Bloomberg declares war on poor people


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
He wants to have the government build projects wherever they want, i.e. in middle class neighborhoods which will crash the housing market.

He also wants to raise the minimum wage to $15 / hour, which will get many poor people fired from their current jobs.

In Bloomberg’s inequality plan, he’s proposing expanding tax credits to build low-income housing, increasing federal spending on public housing and launching a $10 billion competitive program to encourage cities to ease zoning restrictions that govern where and how developers can build. Proposals in the California Legislature to ease restrictive zoning, which critics say contribute to the state’s housing crisis, have failed.

Bloomberg is also calling for raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2025 and expanding a tax credit for low-wage workers.

Bloomberg calls for 'war on poverty' on 1st California trip
And he wants to confiscate guns from black people right away.

He seems, much like Beto O'Roarke, to be bent upon alienating just about everyone.
There is no way a gay Jew is going to win the POTUS.

We just aren’t there as a nation.

That’s not homophobic or anti-semetic, it’s just a demographic fact.

Romney got shit for being Morman.
He wants to have the government build projects wherever they want, i.e. in middle class neighborhoods which will crash the housing market.

He also wants to raise the minimum wage to $15 / hour, which will get many poor people fired from their current jobs.

In Bloomberg’s inequality plan, he’s proposing expanding tax credits to build low-income housing, increasing federal spending on public housing and launching a $10 billion competitive program to encourage cities to ease zoning restrictions that govern where and how developers can build. Proposals in the California Legislature to ease restrictive zoning, which critics say contribute to the state’s housing crisis, have failed.

Bloomberg is also calling for raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2025 and expanding a tax credit for low-wage workers.

Bloomberg calls for 'war on poverty' on 1st California trip
I thought we need billionaires to tell us what to do, what gives? Wrong billionaire?
He wants to have the government build projects wherever they want, i.e. in middle class neighborhoods which will crash the housing market.

He also wants to raise the minimum wage to $15 / hour, which will get many poor people fired from their current jobs.

In Bloomberg’s inequality plan, he’s proposing expanding tax credits to build low-income housing, increasing federal spending on public housing and launching a $10 billion competitive program to encourage cities to ease zoning restrictions that govern where and how developers can build. Proposals in the California Legislature to ease restrictive zoning, which critics say contribute to the state’s housing crisis, have failed.

Bloomberg is also calling for raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2025 and expanding a tax credit for low-wage workers.

Bloomberg calls for 'war on poverty' on 1st California trip
Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States!
I understood that Bloomberg loves the cock, but maybe he is just effeminate. I can’t vouch either way.
He wants to have the government build projects wherever they want, i.e. in middle class neighborhoods which will crash the housing market.

He also wants to raise the minimum wage to $15 / hour, which will get many poor people fired from their current jobs.

In Bloomberg’s inequality plan, he’s proposing expanding tax credits to build low-income housing, increasing federal spending on public housing and launching a $10 billion competitive program to encourage cities to ease zoning restrictions that govern where and how developers can build. Proposals in the California Legislature to ease restrictive zoning, which critics say contribute to the state’s housing crisis, have failed.

Bloomberg is also calling for raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2025 and expanding a tax credit for low-wage workers.

Bloomberg calls for 'war on poverty' on 1st California trip
I thought we need billionaires to tell us what to do, what gives? Wrong billionaire?

He is a self made billionaire and never declared bankruptcy.
He also wants to raise the minimum wage to $15 / hour, which will get many poor people fired from their current jobs.

Dem's don't care one iota if poor people get fired. Dem's are bought and paid for by the public employee unions so they are fine with raping the poor and middle class.

The liberal stupid shit governor of Oregon just signed a gross revenue tax on Oregon businesses. Those with slim profit margins are predicting they will have to eliminate overtime to survive. Sell $1 million you get whacked with a tax on $1 million even though your profit margin on that $1 million may have been $0.00 or even a loss.

What you lost money this year? Screw you pay us. Right out of the Goodfellas mob movie.
There is no way a gay Jew is going to win the POTUS.

Wait --- you are saying Bloomberg is homosexual?? I never heard that. What makes you think so?
Not necessary, "Jew will not replace us". Light a tiki torch for peace this holiday season.

We had only had 1 Catholic and he got assassinated, we could probably try a jew.

I would be fine with it.

I’d vote for Ben Shapiro.
He wants to have the government build projects wherever they want, i.e. in middle class neighborhoods which will crash the housing market.

He also wants to raise the minimum wage to $15 / hour, which will get many poor people fired from their current jobs.

In Bloomberg’s inequality plan, he’s proposing expanding tax credits to build low-income housing, increasing federal spending on public housing and launching a $10 billion competitive program to encourage cities to ease zoning restrictions that govern where and how developers can build. Proposals in the California Legislature to ease restrictive zoning, which critics say contribute to the state’s housing crisis, have failed.

Bloomberg is also calling for raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2025 and expanding a tax credit for low-wage workers.

Bloomberg calls for 'war on poverty' on 1st California trip

more like Trump supports poverty, and Bloomberg does not.

Nice try, however.
He wants to have the government build projects wherever they want, i.e. in middle class neighborhoods which will crash the housing market.

He also wants to raise the minimum wage to $15 / hour, which will get many poor people fired from their current jobs.

In Bloomberg’s inequality plan, he’s proposing expanding tax credits to build low-income housing, increasing federal spending on public housing and launching a $10 billion competitive program to encourage cities to ease zoning restrictions that govern where and how developers can build. Proposals in the California Legislature to ease restrictive zoning, which critics say contribute to the state’s housing crisis, have failed.

Bloomberg is also calling for raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2025 and expanding a tax credit for low-wage workers.

Bloomberg calls for 'war on poverty' on 1st California trip

Hey stupid, he isn't calling for a war against poor people, he's calling for a war on poverty, which is much different. Guess your reading comprehension isn't that good, because he's proposing things to help lift people out of poverty, but nice cherry picking.

From your own link.........................

STOCKTON, Calif. (AP) — Michael Bloomberg took his Democratic presidential campaign to California on Wednesday, pledging to launch a “war on poverty” at an event in a city once known as the nation’s foreclosure capital.

“As president, my job will be to move all Americans ahead, and that includes committing our country to new and innovative ways to combat poverty. There has to be a war on poverty,” the New York billionaire said while campaigning in Stockton.

His plan includes initiatives to raise the minimum wage and expand affordable housing. He outlined them after a community discussion with Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs, who endorsed Bloomberg and said he had the “record, resources and relationships” to defeat President Donald Trump.

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