Blumenthal Proposes Bill Making Mockery of Fact Checking or News A Federal Crime

I think there might be possibilities for making "fake news" a crime...

Now let's talk about Blumenthal's fake Vietnam service...
Who said the Left are fascists?


Couldn't find the story at your link.


Here 'tis:

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said Tuesday he plans to introduce legislation that would make threats and attacks against news organizations a federal crime.

© Aaron Schwartz Senate Dem to offer bill making threats, attacks against news media a federal crime
"What we have to address is the continuing threat of physical violence, whether by guns or other means, against the press that may intimidate them in their vital newsgathering operation," Blumenthal said at a news conference.

"It is a priority for me to protect newsgathering operations no matter what their form and the act that we're proposing would in fact establish a federal crime when someone threatens or attacks anyone doing fact-gathering or news operations. That is the purpose of this bill."

NEW: Citing threats, violence against journalists, Sen. Richard Blumenthal proposes bill making threatening or attacking "anyone doing fact gathering or news operations" a federal crime.

- ABC News (ABC) October 15, 2019
Blumenthal added that any attack against a journalist resulting in bodily injury will be punishable by up to three years behind bars, while any attack causing serious bodily injury will be punishable by up to seven years.

Blumenthal's bill comes after a fake video surfaced over the weekend depicting President Trump shooting, stabbing and assaulting media personalities and political opponents. The video, which was first reported by The New York Times, features the logo for Trump's reelection campaign and was played at a conference for his supporters at his Miami resort last week.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham tweeted Monday morning that Trump had not yet seen the video, "But based upon everything he has heard he strongly condemns the video." Trump has yet to address the controversy.

Re: the video played over the weekend: The @POTUS@realDonaldTrump has not yet seen the video, he will see it shortly, but based upon everything he has heard, he strongly condemns this video.

- Stephanie Grisham (@PressSec) October 14, 2019
Trump was swiftly met with backlash over the video, with many critics suggesting that the president's harsh rhetoric toward the press could endanger journalists and pointing to a supporter who sent explosive devices to media personalities and the president's political opponents last year.

"All Americans should condemn this depiction of violence directed toward journalists and the President's political opponents," White House Correspondents' Association President Jon Karl said in a statement. "We have previously told the President his rhetoric could incite violence. Now we call on him and everybody associated with this conference to denounce this video and affirm that violence has no place in our society."
Let's see anyone can edit Wiki and FYI snopes is involved with a huge law suit..


When you read about this guy you will instantly realize how biased he is.

Tacoma-based Snopes, debunker of fake news, is locked in a nasty legal dispute – The Seattle Times

After more than two decades battling internet hoaxes, retouched photos, and other fake news, David Mikkelson, co-founder of Snopes, faces a much larger and more existential adversary.

Since 2017, Mikkelson has been locked in a nasty legal dispute with former business associates over control of Snopes, the pioneering fact-checking website that Mikkelson launched with a former wife in 1994 and which he now runs with his current wife from their house in Tacoma.

The dispute, which is playing out in the California courts, has generated claims and counterclaims of financial mismanagement, conspiracy and embezzlement. Mikkelson stands accused of, among other things, using company funds for “lavish” vacations, while he in turn levels accusations of fraud.

It has also been so costly that, by Mikkelson’s account, Snopes and its parent company, Bardav, might have gone under without help from GoFundMe campaigns, and Snopes hasn’t been able to operate at full capacity, even as demand for internet fact-checking grows by the week.
Snopes makes Pravda look honest.
They just want to create another unconstitutional protected class. They thrive on that shit.

Thanks, so the limp wrested commie want's to impose lesser penalties than most States already have. Typical of commies though, always want to make a federal case of everything.


Leftists have always despised the US Constitution. They believe freedom of speech only applies to them and nobody else. Silence all opposition just like other Communist and dictator countries do. And when the Supreme Court rules it unconstitutional, they will then proclaim that the court is unfairly biased against them.

Thanks, so the limp wrested commie want's to impose lesser penalties than most States already have. Typical of commies though, always want to make a federal case of everything.


Leftists have always despised the US Constitution. They believe freedom of speech only applies to them and nobody else. Silence all opposition just like other Communist and dictator countries do. And when the Supreme Court rules it unconstitutional, they will then proclaim that the court is unfairly biased against them.

The only things mentioned in the article were actual violence, not general threats.


Thanks, so the limp wrested commie want's to impose lesser penalties than most States already have. Typical of commies though, always want to make a federal case of everything.


Leftists have always despised the US Constitution. They believe freedom of speech only applies to them and nobody else. Silence all opposition just like other Communist and dictator countries do. And when the Supreme Court rules it unconstitutional, they will then proclaim that the court is unfairly biased against them.
Bologna super duper. Thank God for the Constitution. it's saved us from right-wing nut jobs several times. The thread title is a lie anyway, is just a law to protect all media against attacks.

Its not just the Phony Soldier Blumenthal.

Kamala was on TV today bitching about Twitter and declaring they should shut down the President's account. She is tired of Trump being able to speak to the people every day without the filter of the Lame Stream Media.

Fascists want to eliminate dissent.

But fortunately, people like President Trump are willing to speak Truth to Power.
Proof positive the MSM is an extension of the Democrat party, and criminals protect other criminals.
It protects all media not just the ones that are actually being threatened by right-wing nut jobs who are totally misinformed with hateful garbage propaganda and a scumbag president.

Its not just the Phony Soldier Blumenthal.

Kamala was on TV today bitching about Twitter and declaring they should shut down the President's account. She is tired of Trump being able to speak to the people every day without the filter of the Lame Stream Media.

Fascists want to eliminate dissent.

But fortunately, people like President Trump are willing to speak Truth to Power.
Trump is the power and he is abusing it, brain-washed functional moron.

Thanks, so the limp wrested commie want's to impose lesser penalties than most States already have. Typical of commies though, always want to make a federal case of everything.


Leftists have always despised the US Constitution. They believe freedom of speech only applies to them and nobody else. Silence all opposition just like other Communist and dictator countries do. And when the Supreme Court rules it unconstitutional, they will then proclaim that the court is unfairly biased against them.

The only things mentioned in the article were actual violence, not general threats.


What it said was anybody who promotes those general threats, meaning any harsh criticism about the media:

Trump was swiftly met with backlash over the video, with many critics suggesting that the president's harsh rhetoric toward the press could endanger journalists and pointing to a supporter who sent explosive devices to media personalities and the president's political opponents last year.

"All Americans should condemn this depiction of violence directed toward journalists and the President's political opponents," White House Correspondents' Association President Jon Karl said in a statement. "We have previously told the President his rhetoric could incite violence. Now we call on him and everybody associated with this conference to denounce this video and affirm that violence has no place in our society."

So what they are really talking about here is Trump should not make any critical remarks about their reporting or lies. And in doing so (if this bill were passed) would make Trump a criminal for exercising his free speech. Promoting violence is very subjective.

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