BLM Vows To Set Cities On Fire & That 'All *Hades Will Break Lose' If Chauvin Is NOT Convicted - Extortion? So Much For Justice Taking Its Course...

If the cities are burnt, why should they be built back up? Why should businesses invest back? Why should people from the suburbs go into the city to spend their money if the threat of riots is going to be increasingly prevalent?
This is how Negroes have been extorting cities and corporations for decades now.

The city obviously thought giving the family 28 million dollars would buy them riot insurance....I said at the time they were wasting their money.

Well, I have not followed the trial so I cannot predict if the officer will get off or not.

If the guy isn't found guilty, the BLM will act out. If the guy is found guilty, the white fanatics will act out. Either way, it sucks.

Seriously? I don't see any "white fanatics" "acting out."
Seriously, like on Jan 6, yes? Overturn that election. Remember that lovefest as it was described by Trump?
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This is how Negroes have been extorting cities and corporations for decades now.

The city obviously thought giving the family 28 million dollars would buy them riot insurance....I said at the time they were wasting their money.

Well, I have not followed the trial so I cannot predict if the officer will get off or not.

If the guy isn't found guilty, the BLM will act out. If the guy is found guilty, the white fanatics will act out. Either way, it sucks.
The only White fanatics I know are Democrats and I'm pretty sure they're not going to object to a guilty verdict.
The only white fanatics are the Trump fanatics who invaded our Capitol on Jan 6.
White supremacists, Qanon, Po boys, etc. Those fanatics.
This is how Negroes have been extorting cities and corporations for decades now.

The city obviously thought giving the family 28 million dollars would buy them riot insurance....I said at the time they were wasting their money.

Well, I have not followed the trial so I cannot predict if the officer will get off or not.

If the guy isn't found guilty, the BLM will act out. If the guy is found guilty, the white fanatics will act out. Either way, it sucks.

Seriously? I don't see any "white fanatics" "acting out."
The trial is not over.
There are six Negroes on the jury. No way is a soul brother or sista going to vote for anything less than Murder One, regardless of the evidence.

Nothing to worry about.
All businesses should have installed those window treatments that make windows pretty unbreakable. Either bullet proof glass or a film applied that is relatively impervious to bricks, rocks, etc.
Yeah, that's what we need. Riot-resistant glass will really solve our societal problems in 2021.
There are six Negroes on the jury. No way is a soul brother or sista going to vote for anything less than Murder One, regardless of the evidence.

Nothing to worry about.
Some of us still cling to the idea that people of color are as much people of conscience as anyone else and will judge by evidence rather than color of skin.
Some of us still cling to the idea that people of color are as much people of conscience as anyone else and will judge by evidence rather than color of skin.
Obviously you didn't watch the O.J. Simpson trial.
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

He speaks for everyone? I am a BLM supporter and do not approve of his prediction.
You support a terrorists organization, they should be shot on site if the start burning towns down. The only good side of it is, they are burning liberal cities.
BLM is just another lynch mob.
Some of them, yes, but certainly not all of them. Are all Trump fanatics a part of the mob that invaded our Capitol on Jan 6, causing death and destruction? Naah.
The difference is we condemned their actions and they are getting what they are due. Harris raised money for bail for the rioters. Liberals still voted her in.
BLM is just another lynch mob.
Some of them, yes, but certainly not all of them. Are all Trump fanatics a part of the mob that invaded our Capitol on Jan 6, causing death and destruction? Naah.
The difference is we condemned their actions and they are getting what they are due. Harris raised money for bail for the rioters. Liberals still voted her in.
EX-president Trump has not condemned their actions and neither have many Trump fanatics on this site alone, along with some Trump lapdog congresspersons. In fact, Trump encouraged the insurrection. Some Jan 6 rioters have been bailed out pending trial. Harris did not raise money, and she supported a group that favored bail. Bad idea? Yes. Reason not to elect her? No.
BLM is just another lynch mob.
Some of them, yes, but certainly not all of them. Are all Trump fanatics a part of the mob that invaded our Capitol on Jan 6, causing death and destruction? Naah.
The difference is we condemned their actions and they are getting what they are due. Harris raised money for bail for the rioters. Liberals still voted her in.
EX-president Trump has not condemned their actions and neither have many Trump fanatics on this site alone, along with some Trump lapdog congresspersons. In fact, Trump encouraged the insurrection. Some Jan 6 rioters have been bailed out pending trial. Harris did not raise money, and she supported a group that favored bail. Bad idea? Yes. Reason not to elect her? No.
I fully support the Jan. 6 protestors. There was no attack. There was no insurrection. I condemn those who pretend otherwise.
Personally, I think Chauvin should be convicted of 'Manslaughter' based on the evidence i have seen and heard, but I'm not a member of the jury and do not know every single detail about the trial as those taking part in it. Understanding this, I am more than willing to allow justice to run its course. I still have just enough faith in the system to believe it can still work. That faith is not shared by all.

What, if any, impact do you think this threat of violence will have on the trial or, more importantly, the outcome? Will it 'taint' the final jury decision?

He speaks for everyone? I am a BLM supporter and do not approve of his prediction.
What prediction? He is calling for BLM to AGAIN terrorizie the know the same chit that they did last year..and the year before and the year before..........

BLM like all "civil rights" activist organizations are nothing but an terrorist Extortion Group----if we don't shoot, then they will continue to become and more violent. Thankfully, I live in florida and Desantis is making it legal to run over terrorists.
BLM is just another lynch mob.
Some of them, yes, but certainly not all of them. Are all Trump fanatics a part of the mob that invaded our Capitol on Jan 6, causing death and destruction? Naah.
The difference is we condemned their actions and they are getting what they are due. Harris raised money for bail for the rioters. Liberals still voted her in.
EX-president Trump has not condemned their actions and neither have many Trump fanatics on this site alone, along with some Trump lapdog congresspersons. In fact, Trump encouraged the insurrection. Some Jan 6 rioters have been bailed out pending trial. Harris did not raise money, and she supported a group that favored bail. Bad idea? Yes. Reason not to elect her? No.
Trump denounced them, he didn't encourage them to do what they did. The democrat party supports the rioters. Yes Harris did help raise bail for these animals and the leaders of the cities refused help from Trump to stop the violence.

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