Bobby Jindal as Veep?


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
George Will thinks so.

Louisiana’s Gov. Bobby Jindal, 40, was a 20-year-old congressional staffer when he authored a substantial report on reforming Medicare financing. At 24, he became head of Louisiana’s Department of Health and Hospitals, with 12,000 employees and 40 percent of the state budget. Back in Washington at 26, he was executive director of the National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare. In 1999, he became president of Louisiana’s state university system, which has 80,000 students. In 2001, he served as an assistant secretary of health and human services. He became governor after three years in Congress.

Romney needs a heavy hitter as his vice president - The Washington Post

Yes, he blew his response to the state of the union address a few years back, but he's a pretty clever guy.
Jindal would be a fool to hitch his wagon to Mitt. He has a valid chance in 2016, and if I am right after 4 more years of garbage the country will be set for a major overhaul by then.
Romney is going to need a Palin style stunt VP to get the hardcore fringes behind him, Jindal is not it.
Oh fuck please stop saying veep. Say Vice President or Vice P. or Vee-P or Vee P or VP... Not Veep.
Oh fuck please stop saying veep. Say Vice President or Vice P. or Vee-P or Vee P or VP... Not Veep.

Howzabout Bobby Jindal for veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep?

The hardcore birthers say he isn't qualified - say that he's not a natural born citizen.

Just mentioning that.

It's not a theory I subscribe to.

p.s. Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
George Will thinks so.

Louisiana’s Gov. Bobby Jindal, 40, was a 20-year-old congressional staffer when he authored a substantial report on reforming Medicare financing. At 24, he became head of Louisiana’s Department of Health and Hospitals, with 12,000 employees and 40 percent of the state budget. Back in Washington at 26, he was executive director of the National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare. In 1999, he became president of Louisiana’s state university system, which has 80,000 students. In 2001, he served as an assistant secretary of health and human services. He became governor after three years in Congress.

Romney needs a heavy hitter as his vice president - The Washington Post

Yes, he blew his response to the state of the union address a few years back, but he's a pretty clever guy.

i haven't seen any evidence of his cleverness...

what do you think commends him?
He's a pretty smart cookie, but I want to see his birth certificate...


Both governors, I think Rubio would add more to the ticket. For those inclined to want a conservative "balance".
George Will thinks so.

Louisiana’s Gov. Bobby Jindal, 40, was a 20-year-old congressional staffer when he authored a substantial report on reforming Medicare financing. At 24, he became head of Louisiana’s Department of Health and Hospitals, with 12,000 employees and 40 percent of the state budget. Back in Washington at 26, he was executive director of the National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare. In 1999, he became president of Louisiana’s state university system, which has 80,000 students. In 2001, he served as an assistant secretary of health and human services. He became governor after three years in Congress.

Romney needs a heavy hitter as his vice president - The Washington Post

Yes, he blew his response to the state of the union address a few years back, but he's a pretty clever guy.

i haven't seen any evidence of his cleverness...

what do you think commends him?

He showed some nice leadership during the gulf spill, right?
ROTFL you mean Bobby Jindal who is governor of Louisiana which had one of the biggest natural disasters ever and who thinks we should eliminate funding for monitoring things that cause natural disasters and funding aimed at preventing/mitigating those disasters?
Not to mention Jindal made Public workers pay more for their pensions but excluded himself from that payment.
Jindal’s also famous for firing government workers for criticizing him, and using state money to buy helicopter rides to church.
It was also weird how Jindal took credit for stimulus projects and didn’t give any credit to the FED government.
He's a pretty smart cookie, but I want to see his birth certificate...


Both governors, I think Rubio would add more to the ticket. For those inclined to want a conservative "balance".

I was being a smart ass. I like Jindal, have for a couple of years now. Almost as much as I like Gary Johnson.

I honestly think two governors would not best for the ticket. I'd pick Murkowski or Collins myself, but that isn't a choice.
If he runs, he needs to make a certification copy of his birth certificate available to the nation, swear that he's a Christian, and be prepared for the birthers. Jindal was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to Hindu parents, Amar and Raj Jindal, who came to the United States as immigrants from Punjab, India, six months before he was born which mean he was conceived in India by non-US citizens.
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If he runs, he needs to make a certification copy of his birth certificate available to the nation, swear that he is a Christian and be prepared for the birthers. Jindal was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to Amar and Raj Jindal, who came to the United States as immigrants from Punjab, India, six months before he was born. Although a Christian, his parents were Hindu.

I want Arpaio's team to 'verify" it also. And Romney's. We KNOW McCain wasn't born in the US, Republicans keep harping on Obama, it could be a feint to hide THEIR "PLANS":eusa_shhh:

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