BLM Vows To Set Cities On Fire & That 'All *Hades Will Break Lose' If Chauvin Is NOT Convicted - Extortion? So Much For Justice Taking Its Course...

I think antifa and BLM are allies and augment each others "protests". Both are anarchists.
Well, sure. They are interchangeable, really. It's just that BLM is black and antifa is white.

You know, we do really have trouble getting away from race in this country, don't we. . . . :cool:
Wrong. This is MY Country and I will not be intimidated to the point I would hesitate to visit any public place in it at any time. Those who would try to prevent that are the ones who need to be wary. It's the "no-go zones that gotta go; not me.

Boy, I can sure tell YOU aren't a woman ----- life is full of places we can't go and expect to survive it.
Rioting isn't going to fix anything. If Chauvin is found not guilty, a lot of people are going to lose faith in their police, though. He shouldn't be allowed to walk away from what he did to Floyd. If Floyd hadn't died, Chauvin would still be out there bullying perps, after 19 complaints about excessive force. That is where the problem lies. Police holding their own accountable. When a department won't, what other conclusion can we draw but that the entire force thinks it's okay?.
Ghetto Trash gonna Ghetto Trash...

They're real good at burning their own neighborhoods down to the ground...

Let 'em... to hell with 'em... "Give them a little space to destroy"...

If they try it elsewhere, like 2020, that's what "cavalry" (mounted cops with stun-batons and automatic pistols) - lots of 'em - squadrons of 'em - are for...

And if THAT doesn't work, try volley-firing into the crowds with live ammunition...

Phukk 'em... enough of this molly-coddling pu$$y-whipped bull$hit...
Nobody can trash their own areas better than white trash. Have driven in rural white Mississippi or Alabama....
Obviously you are not acquainted with either the South or West Sides of Chicago...
So they're the size of a state?
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In the event mob violence should erupt and city or state forces not deployed, in force, it will spell the end to what remains of the rule of law and judicial process.
The rule of law was just elected last year.

You try that bullshit and you will spend a long time in jail with Kyle from Antioch.
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Wrong. This is MY Country and I will not be intimidated to the point I would hesitate to visit any public place in it at any time. Those who would try to prevent that are the ones who need to be wary. It's the "no-go zones that gotta go; not me.

Boy, I can sure tell YOU aren't a woman ----- life is full of places we can't go and expect to survive it.
Survival is a whole 'nother subject. I have been to more than one place I didn't expect to survive but did anyway. While I live I intend to live and I have no intention of letting fear of death keep me from living. Nobody gets out of this life alive anyway. A trigger doesn't know if the finger that pulls it is male or female.
The autopsy report found that George Floyd had meth, fentanyl, cannabinoids and morphine in his system when he died.
A black man died, and we have an autopsy? I'm wondering if those tests are deliberately screwed up in the case of a black man, if the labs are picking up natural human hormones variously termed epinephrine, adrenaline, "endocannabinoids," endorphins, etc. which are naturally present in any human body but not to be construed as evidence of the illicit drug use being implied.
Nobody is driving out to your dying shithole township in the middle of fucking nowhere to protest.
Glad to hear it. . . I guess you know, huh?

I know that time and prosperity have passed over your shithole.

Now accept what you moved there for and pass on the victimhood.
Actually it is the big cities that have become absolute shitholes and the murder arson and rioting they foster are no more than symptoms of their deaths. They will not be missed.
Actually it is the big cities that have become absolute shitholes and the murder arson and rioting they foster are no more than symptoms of their deaths. They will not be missed.
Bust the police unions, and the murder-for-hire, arson, rioting and vice will stop just like that, and things will eventually return to normal after armed and sworn law enforcement officers have lost their labor representation and mental health gun control politics.
Actually it is the big cities that have become absolute shitholes and the murder arson and rioting they foster are no more than symptoms of their deaths. They will not be missed.
Bust the police unions, and the murder-for-hire, arson, rioting and vice will stop just like that, and things will eventually return to normal after armed and sworn law enforcement officers have lost their labor representation and mental health gun control politics.
In general the problem is not the police or their union (which I support) and never has been. The problem is the criminal types who whish to cripple or disband the police. Law and order is not their friend and getting rid of them makes their assorted crimes so much easier and safer. Yes, there is the occasional bad apple- how could there not be-but penalizing them all and making their job harder and more dangerous for lower pay only assures that fewer honest well intentioned people (of all races) will be willing to attempt a thankless profession and would produce a steadily increasing percentage of bad apples. If the people wish the police to carry out their mandates, they must in turn give the police needed support. As long as local and state governments bend over backwards attempting to placate thugs rather than support law enforcement and the honest citizens they were elected to serve things can only get worse and we are quickly approaching chaos with a total breakdown of law and order in some cities.
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

I hope they burn everything down again
They mostly get beat up and chased off when they hit the burbs
Let the fags of blm and antifa burn the cities down again .....
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

He speaks for everyone? I am a BLM supporter and do not approve of his prediction.
Honey, I saw on television less than 2 hours ago the BLM spokeswoman who said that the BLM would burn buildings if the officer Mr. Chauvin was acquitted. Today it was brought out that the pathologist who issued the death certificate said his death was caused by compression of the neck. Officer Chauvin's foot was televised consistently as being on Floyd's back, and not on the front where the neck compression was diagnosed. None of the 4 touched Floyd's neck. There is no mystery here. Officer Chauvin did not compress Mr. FLOYD's neck in any way shape or form.

And that threat to burn buildings needs to be treated as any other terrorist act. It's just that simple.

It is obvious in all the pictures that Chauvin has his SHIN on Floyd's neck.
No one ever said it was his foot.
His foot never had anything to do with it.

Nope. Try to keep up, ok? There was a new video released, that was taken from ma different angle. The video clearly shows that the officer's knee was on Floyd's shoulder.

Chauvin trial: Was his knee on Floyd's shoulder?

ALL the images clearly show that Chauvin's knee or shin is totally compressing the throat of Floyd.
Look close and you will see there is almost no pressure on Chauvin's toe, so all his weight in on Floyd's throat.


The image is at:
Chauvin's pant leg and Floyd's shirt were both dark navy blue and you can't tell exactly where the foot or knee ends and the shirt starts on one of those videos. The ones taken from other videos are lighter' and you can see that the shoe is on the man's back's not his neck. They picked a good jury. Between the 12 of them they will see all the different views. I will go with the jury when the time comes. In the meantime, Chauvin is innocent till proven guilty of murder.
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

I hope they burn everything down again
They mostly get beat up and chased off when they hit the burbs
Let the fags of blm and antifa burn the cities down again .....
When I had a business's I went to Minneapolis frequently and I liked all of them. They were good professionals and great citizens. Oh, I'd truly hate to see the cities in our country go up in smoke again. Americans who seek revenge need to cast their sorrows on God's shoulders since last time I did reading it said "Vengeance is mine' saith the lord." It also says if you believe in Him, God will sustain .you.

I therefore ask God to bless all those in the states in and around Minneapolis so that brotherly love returns to this nation. Amen.
All businesses should have installed those window treatments that make windows pretty unbreakable. Either bullet proof glass or a film applied that is relatively impervious to bricks, rocks, etc.
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

Actually, the threat can be construed as jury tampering (grounds for a mistrial if Chauvin is actually convicted)....

If charged as a federal offense, the BLM activist can receive up to 5 years in prison and a $250K fine if convicted of making the threat to influence the jury (and 20 years in prison if it actually influenced the jury's decision)...

Not to mention the fact that the activist could get a lot of pavement apes shot if they try to carry through with the threat!!!!

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