The left is going bonkers because Tennessee isnt going to allow Felons the right to vote.

What other rights could we take away from felons that served their time?
How about free speech? Or freedom of religion? What about due process?
If you can rationalize away the HUMAN right to self defense, one can rationalize away those.
They should be forced to quarter soldiers in thier homes.
MSN At one time more states didnt allow Felons to vote because when you dared to take the rights of others away in the harshest manner, then you lose your rights of being a citizen. Then the leftist started harping that if the Felon did his time, he/she/it should be allowed to vote since he paid his dues to society, but not the person/s he/she/it infringed upon. Well if that is the case and they should be absolved of the crime, since they did the time, they should also be able to go out and purchase a firearm, as owning a gun is less dangerous to society than installing the Marxists/ Democrat Fascists....

What say you?

Trump won’t be allowed to vote for himself. How touching!
I don't think you really have any idea what that would mean.....On a convict's discharge day he could stop by "guns-r-us" and go ruin your life before the van even returns to the unit....It would serve you right too.

The fact is prisons are where we warehouse the true animals of our society.....We let them out on their discharge day only because we have to.
That would be the fault of an ineffective punishment. IE releasing a violence prone offender, who hasn't been fully shown the error of his ways, and thus been "rehabilitated"....
If I was doing LWP and the guards asked me if I wanted to vote, I'd say "No thank you Sir."
That is ridiculous.
First of all, bouncing a check for more than $100 can be a felony, and it does not prove you harmed others.
Second is that all punishments have to be approved by the judge in the case, not the legislators.
Third is that denying felons to vote while taxing them is illegal taxation without representation.
What is illegal taxation without representation is the bullshit Globull Warming scam.

As for Felons, if they should be allowed to vote, then they should be allowed to buy a gun.
That is not entirely false.
The Arctic is 11 degrees warmer than normal.
It has to be in order for all that ice to melt that we see.
The cooling from the melting ice does not cause this arctic air to then blow further towards the equator, the extra heat energy does that.
The "polar vortex" get is energy to come further down, from global warming.
Normally the polar air is so cold it does not have any force to make it leave the poles.
Global warming gives is more energy to move much further.
So it is global warming that causes colder winter storms.
Ice to melt that we see?

But if the ice is melting year after year, how can it be increasing, with CO2 increasing?

The end of 2023 had above average sea ice growth, bringing the daily extent within the interdecile range, the range spanning 90 percent of past sea ice extents for the date. Rapid expansion of ice in the Chukchi and Bering Seas and across Hudson Bay was responsible.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with …
I'm nothing even resembling a Leftist, yet... I've always been a proponent of the philosophy, that if you've done your time, you get welcomed back into the fold with all the rights acclimated with free men. The Felon exclusion practice is both what I consider unconstitutional, and very dangerous. Dangerous for a number of reasons. One being it's a perfect Trojan horse for neutering your political opposition, (show me the man, and I'll show you the crime.). Another being that to have masses of taxpayers, citizens not allowed to fully participate in the society in which they work, live, and fund through taxes, breeds resentment. Get enough people like that together behind a single cause, and it's a recipie for disaster. They have less to lose than everyone else...
So you are okay that if a murderer serves his time, he is allowed to then purchase a weapon?
MSN At one time more states didnt allow Felons to vote because when you dared to take the rights of others away in the harshest manner, then you lose your rights of being a citizen. Then the leftist started harping that if the Felon did his time, he/she/it should be allowed to vote since he paid his dues to society, but not the person/s he/she/it infringed upon. Well if that is the case and they should be absolved of the crime, since they did the time, they should also be able to go out and purchase a firearm, as owning a gun is less dangerous to society than installing the Marxists/ Democrat Fascists....

What say you?
Here in New York, people with felony convictions, after serving their time incarcerated or on probation can apply for what is called a "Certificate of Good Conduct"-if they've been discharged from parole, or a "Certificate of Relief From Civil Disabilities"-after release from probation. Although the firearms and the ban on elected office still remains in force, otherwise, said ex offender is afforded his/her full rights and privileges restored, including certain jobs other than first responder (Police/Fire). Also, bus driver applicants who've had a felony conviction that is not eligible for lifetime prohibitions under Article 19-A of the Vehicle and Traffic Law such as:
Sex Offenses
Offenses of Moral Turpitude
Offenses concerning children, the elderly, or disabled
can apply for and are able to secure jobs in passenger transport including School Bus, Transit Bus, and Motorcoach. The Offense must be over 10 years old and the candidate have an otherwise clear record.
So you are okay that if a murderer serves his time, he is allowed to then purchase a weapon?
That depends on the individual offense. What if said killer was guilty of say:
Criminally Negligent Homicide or Manslaughter? What if said offender turned his/her life around? Those are the arguments we are making. I have zero problem with a lifetime firearms prohibition, however, restoring other civil rights should be considered.
That depends on the individual offense. What if said killer was guilty of say:
Criminally Negligent Homicide or Manslaughter? What if said offender turned his/her life around? Those are the arguments we are making. I have zero problem with a lifetime firearms prohibition, however, restoring other civil rights should be considered.
Why? If he is able to vote, which is much more deadly than any weapon, why shouldnt he have the right to own a gun?

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