BLM wants police to stop responding to minor traffic violations

The “rights” of the traffic violators do not exceed the rights of the police and further probing is EXACTLY what lawbreaker loving lib loons want to end.

You consider support of the Constitution as law breaking which says it all today.
Whether there was or not my reply was concerning why in many places the police are no longer permitted to stop someone for minor violations. They can't be trusted to not violate other rights when they do this.

So your point is out of a million police officers none can be trusted because 1000 violated someone’s rights even though thousands of officers don’t violate anyone’s rights on a daily basis?
So your point is out of a million police officers none can be trusted because 1000 violated someone’s rights even though thousands of officers don’t violate anyone’s rights on a daily basis?

Unfortunately too many are not trustworthy. Maybe one day we will weed them out.
Well, I obviously did.
"The police officer said that on this stretch of highway there are a lot of buses that are smuggling people and narcotics and they have to be diligent.’ "

From your article
"The police officer said that on this stretch of highway there are a lot of buses that are smuggling people and narcotics and they have to be diligent.’ "

From your article

Which does not give them the right to search anyone without a probable cause. Driving in the left lane is not probable cause.
Which does not give them the right to search anyone without a probable cause. Driving in the left lane is not probable cause.
It is when police ask you to move out of the passing lane and you instead continue to impede traffic flow by not doing so.
Unlawful will always side with unlawful.
Commit a traffic violation and get pulled then you certainly DO open yourself up for further investigation. Lib loons don’t want that.
Correct. Much easier to transport drugs if you're not being pulled over for traffic violations.
You racist hag, do you know how many innocent black folks have been murdered by the police that weren't committing any crime.
Less than the number of White people murdered by police. A Black man is more likely to be murdered by another Black man than by the police.
And what BLM wants, BLM gets!

Politicians from our great president down to the great mayors of our big cities (such as those lovely ladies who head Chicago and New Orleans) will kneel to BLM in a New York minute,

Heck! Our dynamic president just kneeled before a group of football players who had visited the White House. Vice President Harris, however, refused to follow suit.
You racist hag, do you know how many innocent black folks have been murdered by the police that weren't committing any crime.
So how many “innocent” blacks were killed by cops? Give us some statistics.

Make sure the blacks killed were actually innocent. Don’t include blacks that pointed a firearm at a cop or rushed him with a knife.

Notice that whites get killed by cops too.

Number of people killed by police by ethnicity U.S. 2013-2021​

Published by Statista Research Department, Nov 10, 2021
As of March 2021, 165 Black people were killed by the police in the United States only in that year. This compares to 124 Hispanics, 11 Native Americans, and 314 White people. The rate of police shootings of Black Americans is much higher than any other ethnicity, at 37 per million people. This rate stands at 28 per million for Hispanics and 15 per million for Whites.

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