Blue Wave?- Early Voter Turn-Out- Clarksville TN


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Mrs Geaux4it and I took advantage of early voting this past Friday. We had to go into town to do so. Anyway, we couldn't believe the turnout. The place was packed to capacity

Question is, which party was energized? Albeit, Trump won Tennessee without much trouble, but did we witness the blue wave?

Me thinks not....but we shall see.

Consolidation, state races driving near-record turnout for early voting

A referendum on whether to consolidate Clarksville and Montgomery County governments and several key state races are driving near-record numbers of voters to Veterans Plaza for early voting, with lines wrapping around the office and out the door.

By 3:30 p.m. Thursday, 1,972 voters had cast ballots at the Montgomery County Elections Office on the second day of early voting, and that was still two-and-a-half hours before closing time, said Elections Administrator Elizabeth Black.

On Wednesday, 2,531 people cast votes there, which very nearly broke records for the first day of early voting, even in years when presidential candidates are on the ballot, she said.

"It's fantastic," Black said. "I don't want people to be fooled by the long lines because it moves very quickly and they will be in and out. We just want to encourage people to come in and early vote."

Early voting continues through Nov. 1 and the general election is Nov. 6.

Black said she thinks the referendum on consolidated government is driving large numbers of voters along with some heated state races, and the city mayor election.

"The only thing I really cared about is the consolidation and I voted no," said Frank Schlernitzauer of Woodlawn. "That's the only thing I voted for, except Bill Lee (for governor). I left everything else blank."

What voters are saying
A random sample of voters interviewed by The Leaf-Chronicle agreed the referendum was a strong motivator and all said they voted it against it, whether they lived in the city or county limits.

Charlie Ogburn, who lives in Clarksville, said he voted against consolidation because metro government doesn't make sense for the city.

"I think it's great to leave it just like it is," he said.

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You mean you couldn't tell who was who? A brilliant man like you could not determine which voters were the real patriots and which were the
commie scum?
You mean you couldn't tell who was who? A brilliant man like you could not determine which voters were the real patriots and which were the
commie scum?
The area surrounding a military base....In Tennessee...Gee, I wonder what the party affiliation is of an overwhelming number of voters there could be?

Yeah....cuz only Republicans serve in the military. You fucking nailed it!
You mean you couldn't tell who was who? A brilliant man like you could not determine which voters were the real patriots and which were the
commie scum?
The area surrounding a military base....In Tennessee...Gee, I wonder what the party affiliation is of an overwhelming number of voters there could be?

The military base straddles the border but is technically in KY, northwest of Clarksville. The city of Clarksville does not surround it.
You mean you couldn't tell who was who? A brilliant man like you could not determine which voters were the real patriots and which were the
commie scum?
The area surrounding a military base....In Tennessee...Gee, I wonder what the party affiliation is of an overwhelming number of voters there could be?

Yeah....cuz only Republicans serve in the military. You fucking nailed it!
For the most part they are. The largest number of Democrats in the military are buck privates who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

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