Bloomberg the rich snob


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019

does anyone else think bloomberg is oversimplifying the art and science of farming or the skill required to operate a lathe?

At this time its unclear if bloomberg can snatch the democrat nomination away from bernie sanders but if he does I bet there are more quotes out there that ordinary people will not like
He’s trying to buy the nomination and many in the D Party are fine with it.
If Sanders gets the nomination, Trump will beat him. If Sanders does NOT get the nomination, his supporters will either not vote or will vote for Trump. Trump wins either way.
as NY mayor, a few years AFTER 9/11, Bloomberg criticized the Twin Towers impact on NY when they were still built, and said he wanted to replace them with a housing project.

he also told mourner's to "move on"

i guess like Trump, when you're a billionaire, you can say anything and get away with it
Will be interesting to see which if any of the other democrats running jump all over Bloomberg for these comments. These comments are really bad. TRUMP on the other hand always shows an interested in process and an appreciation for the American worker no matter the job or skill set it takes to preform such job.

From just about anyone else these comments would end their chances, but we can expect the MSM to downplay the comments and provide Bloomberg cover on orders from the DNC.

does anyone else think bloomberg is oversimplifying the art and science of farming or the skill required to operate a lathe?

At this time its unclear if bloomberg can snatch the democrat nomination away from bernie sanders but if he does I bet there are more quotes out there that ordinary people will not like

On the other hand, Bernie famously said "Every woman wants to be raped by three men simultaneously."

does anyone else think bloomberg is oversimplifying the art and science of farming or the skill required to operate a lathe?

At this time its unclear if bloomberg can snatch the democrat nomination away from bernie sanders but if he does I bet there are more quotes out there that ordinary people will not like

Yes. You could hand him a bag of seed corn, a mule and 40 acres and he'd die of starvation.

HARSH BUT FAIR: Michael Bloomberg: Smirking Id of America’s Elites.

He says he's 'fiscally conservative and socially liberal.' What that amounts to is dehumanizing authoritarianism.


Thank God for former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg. Where would we be without him? Probably all smoking in bars, as opposed to the much healthier things we do there now, like stare at our smartphones and not talk to each other. And of course, we all know someone who was subsisting solely on canned soup until Bloomberg blessed us with his public health campaign against salt.

He also wants to deny health care to WWII vets because, "they have lived a long life, no go somewhere and die."

does anyone else think bloomberg is oversimplifying the art and science of farming or the skill required to operate a lathe?

At this time its unclear if bloomberg can snatch the democrat nomination away from bernie sanders but if he does I bet there are more quotes out there that ordinary people will not like

^ currently worships a billionaire elitist

does anyone else think bloomberg is oversimplifying the art and science of farming or the skill required to operate a lathe?

At this time its unclear if bloomberg can snatch the democrat nomination away from bernie sanders but if he does I bet there are more quotes out there that ordinary people will not like

I think he was commenting on Bernie's lack of ability to competently farm or operate a lathe.

does anyone else think bloomberg is oversimplifying the art and science of farming or the skill required to operate a lathe?

At this time its unclear if bloomberg can snatch the democrat nomination away from bernie sanders but if he does I bet there are more quotes out there that ordinary people will not like

^ currently worships a billionaire elitist

I prefer trump over a communist china worshiping billionaire

particularly one who wants to take my guns away even as he is surrounded by guns to protect him everywhere he goes

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