Bobby Jindal: I’m Holding Firm Against Gay Marriage


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
It is great to see sound leadership again. It's becoming something that appears will soon be lost to Western Civilization... .

"BATON ROUGE, La. — THE debate over religious liberty in America presents conservatives and business leaders with a crucial choice.

In Indiana and Arkansas, large corporations recently joined left-wing activists to bully elected officials into backing away from strong protections for religious liberty. It was disappointing to see conservative leaders so hastily retreat on legislation that would simply allow for an individual or business to claim a right to free exercise of religion in a court of law.

Our country was founded on the principle of religious liberty, enshrined in the Bill of Rights. Why shouldn’t an individual or business have the right to cite, in a court proceeding, religious liberty as a reason for not participating in a same-sex marriage ceremony that violates a sincerely held religious belief?

That is what Indiana and Arkansas sought to do. That political leaders in both states quickly cowered amid the shrieks of big business and the radical left should alarm us all.

As the fight for religious liberty moves to Louisiana, I have a clear message for any corporation that contemplates bullying our state: Save your breath.


Gov. Bobby Jindal, front, with his family during a prayer at the opening session of the Louisiana State Legislature in April. CreditPool photo by Gerald Herbert
In 2010, Louisiana adopted a Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which prohibits government from unduly burdening a person’s exercise of religion. However, given the changing positions of politicians, judges and the public in favor of same-sex marriage, along with the potential for discrimination against Christian individuals and businesses that comes with these shifts, I plan in this legislative session to fight for passage of the Marriage and Conscience Act.

The legislation would prohibit the state from denying a person, company or nonprofit group a license, accreditation, employment or contract — or taking other “adverse action” — based on the person or entity’s religious views on the institution of marriage.

Some corporations have already contacted me and asked me to oppose this law. I am certain that other companies, under pressure from radical liberals, will do the same. They are free to voice their opinions, but they will not deter me. As a nation we would not compel a priest, minister or rabbi to violate his conscience and perform a same-sex wedding ceremony. But a great many Americans who are not members of the clergy feel just as called to live their faith through their businesses. That’s why we should ensure that musicians, caterers, photographers and others should be immune from government coercion on deeply held religious convictions.

The bill does not, as opponents assert, create a right to discriminate against, or generally refuse service to, gay men or lesbians. The bill does not change anything as it relates to the law in terms of discrimination suits between private parties. It merely makes our constitutional freedom so well defined that no judge can miss it.

I hold the view that has been the consensus in our country for over two centuries: that marriage is between one man and one woman. Polls indicate that the American consensus is changing — but like many other believers, I will not change my faith-driven view on this matter, even if it becomes a minority opinion."

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Of course he marriage will make him choose to be gay (openly).
Of course he marriage will make him choose to be gay (openly).


Yes... because everyone is secretly a sexual deviant!

LOL! (Reader, that is a classic demonstration of the reasoning which comes out of the Mental Disorder that presents as sexual deviancy. And THAT is how "Homosexual is Harmful".
Well, he is going against the majority of Americans (60%) who support gay marriage.

Of the other 40%, many are the "indifferent."

Keep failing on wedge issues Bobby.
Of course he marriage will make him choose to be gay (openly).


Yes... because everyone is secretly a sexual deviant!

LOL! (Reader, that is a classic demonstration of the reasoning which comes out of the Mental Disorder that presents as sexual deviancy. And THAT is how "Homosexual is Harmful".
Have you ever heard him talk? The guy is definitely closeted.
Well, he is going against the majority of Americans (60%) who support gay marriage.

Of the other 40%, many are the "indifferent."

Keep failing on wedge issues Bobby.

I admire the man for sticking to his guns. It's about damned time someone stood up for what they believe. And your stats are pure nonsense. I am NOT indifferent. I'm against - so there you go.
Of course he marriage will make him choose to be gay (openly).


Yes... because everyone is secretly a sexual deviant!

LOL! (Reader, that is a classic demonstration of the reasoning which comes out of the Mental Disorder that presents as sexual deviancy. And THAT is how "Homosexual is Harmful".
Have you ever heard him talk? The guy is definitely closeted.

Not that there is anything wrong with that
I don't understand why people are so scared of two males or females getting married, unless you're a religious nut or homophobic bigot.
I don't understand why people are so scared of two males or females getting married, unless you're a religious nut or homophobic bigot.

You mean like the Islamists? Scared? scared of what? I notice there aren't too many "gay marriages" within ISIS, are there? Looks like your disagreement is with them, right?
Well, he is going against the majority of Americans (60%) who support gay marriage.

Of the other 40%, many are the "indifferent."

Keep failing on wedge issues Bobby.

I admire the man for sticking to his guns. It's about damned time someone stood up for what they believe. And your stats are pure nonsense. I am NOT indifferent. I'm against - so there you go.
No, my stats are the stats.

Read my post again. You being AGAINST doesnt mean dick. It means you are apart of the other 40% who dont approve.

And within that 40% are BOTH the against AND the undecideds.

Its prehistoric gobbledy gook and Americans are wiser for finally coming around.
Well, he is going against the majority of Americans (60%) who support gay marriage.

Of the other 40%, many are the "indifferent."

Keep failing on wedge issues Bobby.
No the majority of Americans do not support gay marriage. It is rogue activist judges who are for it overturning the will of state citizens who voted against it in overwhelming numbers.
Well, he is going against the majority of Americans (60%) who support gay marriage.

Of the other 40%, many are the "indifferent."

Keep failing on wedge issues Bobby.
No the majority of Americans do not support gay marriage. It is rogue activist judges who are for it overturning the will of state citizens who voted against it in overwhelming numbers.
Care to prove that?
Well, he is going against the majority of Americans (60%) who support gay marriage.

Of the other 40%, many are the "indifferent."

Keep failing on wedge issues Bobby.
No the majority of Americans do not support gay marriage. It is rogue activist judges who are for it overturning the will of state citizens who voted against it in overwhelming numbers.
Umm..yes they do.

Your innate feelings dont overturn facts and data monkey face.
Well, he is going against the majority of Americans (60%) who support gay marriage.

Of the other 40%, many are the "indifferent."

Keep failing on wedge issues Bobby.
No the majority of Americans do not support gay marriage. It is rogue activist judges who are for it overturning the will of state citizens who voted against it in overwhelming numbers.

DING! DING! DING! We have a winner here! Ever notice how, once a Judge or two ruled on fag marriage that the others all but fell into line.....?? Look at California - they overwhelmingly voted AGAINST gay marriage - the judges said "who give a crap?" and overturned the measure.

Yeah, going to the polls really works, doesn't it?
Well, he is going against the majority of Americans (60%) who support gay marriage.

Of the other 40%, many are the "indifferent."

Keep failing on wedge issues Bobby.
No the majority of Americans do not support gay marriage. It is rogue activist judges who are for it overturning the will of state citizens who voted against it in overwhelming numbers.
Care to prove that?

I'm waiting for the proof of these stats.....not from MSNBC - but a REAL source.
I don't understand why people are so scared of two males or females getting married, unless you're a religious nut or homophobic bigot.

You mean like the Islamists? Scared? scared of what? I notice there aren't too many "gay marriages" within ISIS, are there? Looks like your disagreement is with them, right?
What the fuck. :cuckoo:

Well, it's not rocket science. You, and those like you, claim that the "world supports the gays" (pun intended). Prove it.
Well, he is going against the majority of Americans (60%) who support gay marriage.

Of the other 40%, many are the "indifferent."

Keep failing on wedge issues Bobby.

I admire the man for sticking to his guns. It's about damned time someone stood up for what they believe. And your stats are pure nonsense. I am NOT indifferent. I'm against - so there you go.
But the cause he is 'sticking to his guns' for is an unworthy cause at best, anti-American at its extreme.

There is no harm posed by marriage equality. No heterosexual marriages are at jeopardy. Denial of equal rights means everyone's rights are being denied. Marriage, in the eyes of the state, is a contract. If churches chose not to sanctify a marriage, it is then the province of that church, not contract law established by the state.

Can anyone demonstrate the actual harm that would befall this nation once the last 14 states accept marriage equality?
Well, he is going against the majority of Americans (60%) who support gay marriage.

Of the other 40%, many are the "indifferent."

Keep failing on wedge issues Bobby.
No the majority of Americans do not support gay marriage. It is rogue activist judges who are for it overturning the will of state citizens who voted against it in overwhelming numbers.
Care to prove that?

I'm waiting for the proof of these stats.....not from MSNBC - but a REAL source.
Im waiting for proof you're a sentient human.

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