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Bloomberg Helping Ex Felons In Florida To Vote

No one is going to jail as no crimes have been committed. Paying fines of former felons is not a crime. The people in question did not pocket a dime. How were they paid off? They weren't. Clearly Bloomberg was speculating. He has no idea whether that will be the case or not. Florida Republicans better watch out or they might be sitting in a federal prison.

Yes, a crime was committed. He gave people something of value to get them to vote, and vote Biden at that. The law is pretty clear. What don't you understand about it?

He didn't give them anything. He is paying their fines. No crime was committed. You clearly do not understand.

He is paying their fines with the intent of them voting. He stated so in a Washington post interview. The Florida law states you cannot give a person(s) anything of value to influence their voter participation, and Blooming Idiot stated that's why he did it.

He thinks they will vote. They did nothing to influence their voter participation.
Sorry, while those people MIGHT be more likely to vote for Biden, there is no agreement to vote for him or anyone else. Therefore it ain't a bribe.
Great try, Perry Mason. It's a third-degree felony, under Florida state law, for someone to either directly or indirectly provide something of value to impact whether or not someone votes.

The intent
is to influence black and Latino ex cons to vote (two pro Biden groups) and whether they do vote or not the intent is to influence. See you in court.

There has to be a agreement for it to be illegal. It is not a felony to pay someone else's fine.
It is when you do it so they can vote.

So they can have the opportunity to vote. There is no guarantee they will vote. There is nothing illegal about it.
It doesn't matter. It's illegal to pay people for voting.

There is nothing that requires that they vote. They are not being paid to vote. They can choose to vote or not to vote.

That's not what the law addresses.

The law is not relevant since they were not paid to vote.

The law is absolutely relevant because he gave them something of monetary value to vote. That is against the law.

“[Under Florida law] it’s a third-degree felony for someone to either directly or indirectly provide something of value to impact whether or not someone votes.

A memo from the Bloomberg team, obtained Tuesday by the newspaper, explained that the billionaire businessman saw the effort as “a more cost-effective way of adding votes to the Democratic column than investing money to persuade voters who already have the right to vote.”

Sorry, while those people MIGHT be more likely to vote for Biden, there is no agreement to vote for him or anyone else. Therefore it ain't a bribe.
Great try, Perry Mason. It's a third-degree felony, under Florida state law, for someone to either directly or indirectly provide something of value to impact whether or not someone votes.

The intent
is to influence black and Latino ex cons to vote (two pro Biden groups) and whether they do vote or not the intent is to influence. See you in court.

There has to be a agreement for it to be illegal. It is not a felony to pay someone else's fine.
It is when you do it so they can vote.

So they can have the opportunity to vote. There is no guarantee they will vote. There is nothing illegal about it.
It doesn't matter. It's illegal to pay people for voting.

There is nothing that requires that they vote. They are not being paid to vote. They can choose to vote or not to vote.

That's not what the law addresses.

The law is not relevant since they were not paid to vote.

The law is absolutely relevant because he gave them something of monetary value to vote. That is against the law.

“[Under Florida law] it’s a third-degree felony for someone to either directly or indirectly provide something of value to impact whether or not someone votes.

A memo from the Bloomberg team, obtained Tuesday by the newspaper, explained that the billionaire businessman saw the effort as “a more cost-effective way of adding votes to the Democratic column than investing money to persuade voters who already have the right to vote.”

First of all, technically it is not giving them anything by paying their fines.
He is giving the money to the state, not the individuals.

Second is that it has never been right or legal to prevent ex-felons from voting after they have finished their sentence.
If you did want to prevent them from voting, then you can't collect taxes from them or you would be guilty of taxation without representation.
Sorry, while those people MIGHT be more likely to vote for Biden, there is no agreement to vote for him or anyone else. Therefore it ain't a bribe.
Great try, Perry Mason. It's a third-degree felony, under Florida state law, for someone to either directly or indirectly provide something of value to impact whether or not someone votes.

The intent
is to influence black and Latino ex cons to vote (two pro Biden groups) and whether they do vote or not the intent is to influence. See you in court.

There has to be a agreement for it to be illegal. It is not a felony to pay someone else's fine.
It is when you do it so they can vote.

So they can have the opportunity to vote. There is no guarantee they will vote. There is nothing illegal about it.
It doesn't matter. It's illegal to pay people for voting.

There is nothing that requires that they vote. They are not being paid to vote. They can choose to vote or not to vote.

That's not what the law addresses.

The law is not relevant since they were not paid to vote.

The law is absolutely relevant because he gave them something of monetary value to vote. That is against the law.

“[Under Florida law] it’s a third-degree felony for someone to either directly or indirectly provide something of value to impact whether or not someone votes.

A memo from the Bloomberg team, obtained Tuesday by the newspaper, explained that the billionaire businessman saw the effort as “a more cost-effective way of adding votes to the Democratic column than investing money to persuade voters who already have the right to vote.”

First of all, technically it is not giving them anything by paying their fines.
He is giving the money to the state, not the individuals.

Second is that it has never been right or legal to prevent ex-felons from voting after they have finished their sentence.
If you did want to prevent them from voting, then you can't collect taxes from them or you would be guilty of taxation without representation.

YES, it is giving them something of value to encourage them to vote which is against the law in Florida.

If I payoff your credit card, but not directly give you cash, did I not provide something of value to you? Of course I did, because I paid your credit card balance so you don't have to.

This is really a 2+2=4 situation.

Does the law state you are committing a felony by giving something of value to encourage people to vote, yes or no?

Did Bloomberg not say that the reason he was giving this money to ex-cons so they could vote, yes or no?

In his interview with the Washington Post, did he not tell them Biden cannot win Florida with registered voters, and they must "persuade" new ex-con voters to vote for him? Yes or no?

It's clear what his intentions were.
You are dealing with people who don't understand that paying the state government money to pay off fines isn't giving money to the person who owe's the fines.

This should be good.

I get a speeding ticket for $500.00. Dana7360 goes to traffic court and pays my fine of $500.00 and you say I (who got the ticket for $500.00) got nothing of value? How does that work?
This is how to get around the new Florida scheme to prevent former felons from voting in Florida.

Bloomberg is paying their fines and restitution. He's paying for over 31 thousand ex felons fines so that they can vote in the election this November.

So nearly 32 thousand more people in Florida will be able to vote in November.

I wonder how the governor and the republicans in Florida are going to prevent them from voting now. I'm sure they are working hard to come up with another scheme to take voting rights away from legal voters.

FL law says it a 3rd degree felony to give anything of value to incentivize anyone to vote. Is paying their fines and fees a thing of value? Keep in mind in their fund raising they claimed it would provide 32,000 additional voters who would vote for biden 99% of the time. So not only did they commit 32,000 felonies, it was an organized effort to do so, can you say RICO? Plus if the fees and fines were more than $600.00 they would have to issue 1099s or there could be big problems with the IRS. Bloomberg should have spent some of that money on better lawyers. LMAO He and his co-conspirators could wind up doing time.


No one is going to jail as no crimes have been committed. Paying fines of former felons is not a crime. The people in question did not pocket a dime. How were they paid off? They weren't. Clearly Bloomberg was speculating. He has no idea whether that will be the case or not. Florida Republicans better watch out or they might be sitting in a federal prison.

I see reading comprehension is not one of your strong suits. No one said anything about people being "paid off". I said they received something of value, are you going to say paying off their financial liabilities isn't something of value? That is a clear violation of FL law. Also the commie bloomberg wasn't speculating at all, he only paid the debts of blacks and hispanics, his little club seems to be racist as hell.

Sorry, while those people MIGHT be more likely to vote for Biden, there is no agreement to vote for him or anyone else. Therefore it ain't a bribe.
Great try, Perry Mason. It's a third-degree felony, under Florida state law, for someone to either directly or indirectly provide something of value to impact whether or not someone votes.

The intent
is to influence black and Latino ex cons to vote (two pro Biden groups) and whether they do vote or not the intent is to influence. See you in court.

There has to be a agreement for it to be illegal. It is not a felony to pay someone else's fine.

It is if it's done with the purpose of incentivizing them to vote. This was done with the expressed purpose to enable them to do so.

No one is going to jail as no crimes have been committed. Paying fines of former felons is not a crime. The people in question did not pocket a dime. How were they paid off? They weren't. Clearly Bloomberg was speculating. He has no idea whether that will be the case or not. Florida Republicans better watch out or they might be sitting in a federal prison.

Yes, a crime was committed. He gave people something of value to get them to vote, and vote Biden at that. The law is pretty clear. What don't you understand about it?

He didn't give them anything. He is paying their fines. No crime was committed. You clearly do not understand.

So Trump could pay peoples credit card bills as long as he sent it directly to the company, RIGHT?????????????

I wonder have democrats ever considered that they are just as wrong as people think they are - when their plan to victory involves getting elected by felons.

Obviously felons should not vote. There already are enough democrats who vote just like criminals - not for the benefit of the nation but to buy themselves free shit.

Why, assuming they did their time? The initial big push for felonies (other than the most egregious) to be ineligible for voting was racism. I don't care if they vote, just like I don't care if RWNJ racists vote. It's an American right.

Because democracy was chosen to arrive at the best, and less intrusive government possible. Not as a value onto itself, and certainly not something everyone should have just by the virtue of breathing. Only those who make the best decisions.

There is zero evidence that felons vote are informed or vote very well. Other than of course, if you are a democrat and do not care about having a great nation, only free shit matters. But that is not America, that is the common shithole.

Less intrusive? I hardly call telling a woman what she can do with her body less intrusive government. You people do not want less intrusive government. You just want government doing what you want them to do.

Trump supporters are ill informed. Even when Trump admits to something, you clowns ignore it.

I don't care about the abortion issue, no problem with you aborting yourselves, based on the content here it appears the superior option. And just a reminder, it is still possible if you are up for it.

Now where was I... oh yes, the best part.... FREEDOM!!

The fact is that you want a big government that does what you want it to do. You are in no way in favor of small government. The Republican Senate and White House will be aborted in November.

You seem to lack the understanding that abortion is a State issue, the feds should have no say in it. Show me where the Constitution gives the courts the ability to override the votes of the people of the States.

This is what Madison said about it.

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -James Madison Federalist 45

Everyone obviously has a right to vote, including ex-felons.
If not, then you can't ask them to pay taxes, as that would be "taxation without representation".
The idea you can prevent ANYONE from voting is just criminal.
criminals lose the right to vote when they demonstrate an inability to make good life choices like not committing crimes. Our founders never intended all people to vote---hell they wouldn't let most vote because they realized that 1/2 the population has a below average iq.

And btw, most all don't pay taxes either------------------perhaps they shouldn't vote as well?
Sorry, while those people MIGHT be more likely to vote for Biden, there is no agreement to vote for him or anyone else. Therefore it ain't a bribe.
Great try, Perry Mason. It's a third-degree felony, under Florida state law, for someone to either directly or indirectly provide something of value to impact whether or not someone votes.

The intent
is to influence black and Latino ex cons to vote (two pro Biden groups) and whether they do vote or not the intent is to influence. See you in court.

There has to be a agreement for it to be illegal. It is not a felony to pay someone else's fine.
It is when you do it so they can vote.

So they can have the opportunity to vote. There is no guarantee they will vote. There is nothing illegal about it.
It doesn't matter. It's illegal to pay people for voting.

There is nothing that requires that they vote. They are not being paid to vote. They can choose to vote or not to vote.

Wow, rationalization. I bet you think riots are mostly peaceful too. Of course billionaires throw 16.5 million at felons with no expectations, OH WAIT, their fund raising propaganda said otherwise. You commies are pathetic.

"Bloomberg and his team" have raised $16 million for "a program organized by the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition to pay the fines, fees and restitution costs for former prisoners who are already registered to vote in Florida but barred by law from participating in the election because of those outstanding debts."
"We have identified a significant vote share that requires a nominal investment. The data shows that in Florida, Black voters are a unique universe unlike any other voting bloc, where the Democratic support rate tends to be 90%-95%."

No one is going to jail as no crimes have been committed. Paying fines of former felons is not a crime. The people in question did not pocket a dime. How were they paid off? They weren't. Clearly Bloomberg was speculating. He has no idea whether that will be the case or not. Florida Republicans better watch out or they might be sitting in a federal prison.

Yes, a crime was committed. He gave people something of value to get them to vote, and vote Biden at that. The law is pretty clear. What don't you understand about it?

He didn't give them anything. He is paying their fines. No crime was committed. You clearly do not understand.

He is paying their fines with the intent of them voting. He stated so in a Washington post interview. The Florida law states you cannot give a person(s) anything of value to influence their voter participation, and Blooming Idiot stated that's why he did it.

He thinks they will vote. They did nothing to influence their voter participation.

Could they legally vote if he didn't pay their fines?

It's unfortunate all these felons will go straight back to prison for accepting all that Bloomberg bribe money.
This is how to get around the new Florida scheme to prevent former felons from voting in Florida.

Bloomberg is paying their fines and restitution. He's paying for over 31 thousand ex felons fines so that they can vote in the election this November.

So nearly 32 thousand more people in Florida will be able to vote in November.

I wonder how the governor and the republicans in Florida are going to prevent them from voting now. I'm sure they are working hard to come up with another scheme to take voting rights away from legal voters.

While I do believe that once people have served their time and made their restitution their voting rights should be restored, it certainly says something about your party that you assume ex felons are going to vote Democratic, doesn't it?
Actually, it’s Republicans making the incorrect inference that ex-offenders vote Democratic – hence the right’s unwarranted opposition to allowing them to vote.
Actually, it’s Republicans making the incorrect inference that ex-offenders vote Democratic – hence the right’s unwarranted opposition to allowing them to vote.
The opposition comes entirely from democrat plans to pay ex-felons to vote for them.
It's illegal, you know. And it demonstrates how the democrats must bribe and pay people to
pull the lever for them in the voting booth.
“Bloomberg Helping Ex Felons In Florida To Vote”

This should be a non-issue – Bloomberg should be applauded for helping citizens exercise their fundamental right to vote in accordance with Florida law.

That many on the right oppose Bloomberg’s efforts is both telling and disturbing.
This should be a non-issue – Bloomberg should be applauded for helping citizens exercise their fundamental right to vote in accordance with Florida law.

That many on the right oppose Bloomberg’s efforts is both telling and disturbing.
You think billionaire Bloomberg should be applauded for his plan to buy votes for democrats?
But his vote buying scheme is a third degree felony under Florida law.
Still like it?
“Bloomberg Helping Ex Felons In Florida To Vote”

This should be a non-issue – Bloomberg should be applauded for helping citizens exercise their fundamental right to vote in accordance with Florida law.

That many on the right oppose Bloomberg’s efforts is both telling and disturbing.

It wouldn't be telling and disturbing if they were likely to vote Republican, huh? It's not a bunch of middle-class and wealthy white people who are released from prison that can't pay their fines and restitutions. It's minorities who are on record as mostly voting pure Democrat.

It's just like the border situation. If those coming from the south were conservative minded people, the Democrats would have had an impassible wall up decades ago.
Actually, it’s Republicans making the incorrect inference that ex-offenders vote Democratic – hence the right’s unwarranted opposition to allowing them to vote.

What are the voting patterns of Blacks and Hispanics?

Mike Bloomberg Raises $16 Million to Pay Fines of Black, Hispanic Felons to Vote in Florida


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