BLM Vows To Set Cities On Fire & That 'All *Hades Will Break Lose' If Chauvin Is NOT Convicted - Extortion? So Much For Justice Taking Its Course...

Wonder if BLM will do as much damage as trump and his followers did to our nation's Capitol. At least BLM has something to be angry about. Well, trump did have an axe to grind. Millions of American told him to get out before he totally ruined our country.
They've been dying to go back on the warpath. If this doesn't set them off, something else will. So everyone should just chill till the bullshit starts up again. Hopefully, this time we'll fight back, enforce the law and put these assholes in jail for terrorism.

Let it burn!!!...




...Right after we put up fences to keep them in.



BLM is willing to start a race war, which they cannot win, over this human piece of trash, George Floyd?

I don't know why you suppose they can't win! They've been winning the rioting for years --- whole cities, Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, are STILL boarded up. No one fights back against them: they just run wild and steal and destroy whatever they want. So of course they can win, and they do.

Because they promise to start killing innocent children in retribution for the lifetime criminal piece of human garbage, George Floyd. That ratchets up the level of anger and rage to ten.

And it all comes down to numbers in such an instance. Who has the numbers?
Who has the weapons? No one will really win in a race war. But lots of people will lose.
Like a Tim mcveigh thing
If Chauvin is acquitted there will not be much concern this time around if cities burn down. There are many armed people in areas also who will have no choice but to defend themselves. But most of the violence will be in blue areas. That is their problem.
Nobody is driving out to your dying shithole township in the middle of fucking nowhere to protest.
No seriously, that was really good trolling. Really angered me.

I don't think we're effectively communicating here, Frenchie. George Floyd was a worthless piece of crap. He never accomplished anything beneficial throughout his entire miserable life. That is, unless you consider mugging people, committing home invasions, passing counterfeit $20 bills, drugging himself stupid with crack, heroin, and fentanyl, and holding a gun to the belly of a pregnant woman while his other crackhead accomplices robbed her house, as she sobbed and begged for her baby's life, as "accomplishments."

Even in death, he couldn't manage to accomplish anything. Unless you consider providing an excuse for leftist idiots to protest, riot, burn, loot, and commit murder for an entire Summer, an "accomplishment."

Fuck him. Good riddance.
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

He speaks for everyone? I am a BLM supporter and do not approve of his prediction.

What part do you support the most?

Burning, looting or murdering?
Ghetto Trash gonna Ghetto Trash...

They're real good at burning their own neighborhoods down to the ground...

Let 'em... to hell with 'em... "Give them a little space to destroy"...

If they try it elsewhere, like 2020, that's what "cavalry" (mounted cops with stun-batons and automatic pistols) - lots of 'em - squadrons of 'em - are for...

And if THAT doesn't work, try volley-firing into the crowds with live ammunition...

Phukk 'em... enough of this molly-coddling pu$$y-whipped bull$hit...
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They've been dying to go back on the warpath. If this doesn't set them off, something else will. So everyone should just chill till the bullshit starts up again. Hopefully, this time we'll fight back, enforce the law and put these assholes in jail for terrorism.

Won't be happening under a Bi-Dung/Harris Administration.
Blacks threaten to burn Dem cities controlled by Dems in Dem states? :eusa_think:

Apparently so.

That's ok by me, let them go ahead. :4_13_65:

By all means, let them. Joe Biden & Co. will handle the riots just as badly as they handled the border crisis, and everything else for that matter. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the news is delivered to Biden that cities are burning.
Blacks threaten to burn Dem cities controlled by Dems in Dem states? :eusa_think:

Apparently so.

That's ok by me, let them go ahead. :4_13_65:

Let's get this race war over with that the Dimm's have been posturing for so we can all eventually move on.

I don't think the Rats want this war over. They need to keep the fire burning, so to speak.... they need this war for their personal, criminal agenda.
This is how Negroes have been extorting cities and corporations for decades now.

The city obviously thought giving the family 28 million dollars would buy them riot insurance....I said at the time they were wasting their money.

Well, I have not followed the trial so I cannot predict if the officer will get off or not.

If the guy isn't found guilty, the BLM will act out. If the guy is found guilty, the white fanatics will act out. Either way, it sucks.
This is how Negroes have been extorting cities and corporations for decades now.

The city obviously thought giving the family 28 million dollars would buy them riot insurance....I said at the time they were wasting their money.

Well, I have not followed the trial so I cannot predict if the officer will get off or not.

He will be convicted...of manslaughter more than likely

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