Bob Blaylock, the LDS Church, and the church's harming of children (opening a new thread)

When I grew up the Church was a safe haven from the immorality of the world. A place that rejected sin in all of its forms. And people went there to learn about righteous living; and how to stay free of harmful worldly things.

But today the Church welcomes every type of sin and immorality into the sanctuary with open arms. And tells the membership they must embrace modern day perversions and decadence as normal. In order to attract new members and be accepted by everyone.

So that now there is basically no difference between the church and the world. ...... :cool:
I cannot tell if you are talking about the Sunni Muslim church that you grew up in or the Mormon church or another Protestant church or Catholic or Eastern orthodox.

So you get another "I" for Incomplete. Finish this and I will re-grade you. I am the debate judge. You are a peon.
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Because I don't want the LDS church to hurt children who were members before the LGBT proclamation?

No one is suggesting the LGBT should be allowed into churches that don't what them.

However, Jere, Sunni, and Bob all want to ban children whose parents they don't like. Think again.

Jesus Blesses the Children (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17) 13Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. 14But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. 15And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.
Your logic is flawed however.

The Pope can forbid anyone he desires.

Ergo the 15 Mormon apostles have that same right.

Your argument fails.

The fallacy you employed is an emotional appeal using children as the red herring.

Therefore you get an "F" for this statement unfortunately.
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At this point, JakeStarkey, you're just being willfully and stubbornly dishonest, as seems to be pretty much standard for you, to the point that there isn't any rational response that can be made to your post other than to call it out as the solid digestive waste from a male bovine that it is.

May Laurence Tureaud have compassion on you.
This conclusion is indeed supported by the evidence provided on both sides in the above debate.

Therefore you get an "A+".

As much as I disagree with you personally I must reward you the victory in this debate.


You should however be aware and wary of the brainwashing from drinking the koolaid of Theism no matter which church and their doctrines you are talking about.

Be careful that you do not become a slave of the 15 apostles in Salt Lake City.

Even as I myself am no slave of the Pope In Rome.

Try thinking outside of the box. It's good for you.
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The Salt Lake HQ does NOT believe in the 14th Amendment nor in several of the US Supreme Court rulings like gay marriage or Roe v. Wade.

It is, as a matter of fact, a specific point of official, established LDS doctrine, that the Constitution of the United States was established by divine influence and design, by God, by wise men that he raised up for that very purpose.

We do not, of course, support perversions of the Constitution, nor corrupt rulings of corrupt courts, that make a mockery of the intent of the Constitution, and which raise evil and immorality above decency.

I see the Constitution as a sacred document, and that inasmuch as our government operates in strict obedience to it, it does so with God's support and blessing. Where government disobeys the Constitution, it forfeits God's support and blessings.

The Book of Mormon contains the histories of two different groups of people who, by God's guidance, traveled from the Old World to the Americas, settled here, formed great civilizations, then rebelled against God, and fell into complete ruin and destruction. Who is to say that our nation is not, at this time, inviting the same fate?

Of course the Pope In Rome is no different on these issues either.

So by analogy if the Pope has the right to run his holy church as he sees fit then the 15 Mormon apostles in Salt Lake have the same right to run theirs also.

That is rather a major point of the First Amendment, that churches have the right to be run by their leaders in accordance with the doctrines thereof, and not by government.

Personally I love the Pope but I don't agree with everything he says.

But then I don't agree with everything Jesus says either -- such as loving your enemies -- which is pure insanity.

Enemies deserve to die. And to kill something you need to hate it first.

So, you think you are wiser than Jesus was? That where you disagree with Jesus, he was wrong, and you are right? I find that difficult to reconcile with the belief that Jesus was divine, part of the Godhead.

Now, I must admit that there are things about my own thinking, and my own conduct, that are not completely in accordance with the teachings of Jesus as I understand them. As a flawed mortal, I am compelled to admit that these are due to errors and imperfections on my own part, rather than to any error on Jesus' part. To believe that Jesus is in error would seem to me to seriously undermine the essential beliefs about him that would define one as a Christian.
At this point, JakeStarkey, you're just being willfully and stubbornly dishonest, as seems to be pretty much standard for you, to the point that there isn't any rational response that can be made to your post other than to call it out as the solid digestive waste from a male bovine that it is.

May Laurence Tureaud have compassion on you.
You will continue to support your church's deliberate and cruel mistreatment of children who are church members whose parents are LGBT. For shame.
yiostheoy, you stepped into the middle of the debate, which I removed from another thread in order to not troll it. Thus your grading is silly. But judge away and be happy.

Bob, LGBT parents who let their children actively participate as members of the LDS church removes the problem of "the authority of his parents is in conflict with the authority of his church."

When children are permitted by their LGBT parents to attend the LDS church, no "attack" occurs.

Children are not engaged "in blatantly immoral behavior", yet your LDS church leadership blames them.

Bob completely throws the blame for the parents onto their children.

For shame.
You will continue to support your church's deliberate and cruel mistreatment of children who are church members whose parents are LGBT. For shame.

And just like a liberal, you will continue to try to blame the harmful consequences of your positions on those who oppose those positions and try to prevent or mitigate that harm.
You will continue to support your church's deliberate and cruel mistreatment of children who are church members whose parents are LGBT. For shame.

And just like a liberal, you will continue to try to blame the harmful consequences of your positions on those who oppose those positions and try to prevent or mitigate that harm.
I have no harmful positions, Bob, you do. You support the offending of God's children who are members of your Church. You are treating them as if they were Jews in Germany. For shame.
I have no harmful positions, Bob, you do. You support the offending of God's children who are members of your Church. You are treating them as if they were Jews in Germany. For shame.

Yes, you do.

You support sexual perversion and immorality, including homosexuality.

You support putting children into “families” based on homosexual mockeries of marriage. This is the offense being committed against these children, depriving them of any chance at a normal, healthy family, or of a moral upbringing.

And you blame the church for the harm that is being done to these children, completely outside of any control of the church.
I have no harmful positions, Bob, you do. You support the offending of God's children who are members of your Church. You are treating them as if they were Jews in Germany. For shame.
Yes, you do. You support sexual perversion and immorality, including homosexuality. You support putting children into “families” based on homosexual mockeries of marriage. This is the offense being committed against these children, depriving them of any chance at a normal, healthy family, or of a moral upbringing. And you blame the church for the harm that is being done to these children, completely outside of any control of the church.
I blame the church for treating these children of the church differently than their peers. The children are not LGBT that we know. So your church passes the "sins" of the parents to the children.

Watch. Once Monson and Oaks are dead, the policy will be reversed. The bishops and stake presidents in the valley are pushing against the policy. Ask your stake executive secretary about what is happening in your neck of the wood on this issue. You will be startled.
I blame the church for treating these children of the church differently than their peers. The children are not LGBT that we know. So your church passes the "sins" of the parents to the children.

The culpability for what is being done to these children is entirely on the “parents”, and on our sick society that allows this evil to take place.

Watch. Once Monson and Oaks are dead, the policy will be reversed. The bishops and stake presidents in the valley are pushing against the policy. Ask your stake executive secretary about what is happening in your neck of the wood on this issue. You will be startled.

You are, of course, completely ignorant about how the church is run, and how doctrine and policy are established; and you are wrong in how you imagine the church's policies will be shaped to fit the will of mortal folly in opposition to the will of God. The church most certainly does not look for guidance from outsiders such as yourself, who are in a state of willful rebellion against God. You can rant and rave all you want about how you think this church should be run, but it is in vain. You have no voice, and no say, in how this church is run.
The culpability of the church action is squarely on President Monson. Your church membership will not tolerate it, anymore than it tolerated theo-democracy, economic nationalism, the continuation of polygamy, the blacks and the priesthood issues.

This is policy of 15 old white pioneer Mormons who will almost all die within a decade.

The membership checks its own beliefs on what it thinks is mainstream Christianity, on what Jesus wants, and is coming to the conclusion the policy is wrong, wrong, wrong.

Everyone has a voice to oppose or support. The voices in opposition are growing and they will become overwhelming before long. A church that deliberately hurts children is not a church devoted to Jesus.
Your OP, JakeStarkey, is so broken and incoherent, that I cannot discern what point, if any, you are trying to make with it.

You appear to be trying to accuse the Mormon church of “harming children”, but I see nothing in your post that substantiates this accusation.
So you are a Mormon. Yes your church is one of the fastest growing churches. Second to Islam.
Your OP, JakeStarkey, is so broken and incoherent, that I cannot discern what point, if any, you are trying to make with it.

You appear to be trying to accuse the Mormon church of “harming children”, but I see nothing in your post that substantiates this accusation.
So you are a Mormon. Yes your church is one of the fastest growing churches. Second to Islam.
The LDS growth rate has almost flat lined in the last five years. Easy internet access and post-missionary age young adults walking away from the church have much to do with that.
I cannot tell if you are talking about the Sunni Muslim church that you grew up in or the Mormon church or another Protestant church or Catholic or Eastern orthodox..
There is no such thing as a Muslim Church you nitwit.

Muslim house of worship is called a Mosque. ...... :cool:
Your OP, JakeStarkey, is so broken and incoherent, that I cannot discern what point, if any, you are trying to make with it.

You appear to be trying to accuse the Mormon church of “harming children”, but I see nothing in your post that substantiates this accusation.
So you are a Mormon. Yes your church is one of the fastest growing churches. Second to Islam.
The LDS growth rate has almost flat lined in the last five years. Easy internet access and post-missionary age young adults walking away from the church have much to do with that.
I was thinking it's membership can only get so big. I want to interview all the people who converted and ask them what were they thinking?

But I have met Mormons and as crazy as they are they are equally as nice. I don't mind Mormons.
ʺ. . . Mormonism . . . keeps its obnoxious features in reserve – hidden beneath a mask—and only gradually to be revealed as they can be tolerated by the disciple . . .ʺ 1 [Adam‐God] Lengthy, presumably original editorial in the PORTLAND TRANSCRIPT (Portland, Maine) for Saturday, June 3, 1854 [XVIII:8].

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