Blue collar wages rising in red hot economy

Blue-Collar Wages Rising in Red-Hot Economy | Breitbart

Awesome! Amazing what happens when you get a President who puts AMERICANS first!
It is much more than just that. It’s amazing what happens when you have...
  • A president who respects and upholds the U.S. Constitution
  • A Republican Congress
  • An overwhelming majority of states controlled by conservatives
All of these things are necessary in order to achieve the type of astounding prosperity we are experiencing. A president who respects and upholds the U.S. Constitution restores power to the states. Those states in turn create jobs, wealth, and prosperity when they are run by conservatives. A Republican Congress doesn’t impede that prosperity by ramming high taxes and costly legislation down our throats.

And don’t underestimate what securing the border and properly enforcing immigration laws has done to reduce costs to the tax payer.
A few very low paying job categories are increasing wages, but overall wages are depressed in pay.

From the link:

These gains are offset by inflation, which is running about 2 percent in during the 12 months up to July 2018. That rate means a wage gain of 6 percent is a 4 percent gain in buying power. It also means that a salary loss of 2 percent is a 4 percent loss of spending power.
Blue-Collar Wages Rising in Red-Hot Economy | Breitbart
Awesome! Amazing what happens when you get a President who puts AMERICANS first!

In reality, overall wages remain at under 3% growth, GDP remains under 3% growth.

Hopefully we'll see some improvement, and hopefully our international trading partners will blink, before mid Fall or so. At that point, markets will start taking their chips off the table. And then the exploding deficit will be next.
Blue-Collar Wages Rising in Red-Hot Economy | Breitbart
Awesome! Amazing what happens when you get a President who puts AMERICANS first!

In reality, overall wages remain at under 3% growth, GDP remains under 3% growth.

Hopefully we'll see some improvement, and hopefully our international trading partners will blink, before mid Fall or so. At that point, markets will start taking their chips off the table. And then the exploding deficit will be next.
Breitbart via who tracks economic stats.
Blue-Collar Wages Rising in Red-Hot Economy | Breitbart
Awesome! Amazing what happens when you get a President who puts AMERICANS first!

In reality, overall wages remain at under 3% growth, GDP remains under 3% growth.

Hopefully we'll see some improvement, and hopefully our international trading partners will blink, before mid Fall or so. At that point, markets will start taking their chips off the table. And then the exploding deficit will be next.
Breitbart via who tracks economic stats.
When we see GDP growth and wage growth sustained over 3%, that would be a strong economy. Over 4% sustained for each, maybe we can call it a "red hot" economy.
Blue-Collar Wages Rising in Red-Hot Economy | Breitbart

Awesome! Amazing what happens when you get a President who puts AMERICANS first!
It is much more than just that. It’s amazing what happens when you have...
  • A president who respects and upholds the U.S. Constitution
  • A Republican Congress
  • An overwhelming majority of states controlled by conservatives
All of these things are necessary in order to achieve the type of astounding prosperity we are experiencing. A president who respects and upholds the U.S. Constitution restores power to the states. Those states in turn create jobs, wealth, and prosperity when they are run by conservatives. A Republican Congress doesn’t impede that prosperity by ramming high taxes and costly legislation down our throats.

And don’t underestimate what securing the border and properly enforcing immigration laws has done to reduce costs to the tax payer.

You lost me at "A Republican Congress". They don't back Trump. None of Obammy crooks in Jail, no wall funding, $1.3T for a few months, PP, NPR, Mexican -ME aid, Flake, McShitstain, ryan, Boehner? Might as well be 100% Liberal man-hating bull dykes? What worse could it be? I'm not excited to vote for them. I'm too smart. Trust me. I see it all. //

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