Bobby Jindal to deny health care to over 1 in 10 Louisianians

Jindal move causes stir | News | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA

As many as 500,000 Louisiana residents — mainly working adults — won’t get government health insurance as a result of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s decision to reject a Medicaid expansion in the law overhauling the federal health care system.

Good job Piyush! That's sure to advance the Republican Party of Louisiana! Way to stand on your principles! You're right, we can't afford healthcare for those people, but we can afford a multi-million dollar overhaul for the state's Capitol building!

La. State Capitol getting $14.7 million overhaul | News | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA
A $14.7 million project to upgrade the heating and air-conditioning system is in the fourth of five planned phases.

Upgrade the HEATING and air conditioning? sorry - but having HEAT in the Capitol of Louisiana is a higher priority than health insurance for over 10% of its residents?

Health insurance and health care are two entirely different things.

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