Bo Bergdahl 'Skates'

You cannot get in Jax NAS without proper ID & passing several military members.
The guy is mentally ill, yes people want a pound of his flesh but will further punishing some mentally ill guy really satisfy people? He never should have been accepted into the armed forces in the first place and had been rejected by the Coast Guard.
you can' just let everyone who wants to, do whatever they want in the military
the military deals with killing and being killed--you have to have discipline
I was in 8 years... 4 years guard duty......

guard duty over there is SERIOUS--people's lives are at stake !!!

You are correct, that is why the military has the UCMJ, and in more serious cases, courts martial proceedings.

But who on this board is qualified to question the decision of the board? They had all the information and based their decision on what they had available.

I'm not gonna second guess them, I wasn't on the courts martial board.
I think it was clear he deserted his post
now it would be unfair and unjust to put anyone in jail that does the same
just like the insanity defense for murder--totally insane---pun intended

You're right, he DID desert his post, and he pleaded guilty for it.

But desertion is a capital offense only in time of a declared war. I said, I wasn't on the courts martial board, so I'm not gonna second guess their decision.

Where did you find the word "declared"?

Made it up, didn't you?

If a war isn't declared by Congress, it's just a police action, and the only time that desertion is punished by death is in time of war.

Failure to Report for Duty: Desertion, AWOL, and Other Charges - FindLaw

Attempted desertion also is charged as a military crime, as long as the attempt went beyond mere preparation. Desertion carries a maximum punishment of dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay, and confinement of five years. For desertion during a time of war, however, the death penalty may be applied (at the discretion of the court-martial).
He was NOT held by the military for the past three. He has been running around Fort Sam Houston for quite a while.

And that's the problem, isn't it? The Army held on to him for three more years, paying him at an E-5 grade, long after his initial enlistment ended, giving him free room, board and medical care, so they could not really punish him all that bad.

Wouldn't they have been better off just separating him after he returned, giving him his back pay and letting him ETS.

Nope, the Army was going to make an example out of this guy, but then their own practices got some unsavory attention.

The whole Berghdal story is bizarre.
Even though there were already suspicions the guy had deserted, Obama goes ahead and has a rose garden ceremony with his parents celebrating his rescue. If that wasn't disgusting enough, we now have this travesty of a sentence.

But the thing was, when Obama praised the guy, and arranged his rescue, the Army listed him as a POW, promoted him to Sergeant in captivity, and outright lied about how he was captured.

In short, they were putting the best spin on the story, just like they did when Tillman was killed by friendly fire or the rescue of Jessica Lynch turned out to be just picking her up at the Hospital.

Once he became another reason for the batshit crazy right to hate on Obama, though, a bunch of guys who got out of military service for bone spurs or cysts on the ass were quick to chime in.
Obama and Rice are pieces of shit for the Rose Garden reception for a coward.

I bet that you even less interesting in person. person with would never forget it. Make sure ya got a good dentist.

It's better not to announce that you're insecure.
Now the Russian-supporting American losers are screaming lies and ad homming. Grow up, gang. We got your number.
The guy is mentally ill, yes people want a pound of his flesh but will further punishing some mentally ill guy really satisfy people? He never should have been accepted into the armed forces in the first place and had been rejected by the Coast Guard.
you can' just let everyone who wants to, do whatever they want in the military
the military deals with killing and being killed--you have to have discipline
I was in 8 years... 4 years guard duty......

guard duty over there is SERIOUS--people's lives are at stake !!!

You are correct, that is why the military has the UCMJ, and in more serious cases, courts martial proceedings.

But who on this board is qualified to question the decision of the board? They had all the information and based their decision on what they had available.

I'm not gonna second guess them, I wasn't on the courts martial board.
Guy takes a picture inside a nuclear sub and gets a year in prison. This asshole gets nothing. Fuck the UCMJ.

Nothing? Not only was he in custody of the Taliban for 5 years, but he was held by the military for the past 3. And now? He's gonna serve 10 months as a private, with a 1,000/mo. fine, which is pretty much all of his paycheck as a private.

As far as taking a picture inside a nuclear sub, did you know that in order to just walk onboard one of those, you have to have a Confidential or higher clearance? It's because of that, the person who took the picture was given a year.

He was NOT held by the military for the past three. He has been running around Fort Sam Houston for quite a while.

Working; that explains, in part, the sentence. Tough to put him in after three years with no problems.
The whole Berghdal story is bizarre.
Even though there were already suspicions the guy had deserted, Obama goes ahead and has a rose garden ceremony with his parents celebrating his rescue. If that wasn't disgusting enough, we now have this travesty of a sentence.

But the thing was, when Obama praised the guy, and arranged his rescue, the Army listed him as a POW, promoted him to Sergeant in captivity, and outright lied about how he was captured.

In short, they were putting the best spin on the story, just like they did when Tillman was killed by friendly fire or the rescue of Jessica Lynch turned out to be just picking her up at the Hospital.

Once he became another reason for the batshit crazy right to hate on Obama, though, a bunch of guys who got out of military service for bone spurs or cysts on the ass were quick to chime in.
Don’t ever criticize our vets you lousy communist scumbag.

Way to point out YOUR non service.

Made that clear chickenhawk
I served 8 years
people's lives were at stake when he deserted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he was supposed to be guarding the base......there is a reason every base has guards!!!!!!!!!---usually 24 hours a day!!!
it doesn't matter if a war has been declared--what if some terrorists wanted to go in and kill? there'd be no alarm
what if some thieves wanted to steal some automatic weapons/grenades/etc??

Except he wasn't on guard duty when he left his post.

Now, I'm not going to argue that he was a great soldier. He wasn't. He's what happens when a war drags on for 8 years and no one wants to enlist, so they keep lowering the standards. That's how you get delusional guys like Bergdahl or Manning who wouldn't pass a psych test.
Lets be honest here......

Conservatives are not calling for Bergdahls head because he deserted

They are calling for his head because Obama arranged his release
Obama released five killers that returned to the fight. Obama also paid a ransom. Obama is a traitor too.

We need to put a noose at both ends of the rope and put those two on the same horse under a sturdy branch.

Obama got an American released from torturous captivity

His "crime" did not justify abandoning him
Bergdahl was in Taliban custody voluntarily, the shit stain that he is deserves to be executed
The guy is mentally ill, yes people want a pound of his flesh but will further punishing some mentally ill guy really satisfy people? He never should have been accepted into the armed forces in the first place and had been rejected by the Coast Guard.
you can' just let everyone who wants to, do whatever they want in the military
the military deals with killing and being killed--you have to have discipline
I was in 8 years... 4 years guard duty......

guard duty over there is SERIOUS--people's lives are at stake !!!

The military would have locked this guy up and thrown away the key if that was the right thing to do, have some faith in the military.
This is about right and wrong. This judge is a shit bag.

See previous post douchebag
Fact is

Most deserters face no other punishment than dishonorable discharge

this was an aggravated case------he seems to have GONE OVER TO THE ENEMY------the present WAR ON TERRORISM is actually considered an undeclared war.
------the schmuck committed treason

Berghdal also provided valuable intelligence about the Taliban when he returned. He had close up knowledge of their organization and tactics

that's good----I am actually satisfied with the sentence-------sorta ------I cried when I read the "EXECUTION OF PRIVATE SLOVAK"

Did you also cry about the 100,000 American casualties during the
Battle of the Bulge, that only lasted 7 weeks.

Slovak was given 3 or 4 chances to return to his unit and refused
every one of them. He refused to fight. With 100,000 dead or wounded
laying all around you...and possibly having the war prolonged, IKE had
to cut down on desertions. Slovak did the trick.

I cry easily------I cried when I read "TALE OF TWO CITIES"---too. ---------when I was 14 I was REALLY emotional. Slovak
was unsuitable for service from the start-----he was a mistake
Slovak took the fall to send a message to other soldiers

The judge wasn't going to steamroll Bergdahl just to satisfy a petty raging President
this was an aggravated case------he seems to have GONE OVER TO THE ENEMY------the present WAR ON TERRORISM is actually considered an undeclared war.
------the schmuck committed treason

Berghdal also provided valuable intelligence about the Taliban when he returned. He had close up knowledge of their organization and tactics

that's good----I am actually satisfied with the sentence-------sorta ------I cried when I read the "EXECUTION OF PRIVATE SLOVAK"

Did you also cry about the 100,000 American casualties during the
Battle of the Bulge, that only lasted 7 weeks.

Slovak was given 3 or 4 chances to return to his unit and refused
every one of them. He refused to fight. With 100,000 dead or wounded
laying all around you...and possibly having the war prolonged, IKE had
to cut down on desertions. Slovak did the trick.

I cry easily------I cried when I read "TALE OF TWO CITIES"---too. ---------when I was 14 I was REALLY emotional. Slovak
was unsuitable for service from the start-----he was a mistake
Slovak took the fall to send a message to other soldiers

The judge wasn't going to steamroll Bergdahl just to satisfy a petty raging President

next time-----there should be a better WEEDING procedure in
boot camp. You would be amazed at what GETS IN
We are no longer a savage nation that executes soldiers who break under pressure

Unfortunately we elected a President without an ounce of compassion
Berghdal also provided valuable intelligence about the Taliban when he returned. He had close up knowledge of their organization and tactics

that's good----I am actually satisfied with the sentence-------sorta ------I cried when I read the "EXECUTION OF PRIVATE SLOVAK"

Did you also cry about the 100,000 American casualties during the
Battle of the Bulge, that only lasted 7 weeks.

Slovak was given 3 or 4 chances to return to his unit and refused
every one of them. He refused to fight. With 100,000 dead or wounded
laying all around you...and possibly having the war prolonged, IKE had
to cut down on desertions. Slovak did the trick.

I cry easily------I cried when I read "TALE OF TWO CITIES"---too. ---------when I was 14 I was REALLY emotional. Slovak
was unsuitable for service from the start-----he was a mistake
Slovak took the fall to send a message to other soldiers

The judge wasn't going to steamroll Bergdahl just to satisfy a petty raging President

next time-----there should be a better WEEDING procedure in
boot camp. You would be amazed at what GETS IN
I agree
We are no longer a savage nation that executes soldiers who break under pressure

Unfortunately we elected a President without an ounce of compassion

Trump went to a military school-----the HARDNESS was stuffed
into his head
Why leave him in 10 months? So he can use his pay to make the fine? Should have stripped that uniform off him, before he left Court.

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