Bo Bergdahl 'Skates'

We are no longer a savage nation that executes soldiers who break under pressure

Unfortunately we elected a President without an ounce of compassion

Trump went to a military school-----the HARDNESS was stuffed
into his head

Fred sent him to military school because even his dad realized that he was a prick.

he isn't actually a prick -------a little annoying, maybe

Fred's son is a 71 year old guy who is the proudest town drunk at the bar.
He went to them by free will. Fuck him

His day or reckoning is coming

I wonder who might be interested in your posts on this thread if something does happen to Bergdahl.....

I have nothing to hide. So not a problem

Will remember...but it might be fun to be checked out anyway. ;)

Well I did have my prostate checked out at the Doc last week :banghead:


Did you remember to check and see if he had a hand on each of your shoulders when he did it?

No, but thought I had asked him to remove his watch

Forget Fred. If Bergdahl, the former US soldier, cannot get military health care, then whatever state he lives in will have to foot the bill for nerve damage meds, and schizotypal disorder meds. Those with schizotypal disorder are described as follows:

They generally don't understand how relationships form or the impact of their behavior on others.

Schizotypal personality disorder - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
"The judge, Col. Jeffrey Nance, sentenced Bergdahl to a reduction in rank, a payment of $1,000 per month for 10 months and a dishonorable discharge, according to multiple reports.

Bergdahl pleaded guilty last month to charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. He faced a maximum sentence of life in prison."

...during war time. The SOB could have ... probably should have ... gotten the death penalty, a life sentence at the very least.

Judge rules no jail time for Bergdahl

From what I hear, the kill rate went up after he deserted, almost as if he was helping them.

Then the soldiers who he deserted were forced to sign papers saying they would not discuss what happened. Obama made them sign it.

This stinks to high heaven! I think it an Obama mandate to let him skate.
Why leave him in 10 months? So he can use his pay to make the fine? Should have stripped that uniform off him, before he left Court.
He will appeal

Only the Dishonorable his attorney states, the Defense argued the schizotypal disorder pretty heavy, obviously unfit to serve and rough as Dishonorable is, he could have gotten LIFE.
Why leave him in 10 months? So he can use his pay to make the fine? Should have stripped that uniform off him, before he left Court.
He will appeal

Only the Dishonorable his attorney states, the Defense argued the schizotypal disorder pretty heavy, obviously unfit to serve and rough as Dishonorable is, he could have gotten LIFE.

The ONLY reason Republicans are demanding life is because Obama arranged his release

No other deserters went to prison
Why leave him in 10 months? So he can use his pay to make the fine? Should have stripped that uniform off him, before he left Court.
He will appeal

Only the Dishonorable his attorney states, the Defense argued the schizotypal disorder pretty heavy, obviously unfit to serve and rough as Dishonorable is, he could have gotten LIFE.

Obama let out terrorist at club Gitmo who retuned to terrorism and killing innocent people, all to free this deserter who probably helped the enemy.

Because of this, I'm sure Obama had something to do with him skating. There was just too much on the line and would look too bad for such a terrible deal, much like his Iran deal.
Why leave him in 10 months? So he can use his pay to make the fine? Should have stripped that uniform off him, before he left Court.
He will appeal

Only the Dishonorable his attorney states, the Defense argued the schizotypal disorder pretty heavy, obviously unfit to serve and rough as Dishonorable is, he could have gotten LIFE.

Obama let out terrorist at club Gitmo who retuned to terrorism and killing innocent people, all to free this deserter who probably helped the enemy.

Because of this, I'm sure Obama had something to do with him skating. There was just too much on the line and would look too bad for such a terrible deal, much like his Iran deal.

Men who had served ten years without charges or a trial

Bergdahl did not help the enemy. He was a low level enlisted

He did provide valuable intelligence about the Talliban which even the judge acknowledged
We are no longer a savage nation that executes soldiers who break under pressure

Unfortunately we elected a President without an ounce of compassion

Schizotypal may be like schizophrenia, caused by a virus. Maybe the Coast Guard DID catch it, but the Army did not. Makes no sense but it doesn't erupt.
"The decision on Sergeant Bergdahl is a complete and total disgrace to our Country and to our Military." - Trump

me and Trump think alike!
The whole Berghdal story is bizarre.
Even though there were already suspicions the guy had deserted, Obama goes ahead and has a rose garden ceremony with his parents celebrating his rescue. If that wasn't disgusting enough, we now have this travesty of a sentence.

But the thing was, when Obama praised the guy, and arranged his rescue, the Army listed him as a POW, promoted him to Sergeant in captivity, and outright lied about how he was captured.

In short, they were putting the best spin on the story, just like they did when Tillman was killed by friendly fire or the rescue of Jessica Lynch turned out to be just picking her up at the Hospital.

Once he became another reason for the batshit crazy right to hate on Obama, though, a bunch of guys who got out of military service for bone spurs or cysts on the ass were quick to chime in.
Obama and Rice are pieces of shit for the Rose Garden reception for a coward.
condo rice was a pos still is
On Fox, soldier who helped lead dangerous & deadly recovery missions searching for Bergdahl says he's "devastated" by judge's decision.
The whole Berghdal story is bizarre.
Even though there were already suspicions the guy had deserted, Obama goes ahead and has a rose garden ceremony with his parents celebrating his rescue. If that wasn't disgusting enough, we now have this travesty of a sentence.

But the thing was, when Obama praised the guy, and arranged his rescue, the Army listed him as a POW, promoted him to Sergeant in captivity, and outright lied about how he was captured.

In short, they were putting the best spin on the story, just like they did when Tillman was killed by friendly fire or the rescue of Jessica Lynch turned out to be just picking her up at the Hospital.

Once he became another reason for the batshit crazy right to hate on Obama, though, a bunch of guys who got out of military service for bone spurs or cysts on the ass were quick to chime in.
Obama and Rice are pieces of shit for the Rose Garden reception for a coward.
condo rice was a pos still is

Different Rice I believe.
On Fox, soldier who helped lead dangerous & deadly recovery missions searching for Bergdahl says he's "devastated" by judge's decision.
Wasn't he thrilled that Bergdahl was captured and tortured by the Talliban?
The whole Berghdal story is bizarre.
Even though there were already suspicions the guy had deserted, Obama goes ahead and has a rose garden ceremony with his parents celebrating his rescue. If that wasn't disgusting enough, we now have this travesty of a sentence.

But the thing was, when Obama praised the guy, and arranged his rescue, the Army listed him as a POW, promoted him to Sergeant in captivity, and outright lied about how he was captured.

In short, they were putting the best spin on the story, just like they did when Tillman was killed by friendly fire or the rescue of Jessica Lynch turned out to be just picking her up at the Hospital.

Once he became another reason for the batshit crazy right to hate on Obama, though, a bunch of guys who got out of military service for bone spurs or cysts on the ass were quick to chime in.
Obama and Rice are pieces of shit for the Rose Garden reception for a coward.
condo rice was a pos still is

Different Rice I believe.
I knew that
Why leave him in 10 months? So he can use his pay to make the fine? Should have stripped that uniform off him, before he left Court.
He will appeal

Only the Dishonorable his attorney states, the Defense argued the schizotypal disorder pretty heavy, obviously unfit to serve and rough as Dishonorable is, he could have gotten LIFE.

Obama let out terrorist at club Gitmo who retuned to terrorism and killing innocent people, all to free this deserter who probably helped the enemy.

Because of this, I'm sure Obama had something to do with him skating. There was just too much on the line and would look too bad for such a terrible deal, much like his Iran deal.

Men who had served ten years without charges or a trial

Bergdahl did not help the enemy. He was a low level enlisted

He did provide valuable intelligence about the Talliban which even the judge acknowledged

Probably why he caught a break. As for the "he looked just fine on release", he testified the treatment got better pending release. The pictures of him while in captivity indicate he was tortured, at least through starvation.

But one of the soldiers injured searching for him cannot walk or speak.

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