BLM Vows To Set Cities On Fire & That 'All *Hades Will Break Lose' If Chauvin Is NOT Convicted - Extortion? So Much For Justice Taking Its Course...

Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

He speaks for everyone? I am a BLM supporter and do not approve of his prediction.
Honey, I saw on television less than 2 hours ago the BLM spokeswoman who said that the BLM would burn buildings if the officer Mr. Chauvin was acquitted. Today it was brought out that the pathologist who issued the death certificate said his death was caused by compression of the neck. Officer Chauvin's foot was televised consistently as being on Floyd's back, and not on the front where the neck compression was diagnosed. None of the 4 touched Floyd's neck. There is no mystery here. Officer Chauvin did not compress Mr. FLOYD's neck in any way shape or form.

And that threat to burn buildings needs to be treated as any other terrorist act. It's just that simple.

It is obvious in all the pictures that Chauvin has his SHIN on Floyd's neck.
No one ever said it was his foot.
His foot never had anything to do with it.

Nope. Try to keep up, ok? There was a new video released, that was taken from ma different angle. The video clearly shows that the officer's knee was on Floyd's shoulder.

Chauvin trial: Was his knee on Floyd's shoulder?
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

He speaks for everyone? I am a BLM supporter and do not approve of his prediction.
Honey, I saw on television less than 2 hours ago the BLM spokeswoman who said that the BLM would burn buildings if the officer Mr. Chauvin was acquitted. Today it was brought out that the pathologist who issued the death certificate said his death was caused by compression of the neck. Officer Chauvin's foot was televised consistently as being on Floyd's back, and not on the front where the neck compression was diagnosed. None of the 4 touched Floyd's neck. There is no mystery here. Officer Chauvin did not compress Mr. FLOYD's neck in any way shape or form.

And that threat to burn buildings needs to be treated as any other terrorist act. It's just that simple.

It is obvious in all the pictures that Chauvin has his SHIN on Floyd's neck.
No one ever said it was his foot.
His foot never had anything to do with it.
Minneapolis Police Knee on Neck Policy Before Floyd Died |
MPD allowed the use of neck restraints at the time of Floyd’s death, unlike many other departments in the state.
Police were following policy while Felon Floyd not once, not twice, not three times, not four times, but 5 times resisted arrest. He was put into the squad car, saying "I cant breathe" and continued to say it, while fighting not to be put back in prison. He Felon Floyd died of a drug overdose.
Medical examiner: George Floyd had 'fatal level of fentanyl' in his system, but is 'not saying this killed him' | Fox News
that chief medical examiner Dr. Andrew Baker, who listed Floyd’s death as a homicide, thought the amount of fentanyl in Floyd’s blood was “pretty high” and could be “a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances.”
I hope the officer is acquitted. George Floyd is one less scumbag in this world.

Good riddance.

From all appearances on day 7 of the trial the Defense has raised many issues of doubt and facts that refute the prosecutions allegations....
Chauvin did not have his knee on Floyds throat. It waas on his shoulder blade.
Autopsy shows that Floyd died of Cardiac Arrest complicated by an overdose of a "Speed Ball" of Fentanyl and Methamphetamine.
Chauvin followed procedures created and developed by the MPD as testified to by those that teach Academy Officers and follow up training. In fact Chauvin was a field instructor.

Then he should walk. Case closed.

Except that Doc post is entirely wrong.
Clearly in ALL the video and stills, Chauvin illegally has his shin or knee pressing in the throat, and that caused Floyd's death.
None of the autopsies said the cause of death was drugs.
All the autopsies as well as the medic at the scene, said it was pressure on the throat.

Chauvin most certainly did NOT follow legal police procedures.
Police procedures are clear that a choke hold on the neck is only legal is the person is a deadly threat.
Floyd was not a deadly threat,
So then a choke hold like that is totally and completely illegal.
His supervison said so in sworn testmony.
But it will be a “mostly peaceful” fire.

Yeah, not riots, heaven forbid --- just "protest demonstrations."

When people are being killed, they more than just peaceful demonstrations are warranted to stop it.
Violence isn't "protest".

So who claims that one should only protest when there is a murder by the government?
When government murders, there MUST be violence unless the murder is properly prosecuted by the government.
We did not "protest" Hitler or King George III, we properly used violence that was called for.
People are murdered every day in Chicago. Why aren't there violent protests for that?

The police cause the murders in Chicago.
Almost all the murders are due to the War on Drugs.
Making drugs illegal raised the profits, so entices more to sell.
They can't use banks, checks, credit cards, police, etc., they then all need guns, and then shootings are the fault of the police.
No, police aren't causing murder in Chicago. Black people are shooting each other, 20 to 30 every week.

YES the Police ARE responsible for almost all murders.
Look at the graph of shootings over the years.
You will see a huge rise due to the police with Prohibition of Alcohol, and another over the police conducting the illegal War on Drugs.

Graphs are mostly propaganda. Fact, 23 people shot and 7 killed over Easter weekend in Chicago. No cops involved.

Every shooting was caused indirectly or directly by cops.
When the cops illegal enforced the War on Drugs, they cause thousands of murders every year.
They forced everyone in the city to be armed.
FORCED? Did the police take everyone in the city to a gun show and have them "show an ID for background check" and make them purchase a firearm? You really are quit a stupid person...
All the white people I know will side with BLM and be against the police.

I think this is an interesting point, and Rigby may be right ------ after all, look at Portland. The rioters are almost all white. That happened in Washington, too.

The riots could be mostly young whites. Anyone else think that?
I think antifa and BLM are allies and augment each others "protests". Both are anarchists.
All the white people I know will side with BLM and be against the police.

I think this is an interesting point, and Rigby may be right ------ after all, look at Portland. The rioters are almost all white. That happened in Washington, too.

The riots could be mostly young whites. Anyone else think that?
I think antifa and BLM are allies and augment each others "protests". Both are anarchists.
I think dumbass rigby might be one of them...
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

He speaks for everyone? I am a BLM supporter and do not approve of his prediction.
Honey, I saw on television less than 2 hours ago the BLM spokeswoman who said that the BLM would burn buildings if the officer Mr. Chauvin was acquitted. Today it was brought out that the pathologist who issued the death certificate said his death was caused by compression of the neck. Officer Chauvin's foot was televised consistently as being on Floyd's back, and not on the front where the neck compression was diagnosed. None of the 4 touched Floyd's neck. There is no mystery here. Officer Chauvin did not compress Mr. FLOYD's neck in any way shape or form.

And that threat to burn buildings needs to be treated as any other terrorist act. It's just that simple.

It is obvious in all the pictures that Chauvin has his SHIN on Floyd's neck.
No one ever said it was his foot.
His foot never had anything to do with it.

Nope. Try to keep up, ok? There was a new video released, that was taken from ma different angle. The video clearly shows that the officer's knee was on Floyd's shoulder.

Chauvin trial: Was his knee on Floyd's shoulder?

ALL the images clearly show that Chauvin's knee or shin is totally compressing the throat of Floyd.
Look close and you will see there is almost no pressure on Chauvin's toe, so all his weight in on Floyd's throat.


The image is at:
But it will be a “mostly peaceful” fire.

Yeah, not riots, heaven forbid --- just "protest demonstrations."

When people are being killed, they more than just peaceful demonstrations are warranted to stop it.
Violence isn't "protest".

So who claims that one should only protest when there is a murder by the government?
When government murders, there MUST be violence unless the murder is properly prosecuted by the government.
We did not "protest" Hitler or King George III, we properly used violence that was called for.
People are murdered every day in Chicago. Why aren't there violent protests for that?

The police cause the murders in Chicago.
Almost all the murders are due to the War on Drugs.
Making drugs illegal raised the profits, so entices more to sell.
They can't use banks, checks, credit cards, police, etc., they then all need guns, and then shootings are the fault of the police.
No, police aren't causing murder in Chicago. Black people are shooting each other, 20 to 30 every week.

YES the Police ARE responsible for almost all murders.
Look at the graph of shootings over the years.
You will see a huge rise due to the police with Prohibition of Alcohol, and another over the police conducting the illegal War on Drugs.

Graphs are mostly propaganda. Fact, 23 people shot and 7 killed over Easter weekend in Chicago. No cops involved.

Every shooting was caused indirectly or directly by cops.
When the cops illegal enforced the War on Drugs, they cause thousands of murders every year.
They forced everyone in the city to be armed.
You're an idiot.
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

I've been watching the trial. Police Chiefs, Captains, Sargeants, and training officers - a veritable parade of them, all getting on the stand and telling the jury that what Chauvin did was wrong, and violated all off his training and all of the Departments standard procedures. They discussed what his training had taught him to do, which was to stop restraining a suspect when he is under your control and not resisting.

Chauvin kept his knee on George Floyd's neck for nearly 3 minutes after being told that George Floyd had no pulse. That was nearly 2 minutes after George Floyd had stopped talking or moving. Even though the police had called for an ambulance for George Floyd because of his obvious medical distress, Chauvin continued to keep his knee on Mr. Floyd's neck until the ambulance arrived.

And bear in mind that Floyd's original crime was passing a counterfeit $20 bill. Michael Brown stole a candy bar. Eric Garner was illegally selling cigarettes. Why are 4 officers being sent out to investigate a $20 crime. 6 officers taking down a suspect selling cigarettes on the corner.
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

He speaks for everyone? I am a BLM supporter and do not approve of his prediction.
Honey, I saw on television less than 2 hours ago the BLM spokeswoman who said that the BLM would burn buildings if the officer Mr. Chauvin was acquitted. Today it was brought out that the pathologist who issued the death certificate said his death was caused by compression of the neck. Officer Chauvin's foot was televised consistently as being on Floyd's back, and not on the front where the neck compression was diagnosed. None of the 4 touched Floyd's neck. There is no mystery here. Officer Chauvin did not compress Mr. FLOYD's neck in any way shape or form.

And that threat to burn buildings needs to be treated as any other terrorist act. It's just that simple.

It is obvious in all the pictures that Chauvin has his SHIN on Floyd's neck.
No one ever said it was his foot.
His foot never had anything to do with it.

Nope. Try to keep up, ok? There was a new video released, that was taken from ma different angle. The video clearly shows that the officer's knee was on Floyd's shoulder.

Chauvin trial: Was his knee on Floyd's shoulder?

It's not a "new video", and it was from the time period AFTER the paramedicas arrived - more than 9 minutes AFTER Chauvin put his knee on Floyd's neck, by which time, more than two minutes had gone by since the officers tried and failed to find a pulse.

The prosecutor already debunked this claim in his cross examination.
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

Fuck 'em.

It better not have any impact on the decision.
All the white people I know will side with BLM and be against the police.

I think this is an interesting point, and Rigby may be right ------ after all, look at Portland. The rioters are almost all white. That happened in Washington, too.

The riots could be mostly young whites. Anyone else think that?
I think antifa and BLM are allies and augment each others "protests". Both are anarchists.
I think dumbass rigby might be one of them...

Nobody should be letting police get away with murder, the illegal war on drugs, asset forfeiture, gun control, or any of the other thousands of illegal things our corrupt government constantly does.
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

Whoever that is is a moron along with the gateway pundit. And now you LOL
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

Fuck 'em.

It better not have any impact on the decision.
This is not black lives matter, this is one idiot shooting off their mouth and your propaganda machine blowing it out of all proportion. Great job, hater dupe.
If Chauvin is acquitted there will not be much concern this time around if cities burn down. There are many armed people in areas also who will have no choice but to defend themselves. But most of the violence will be in blue areas. That is their problem.

Well, the rioting has always been in blue areas --- but it seemed a problem to a lot of people at the time. You think people will just blow it off now, Dems unable to govern their populations? Huh, maybe. If people can't solve a problem, maybe the best thing is just quit paying attention to it.
Danger can be anywhere. However, there are areas of the nation where it forewarns people to be wary. And if they show up there, then it is on the person or people who show up and get into a dangerous situation. It is just tiresome. Leaders in communities are not improving them. The proof is there.
Wrong. This is MY Country and I will not be intimidated to the point I would hesitate to visit any public place in it at any time. Those who would try to prevent that are the ones who need to be wary. It's the "no-go zones that gotta go; not me.
Ghetto Trash gonna Ghetto Trash...

They're real good at burning their own neighborhoods down to the ground...

Let 'em... to hell with 'em... "Give them a little space to destroy"...

If they try it elsewhere, like 2020, that's what "cavalry" (mounted cops with stun-batons and automatic pistols) - lots of 'em - squadrons of 'em - are for...

And if THAT doesn't work, try volley-firing into the crowds with live ammunition...

Phukk 'em... enough of this molly-coddling pu$$y-whipped bull$hit...
Nobody can trash their own areas better than white trash. Have driven in rural white Mississippi or Alabama....
This is how Negroes have been extorting cities and corporations for decades now.

The city obviously thought giving the family 28 million dollars would buy them riot insurance....I said at the time they were wasting their money.

Well, I have not followed the trial so I cannot predict if the officer will get off or not.

If the guy isn't found guilty, the BLM will act out. If the guy is found guilty, the white fanatics will act out. Either way, it sucks.

Seriously? I don't see any "white fanatics" "acting out."
If Chauvin is acquitted there will not be much concern this time around if cities burn down. There are many armed people in areas also who will have no choice but to defend themselves. But most of the violence will be in blue areas. That is their problem.

Well, the rioting has always been in blue areas --- but it seemed a problem to a lot of people at the time. You think people will just blow it off now, Dems unable to govern their populations? Huh, maybe. If people can't solve a problem, maybe the best thing is just quit paying attention to it.
Danger can be anywhere. However, there are areas of the nation where it forewarns people to be wary. And if they show up there, then it is on the person or people who show up and get into a dangerous situation. It is just tiresome. Leaders in communities are not improving them. The proof is there.
Wrong. This is MY Country and I will not be intimidated to the point I would hesitate to visit any public place in it at any time. Those who would try to prevent that are the ones who need to be wary. It's the "no-go zones that gotta go; not me.
Wrong, you have about 1/332,000,000 part of this country jackass
I hope the officer is acquitted. George Floyd is one less scumbag in this world.

Good riddance.

From all appearances on day 7 of the trial the Defense has raised many issues of doubt and facts that refute the prosecutions allegations....
Chauvin did not have his knee on Floyds throat. It waas on his shoulder blade.
Autopsy shows that Floyd died of Cardiac Arrest complicated by an overdose of a "Speed Ball" of Fentanyl and Methamphetamine.
Chauvin followed procedures created and developed by the MPD as testified to by those that teach Academy Officers and follow up training. In fact Chauvin was a field instructor.

Then he should walk. Case closed.

Except that Doc post is entirely wrong.
Clearly in ALL the video and stills, Chauvin illegally has his shin or knee pressing in the throat, and that caused Floyd's death.
None of the autopsies said the cause of death was drugs.
All the autopsies as well as the medic at the scene, said it was pressure on the throat.

Chauvin most certainly did NOT follow legal police procedures.
Police procedures are clear that a choke hold on the neck is only legal is the person is a deadly threat.
Floyd was not a deadly threat,
So then a choke hold like that is totally and completely illegal.
His supervison said so in sworn testmony.

Your ignorance of the facts is astounding. It is not "illegal" to use the neck restraint. When Floyd was arrested, police department policy still permitted the use of neck restraints

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