch for since no one is calling them on any of this, so it's sure to escalate. Appeasement always causes aggression to get worse. However, I don't see that threats against white children are being made, yet.

What I worry about more is marches into white neighborhoods, like happened in I think it was Portland.
Violence is wrong. Nothing justifies violence, certainly not the death of a thug.

That is silly.
Violence is usually right, such as the American Revolution, defeating Hitler, etc.
And it would not matter if Floyd were a thug or not, his murder still can't be allowed.
Violence is wrong. Nothing justifies violence, certainly not the death of a thug.

That is silly.
Violence is usually right, such as the American Revolution, defeating Hitler, etc.
And it would not matter if Floyd were a thug or not, his murder still can't be allowed.
What's silly is you equating violence over the death of a thug to the American revolution.

Murder by government is always equally bad and can't ever be accepted.
Actually the murder of Floyd was even worse than what the British were doing, because they would never have killed someone over drugs.
The murder of Floyd is 10 times worse than the mere taxation issue we rebelled against.
One could even argue the American Revolution was wrong because England had a right to recoup costs of our defense in the French and Indian War.

Actually the murder of Floyd was even worse than what the British were doing, because they would never have killed someone over drugs.
1. Floyd wasn't murdered.
2. Ever hear of the Boston Massacre? Or that little clash at Lexington and Concord where British government killed British subjects over guns?
3. How many people-especially police officers-have been murdered by BLM sympathizers?
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

Last yr watching SHoles burn was frightening.

This yr I look at it as Summer entertainment. Burn it down and build back better.
Think of it as replacing MLB.... America's 'new pastime'....

Watching marxist shitholes burn from a safe distance is very enjoyable. I look forward to it... although I'd like to see the body count increase exponentially, if that's not asking too much.
Lol. I never said body

Last year I was frightened like hell seeing my American ShitHoles burned and looted and helplessly watch as those absolute filth pos pond scum libturds cheer it on.

This Summer is going to be role reversal. Role reversals teach big lessons when the roles are reversed back and shoved up their asses with a 2 Iron...hehehehe
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

He speaks for everyone? I am a BLM supporter and do not approve of his prediction.
Honey, I saw on television less than 2 hours ago the BLM spokeswoman who said that the BLM would burn buildings if the officer Mr. Chauvin was acquitted. Today it was brought out that the pathologist who issued the death certificate said his death was caused by compression of the neck. Officer Chauvin's foot was televised consistently as being on Floyd's back, and not on the front where the neck compression was diagnosed. None of the 4 touched Floyd's neck. There is no mystery here. Officer Chauvin did not compress Mr. FLOYD's neck in any way shape or form.

And that threat to burn buildings needs to be treated as any other terrorist act. It's just that simple.
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BLM is willing to start a race war, which they cannot win, over this human piece of trash, George Floyd?

I don't know why you suppose they can't win! They've been winning the rioting for years --- whole cities, Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, are STILL boarded up. No one fights back against them: they just run wild and steal and destroy whatever they want. So of course they can win, and they do.

Because they promise to start killing innocent children in retribution for the lifetime criminal piece of human garbage, George Floyd. That ratchets up the level of anger and rage to ten.

And it all comes down to numbers in such an instance. Who has the numbers?
Who has the weapons? No one will really win in a race war. But lots of people will lose.
Like a Tim mcveigh thing
Last year I was frightened like hell seeing my American ShitHoles burned and looted and helplessly watch as those absolute filth pos pond scum libturds cheer it on.

This Summer is going to be role reversal. Role reversals teach big lessons when the roles are reversed back and shoved up their asses with a 2 Iron...hehehehe

I don't see why you would suppose anything would be different from last summer -- the blacks are likely just to riot worse, since they are appeased and egged on by the Left. Nothing has changed that would stop that.
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

Maybe this?

Man in car with George Floyd the day he died doesn't want to testify
Sure he won't, he, per Floyd's girlfriend, was his dealer. I bet he didn't take bogus money either.
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

He speaks for everyone? I am a BLM supporter and do not approve of his prediction.
Honey's I saw on television less than 2 hours ago the BLM spokeswoman who said that the BLM would burn buildings if the officer Mr. Chauvin was acquitted. Today it was brought out that the pathologist who issued the death certificate said his death was caused by compression of the neck. Officer Chauvin's foot was televised consistently as being on Floyd's back, and not on the front where the chest compression was diagnosed. None of the 4 touched Floyd's neck. There is no mystery here. Officer Chauvin did not compress Mr. FLOYD's neck in any way shape or form.

And that threat to burn buildings needs to be treated as any other terrorist act. It's just that simple.
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

Last yr watching SHoles burn was frightening.

This yr I look at it as Summer entertainment. Burn it down and build back better.
Think of it as replacing MLB.... America's 'new pastime'....

Watching marxist shitholes burn from a safe distance is very enjoyable. I look forward to it... although I'd like to see the body count increase exponentially, if that's not asking too much.
Lol. I never said body

Last year I was frightened like hell seeing my American ShitHoles burned and looted and helplessly watch as those absolute filth pos pond scum libturds cheer it on.

This Summer is going to be role reversal. Role reversals teach big lessons when the roles are reversed back and shoved up their asses with a 2 Iron...hehehehe
FORE!!! :lmao:

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