Blue-Collar Democrats To Party: It’s Still The Economy, Stupid

The key to recapturing white working-class voters is to listen and act on their economic concerns.

White people's economic concerns????? What about all fuckin people's economic concerns? I am so sick and tired of everything being about fuckin white people. I'm working my ass off every motherfuckin day, with no raise, no cost of living adjustments, insurance sucks, working more hours than a fuckin slave on a gotdamned plantation and nobody gives a rats fuck about me.....not even my party, cause they too gotdamned busy worrying about losing to Trump and not owning the fact....we had a lousy fuckin candidate.....that had nothing to do with white people, white men or shit on a shoe...Hillary Clinton was flawed from day fuckin one, the DNC ignored all the signs and the bitch lost to the worst candidate in US history because she could never counter anything he threw at her, because she was just as rotten as his ass was. Every fuckin state she lost...BERNIE WON!!!!! But super delegates backed Hillary and she lost...she excited no one, took minorities for granted, took women for granted and she lost.

For the last time, DNC, fuck white people....what you need to do going forward is include all people in your plans to rally support. Bernie would have forced Trump to talk about the economy, Bernie would have forced Trump to talk wages...which is the corner stone of this country's issues...wages wages wages. The sole reason white people are pissed, the reason they run to Trump is because he promised GOOD PAYING JOBS....white people are not use to making fucked up money like the rest of us, they're not use to living from paycheck to paycheck, they're not use to companies closing after giving it most of your lifes labor, they not use to this NAFTA shit they all signed up for.....They want them Middle Class wages back and they want it yesterday.....The DNC, nor the RNC can bring yesterday back to whitey....but lets all have fun watching them try to find it in Trump!! And lets all enjoy white men finally feeling good about being white again....that is until Trump strips them of their nuts and swag.
Let me ask you a serious question, have you ever watched DC Cab? I love that movie, and you act so much like Tyrone that it aint funny.

Tyrone wanted everyone to think that he was just some dumb fucked up crazy nigga, that's what he said himself. Yet, he was educated. Are you Tyrone?

The estimate is that some 12 million illegal immigrants are in the USA. Now lets assume that 4 million are working, that's 4 million jobs paying squat, so that whatever is being produced by those 4 million jobs is being sold cheap, or at least cheaper than those same goods that are produced by actual tax paying citizens. That drives wages down, it's part of trickle down economics. It's also like the coal mine industry used to be.

They say Americans wont do the work that Mexicans do, but the truth is Americans wont work for substandard wages. While illegal immigrants will work for those wages, they live 22 to a house, because it takes that many just to be able to afford the house. Yet the people employing those immigrants live high on the hog, while keeping wages low for just about the rest of the working folks in this country.

The beef industry has figured this out, have you noticed how much beef has went up in the last decade? It's because they quit employing illegal immigrants, and had to start paying decent wages to their help. Well, everyone in that industry has benefited, and are making more money, the only people who haven't benefited are the consumers, because the prices have gone through the roof, but people are still buying beef, at least I am.

When we get the illegal immigrants out of the fields, prices of produce will go up, but when people finally cant afford to buy it, their wages will have to go up, or they will have to find better paying jobs, thus those lower paying jobs will have to increase their wages or take whatever is left in the workplace, like McDonalds has to do.

You want higher wages, then do your homework, get a better education, and get a better job, if you want a blue collar job that pays well, then learn how to drive a truck, I make good money, and I'm home every day, it took me 20 years to get the job I wanted in the trucking industry, but i'll always have a job, as long as this country stands. And with the demands for truck drivers, I enjoy watching my yearly salary increase every year, much better than watching inflation eat up what I make, I'm way ahead of the curve.

If Trump can figure out a way to get rid of those 4 million illegal immigrants who are dragging down wages, then wages will start increasing across the boards, but dems will lose a lot of their base, so that's not going to happen without a hellofa fight.
What about all fuckin people's economic concerns?
Ding, ding, ding! Weve got a winner! Yeah, you guys should have focused on THAT, instead of focusing on everyone who isnt white.
Oh, do you sorry mf's don't give a shit about wages? You sorry mf's don't give a fuck about affordable healthcare? You sorry mf's don't give a fuck about income inequality? Safe neighborhood, etc? The problem with you white mf's and I've said it a zillion times, you keep wanting to stay on top of the food chain in this country and pal, its never gonna be that way for you people again. Factories will continue to close, income will still be stagnant, healthcare cost will continue to rise and despite your please, nobody and I mean nobody, not even the God Trump is gonna be able to change that for you. You people keep voting on pipe dream republicans who have yet, ever to do a gotdamn thing for you except enhance the fuckin rich, obstruct democrats and blow up deficits....that is just fact..own it and get real bitches!!
Whatever you say Tyrone.

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