Bloomberg predicts riots in NYC

I find it amusing that some of us imagine that WARNING people about potential rioting is characterized as THREATENING to riot.

Once again we see that some people fail to understand that EMPATHY is not SYMPATHY.

I become increasingly convinced that this inability to understand empathy suggest that those who cannot understand the concept cannot understand it because they are incapable of doing it.

Bloomberg can imagine (read empathize) the plight of people other than himself.

By empathizing their plight he intuits how they feel, and also what they might do.

He does not have to SYMPATHIZE with them to do that.

In fact, Bloomberg can hate these people and STILL empathize about them.

one doesn't have to even be empathetic to look at history and see what has happened previously and what occurrs when certain conditions exist. one only has to be smart enough to learn from history.

I see your point..sort of.

It takes EMPATHIC INTELIGENCE to understand WHAT CONDITONS exist in the MINDS of other people, Jill.

One can know, for example, that there is income inequity and still not understand what or WHY that leads to unstable societies.

Why do you think that so many here simply cannot understand that income inquity is leading us down the shitter?

These empathically challenged folks KNOW the inequity exists, but they cannot fathom what it does to OTHER people.

For example, they are apparently incapable of understanding that the losers of the capitalist game are likely to fight back, and to play by a whole new set of rules, rather than shuffling off to die quietly.

That shows a remarkable lack of empathic sense, don't you think?

A lack of empthic intelligence is the lack of the ability to imagine being anybody but yourself.

It's the inability to imagine being in any other state of being other than the one you personally are in.

We see examples of this kind of intellectual retardation from the rabid rightist TROLLS who post here daily.

Empathy is, incidently, one of the seven known forms of is the interpersonal intelligence.

One can be a math or language genius and still be intellectually retarded in terms of interpersonal intelligence.
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Let me translate.
Bloomberg: We want to make sure the riots take place soon.
WTF does this have to do with the Tea Party? It will be a bunch of union assholes that get such a thing started......
WTF does this have to do with the Tea Party? It will be a bunch of union assholes that get such a thing started......

only a tea person would think that.... which goes back to the lack of empathy... yadda, yadda... :eusa_whistle:
Bloomberg: Economy Woes Will Lead to 'Riots'

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg warned Friday there could be “riots” in the streets of U.S. cities if the economy doesn’t pick up soon.

The lack of jobs is making people increasingly desperate, Bloomberg said on his weekly WOR radio show.

I believe this is the legacy of the Tea Party whether right or wrong. These will be similar to the riots in England.

Obama should just wave his magic wand and create 1,000,000 shovel ready green solar jobs for those poor people.

Or, alternatively, asswipes like you could just blame Bush.

And Bloomberg's a fucking idiot, by the way.
Bloomberg: Economy Woes Will Lead to 'Riots'

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg warned Friday there could be “riots” in the streets of U.S. cities if the economy doesn’t pick up soon.

The lack of jobs is making people increasingly desperate, Bloomberg said on his weekly WOR radio show.

I believe this is the legacy of the Tea Party whether right or wrong. These will be similar to the riots in England.

Obama should just wave his magic wand and create 1,000,000 shovel ready green solar jobs for those poor people.

Or, alternatively, asswipes like you could just blame Bush.

And Bloomberg's a fucking idiot, by the way.

or we could engage in magical thinking and pretend that trickle down economics isn't voodoo economics. or we can pretend that austerity creates jobs

or we can pretend that the disparity between rich and poor isn't becoming a problem (of course, if you go to peru, you might be surprised at the barbed wire and armed guards protecting the "middle class".).

or, alternatively, you can blame the president for the failures of decades of rightwing policies.

and yes, bloomberg can be a jerk on some issues, but about economics? really?
WTF does this have to do with the Tea Party? It will be a bunch of union assholes that get such a thing started......

only a tea person would think that.... which goes back to the lack of empathy... yadda, yadda... :eusa_whistle:

I'm neither a tea person or union, but anyway, the facts support my opinion, one of these entities has a history of violence, corruption, intimidation, etc... and one doesn't. Just very recently one group stormed a facility destroying property and took hostages in Washington State, it wasn't the Tea Party. ;) :eusa_whistle:
This nation was far better off when scabs got their asses kicked, folks.

But capital understood that the way to get around labors unions was to liberate captial from national indientity.

That's exactly what FREE TRADE is, really.

the internationalization of capital, while leaving the workers back at home as SERFS.

Its worked remarbably well for the capitalists, but the nations (and the workers in the nations) are taking it on the neck.
Bloomberg: Economy Woes Will Lead to 'Riots'

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg warned Friday there could be “riots” in the streets of U.S. cities if the economy doesn’t pick up soon.

The lack of jobs is making people increasingly desperate, Bloomberg said on his weekly WOR radio show.

I believe this is the legacy of the Tea Party whether right or wrong. These will be similar to the riots in England.

Legacy of the tea party? :cuckoo: NYC is made of left wing big government fools. The tea party has little traction there!
Bloomberg: Economy Woes Will Lead to 'Riots'

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg warned Friday there could be “riots” in the streets of U.S. cities if the economy doesn’t pick up soon.

The lack of jobs is making people increasingly desperate, Bloomberg said on his weekly WOR radio show.

I believe this is the legacy of the Tea Party whether right or wrong. These will be similar to the riots in England.

Obama should just wave his magic wand and create 1,000,000 shovel ready green solar jobs for those poor people.

Or, alternatively, asswipes like you could just blame Bush.

And Bloomberg's a fucking idiot, by the way.

or we could engage in magical thinking and pretend that trickle down economics isn't voodoo economics. or we can pretend that austerity creates jobs

or we can pretend that the disparity between rich and poor isn't becoming a problem (of course, if you go to peru, you might be surprised at the barbed wire and armed guards protecting the "middle class".).

or, alternatively, you can blame the president for the failures of decades of rightwing policies.

and yes, bloomberg can be a jerk on some issues, but about economics? really?


What happened to, "we won"

And the Macaca in the White House saying, “After they drove the car into the ditch, made it as difficult as possible for us to pull it back, now they want to keys back. No! You can’t drive. We don’t want to have to go back into the ditch. We just got the car out.”

Or, "Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won."

Or the DNC saying, "We Own the economy"?

Clearly, this is the best part of the destruction of the Progressive media monopoly. When the had it they were able to tell people FDR was "Great" and Joe McCarthy was evil, both total lies, and now you get to see firsthand how they operate. Obama and the Dems are strangling the US Economy and trying to pin the blame on the Tea Party.

You see that now, right?
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Clearly, this is the best part of the destruction of the Progressive media monopoly. When the had it they were able to tell people FDR Was "Great" and Joe McCarthy was evil, both total lies, and now you get to see firsthand how they operate. Obama and the Dems are strangling the US Economy and trying to pin the blame on the Tea Party.

You see that now, right?

Wrong, the Tea Party has passed all kinds of legislation that has made an impact on the American Economy.

The Bailouts ..... Tea Party

Stimulus............Tea Party

Omnibus............Tea Party

Obamacare........Tea Party

Dodd/Frank........Tea Party
Clearly, this is the best part of the destruction of the Progressive media monopoly. When the had it they were able to tell people FDR Was "Great" and Joe McCarthy was evil, both total lies, and now you get to see firsthand how they operate. Obama and the Dems are strangling the US Economy and trying to pin the blame on the Tea Party.

You see that now, right?

Wrong, the Tea Party has passed all kinds of legislation that has made an impact on the American Economy.

The Bailouts ..... Tea Party

Stimulus............Tea Party

Omnibus............Tea Party

Obamacare........Tea Party

Dodd/Frank........Tea Party

Remember when the Tea Party fucked over Chrysler Senior Secured Creditors so they could give the UAW a 25% equity stake in the company?
Clearly, this is the best part of the destruction of the Progressive media monopoly. When the had it they were able to tell people FDR Was "Great" and Joe McCarthy was evil, both total lies, and now you get to see firsthand how they operate. Obama and the Dems are strangling the US Economy and trying to pin the blame on the Tea Party.

You see that now, right?

Wrong, the Tea Party has passed all kinds of legislation that has made an impact on the American Economy.

The Bailouts ..... Tea Party

Stimulus............Tea Party

Omnibus............Tea Party

Obamacare........Tea Party

Dodd/Frank........Tea Party

Remember when the Tea Party fucked over Chrysler Senior Secured Creditors so they could give the UAW a 25% equity stake in the company?

Remember when the Tea Party invested 500 million tax payer dollars into a lousy solar company that went under?....
Wrong, the Tea Party has passed all kinds of legislation that has made an impact on the American Economy.

The Bailouts ..... Tea Party

Stimulus............Tea Party

Omnibus............Tea Party

Obamacare........Tea Party

Dodd/Frank........Tea Party

Remember when the Tea Party fucked over Chrysler Senior Secured Creditors so they could give the UAW a 25% equity stake in the company?

Remember when the Tea Party invested 500 million tax payer dollars into a lousy solar company that went under?....

The Tea Party started wars without Congressional Approval! The Imperial Tea Party!!
Obama should just wave his magic wand and create 1,000,000 shovel ready green solar jobs for those poor people.

Or, alternatively, asswipes like you could just blame Bush.

And Bloomberg's a fucking idiot, by the way.

or we could engage in magical thinking and pretend that trickle down economics isn't voodoo economics. or we can pretend that austerity creates jobs

or we can pretend that the disparity between rich and poor isn't becoming a problem (of course, if you go to peru, you might be surprised at the barbed wire and armed guards protecting the "middle class".).

or, alternatively, you can blame the president for the failures of decades of rightwing policies.

and yes, bloomberg can be a jerk on some issues, but about economics? really?


What happened to, "we won"

And the Macaca in the White House saying, “After they drove the car into the ditch, made it as difficult as possible for us to pull it back, now they want to keys back. No! You can’t drive. We don’t want to have to go back into the ditch. We just got the car out.”

Or, "Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won."

Or the DNC saying, "We Own the economy"?


Remember the gloating? Remember the promises? That was YOU and your Anointed One, NOT us, talking. You had a an absolute majority in congress, and you had the White House. What did you do with that, democrats? YOU talked, and you promised, and you threatened, and you demanded, but you actually DID ....nothing to speak of; 800 days, and you couldn't so much as pass a budget. So in 2010, the people fired a warning shot across your bow. You still did, essentially nothing. So today, after three years, the economy (the thing you were elected on the promise of fixing in the first place, incidentally) is still broken, people are STILL out of work, and it's suddenly the other side's fault? WRONG! YOU made the promises, YOU didn't deliver, and now, YOU OWN THE RESULT! Empathy, sympathy, "intrapersonal intelligence"-how nice, but those nice words haven't created jobs. I doubt rioters are going to much care whether you "empathize" with their lot or not. You made this mess, you are responsible, it's YOUR watch, and you can just damn well deal with it, hopefully with the common sense you haven't used in dealing with the economy! You let your ideology lead you into browbeating and threatening the companies and people who actually DO create jobs, until they pulled back in their shells, and decided to wait out the storm. I'll be blunt; you inherited a mess, and promptly did the only things you could have done to make it worse, and in that, you succeeded.You have no one to blame but yourselves, and your partisan leadership who wanted their "legacy" more than they wanted to actually fix the nation's economic woes. You know, now that I think on it, maybe we should just let those big-city bastions of yours burn, like a fire in a garbage dump, Maybe that will disinfect them.
Don't know why this is in the Tea Party section; but U.S. riots will begin next summer.
Bloomberg: Economy Woes Will Lead to 'Riots'

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg warned Friday there could be “riots” in the streets of U.S. cities if the economy doesn’t pick up soon.

The lack of jobs is making people increasingly desperate, Bloomberg said on his weekly WOR radio show.

I believe this is the legacy of the Tea Party whether right or wrong. These will be similar to the riots in England.

****************************************************************Neither was Bush good enough to be a dog catcher. Obama at least is intelligent and pro-the American people. Bush didn't even have that and became President with pre-written speeches, scripts, and bribes. Good riddance! :eusa_eh:

or we could engage in magical thinking and pretend that trickle down economics isn't voodoo economics. or we can pretend that austerity creates jobs

or we can pretend that the disparity between rich and poor isn't becoming a problem (of course, if you go to peru, you might be surprised at the barbed wire and armed guards protecting the "middle class".).

or, alternatively, you can blame the president for the failures of decades of rightwing policies.

and yes, bloomberg can be a jerk on some issues, but about economics? really?


What happened to, "we won"

And the Macaca in the White House saying, “After they drove the car into the ditch, made it as difficult as possible for us to pull it back, now they want to keys back. No! You can’t drive. We don’t want to have to go back into the ditch. We just got the car out.”

Or, "Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won."

Or the DNC saying, "We Own the economy"?


Remember the gloating? Remember the promises? That was YOU and your Anointed One, NOT us, talking. You had a an absolute majority in congress, and you had the White House. What did you do with that, democrats? YOU talked, and you promised, and you threatened, and you demanded, but you actually DID ....nothing to speak of; 800 days, and you couldn't so much as pass a budget. So in 2010, the people fired a warning shot across your bow. You still did, essentially nothing. So today, after three years, the economy (the thing you were elected on the promise of fixing in the first place, incidentally) is still broken, people are STILL out of work, and it's suddenly the other side's fault? WRONG! YOU made the promises, YOU didn't deliver, and now, YOU OWN THE RESULT! Empathy, sympathy, "intrapersonal intelligence"-how nice, but those nice words haven't created jobs. I doubt rioters are going to much care whether you "empathize" with their lot or not. You made this mess, you are responsible, it's YOUR watch, and you can just damn well deal with it, hopefully with the common sense you haven't used in dealing with the economy! You let your ideology lead you into browbeating and threatening the companies and people who actually DO create jobs, until they pulled back in their shells, and decided to wait out the storm. I'll be blunt; you inherited a mess, and promptly did the only things you could have done to make it worse, and in that, you succeeded.You have no one to blame but yourselves, and your partisan leadership who wanted their "legacy" more than they wanted to actually fix the nation's economic woes. You know, now that I think on it, maybe we should just let those big-city bastions of yours burn, like a fire in a garbage dump, Maybe that will disinfect them.

Are you SERIOUS? This mess and economic downturn was started by Bush during his 8 years in office, and NOW you expect President Obama to have fixed it all in 2-1/2 years?

Give me a darn break. What is wrong with You people. How is the President supposed to accomplish all he SET OUT TO DO with all the opposition coming from the Senate, Repubs, Conservs, and the Tea partiers who have all the wealth and influence. How is he supposed to get a bill passed, ANY BILL PASSED, with the pink people bent on opposing his every ACTION?

It has not been 3 years (yet), only 2-1/2 years and it is NOT going to be fixed that easy. If the unemployed want someone to blame, blame Bush who got out of office just in time not to have to be humiliated, chastised and blamed for his screwing up this nation.

So NOW it all falls on President Obama who didn't make this mess, but inherited it. And the American people, like yourself, the pink people want it all fixed, while Bush enjoy R & R in his retirement home with all that money can buy. They, the American people, need to place the BLAME squarely where it belongs, on Bush's head, and stop belaboring President Obama, who is doing the best he can with this mess. He is a man, an intelligent one....but he is NOT God. There is only one God and he is NOT earth bound.


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