Body camera captures Georgia police chief's racist comments

Most SNAP recipients are children and the elderly. These are the moochers that Meathurd hates the most.
Something needs to be done. Programs need to be changed. Because there is no difference for decades. Being that the Great Society promised the end of so many bad things. It has not delivered. Poverty is still here at the same percentage it was when started. There is hunger by what we see on TV. How the hell does all of this exist when you spend endless trillions of dollars to eliminate it? Single parents is another issue. Especially with teenagers.
Nobody has ever said that poverty will disappear even the Bible.

The chief of police in Hamilton, Ga., and a patrol officer have been removed from their jobs after body camera video revealed racist comments made at a Black Lives Matter protest over the summer. WLTZ's Caroline Linch reports.

The police don't do this.

There is no such thing as racism in this country.

Let's enjoy the racist spin on this.

I though we wuz gonna play "predict the spin".

Here's mine, and I'm surprised it hasn't been played yet:

"Georgia is a blue state" (insert Composition Fallacy here)

The chief of police in Hamilton, Ga., and a patrol officer have been removed from their jobs after body camera video revealed racist comments made at a Black Lives Matter protest over the summer. WLTZ's Caroline Linch reports.

The police don't do this.

There is no such thing as racism in this country.

Let's enjoy the racist spin on this.
Well, he was right about black moochers. Gotta give him that.
Man you are a bigot.

There are moochers of every race.

Why do you let the ruling elites do that to your head?

Who the hell are you? Are you even real?
No one mooches more than black Americans. And I mean anywhere in the world. Sorry snowflake.
I am pretty sure that there are more poor white Americans receiving assistance than there are poor black Americans.

I think we are talking percentages versus total number.

For total number? Nah, you are just wrong. You really should look into the numbers.

For instance, here is just one statistic for instance.

These numbers are hard to come by of course. . . the government collects this data, but doesn't generally release them to the press. Why? Because it WANTS to stoke racial tensions, both on your side, and the other side.

If it can make you believe that blacks are moochers, and have the left believe there is systemic inequality that only the government can solve, voilà! RACE WAR.

Stop letting racists gaslight you....

He says what he says because he thinks it will get him attention....

to compensate for attention his father never gave him.....

Racists have lots of inner sads....pity them

The chief of police in Hamilton, Ga., and a patrol officer have been removed from their jobs after body camera video revealed racist comments made at a Black Lives Matter protest over the summer. WLTZ's Caroline Linch reports.

The police don't do this.

There is no such thing as racism in this country.

Let's enjoy the racist spin on this.
Well, he was right about black moochers. Gotta give him that.
Man you are a bigot.

There are moochers of every race.

Why do you let the ruling elites do that to your head?

Who the hell are you? Are you even real?
No one mooches more than black Americans. And I mean anywhere in the world. Sorry snowflake.
I am pretty sure that there are more poor white Americans receiving assistance than there are poor black Americans.

I think we are talking percentages versus total number.

For total number? Nah, you are just wrong. You really should look into the numbers.

For instance, here is just one statistic for instance.

These numbers are hard to come by of course. . . the government collects this data, but doesn't generally release them to the press. Why? Because it WANTS to stoke racial tensions, both on your side, and the other side.

If it can make you believe that blacks are moochers, and have the left believe there is systemic inequality that only the government can solve, voilà! RACE WAR.

Stop letting racists gaslight you....

He says what he says because he thinks it will get him attention....

to compensate for attention his father never gave him.....

Racists have lots of inner sads....pity them
I don't talk about your father who you've likely don't never met even if your momma knows which one he is, don't talk about mine. USMB rules.
Body camera captures Georgia police chief's racist comments

We don't care.

Everything is racist to you.

Who is recording YOUR racist comments?

Well of course one racist doesn't care what another racist said.

You must be talking about someone you know because I used to work in a HUGE room with mostly black people and my BOSS was black! Great people. Intelligent, sagacious, erudite, skilled, personable, comprehensive, compassionate. Two of my best friends in my life were BLACK. And I call rather FEW people my FRIEND. REAL friends.

Whatever YOUR problem is resides wholly in YOU.
Body camera captures Georgia police chief's racist comments

We don't care.

Everything is racist to you.

Who is recording YOUR racist comments?

Well of course one racist doesn't care what another racist said.

You must be talking about someone you know because I used to work in a HUGE room with mostly black people and my BOSS was black! Great people. Intelligent, sagacious, erudite, skilled, personable, comprehensive, compassionate. Two of my best friends in my life were BLACK. And I call rather FEW people my FRIEND. REAL friends.

Whatever YOUR problem is resides wholly in YOU.

LMAO, no wonder you hate black folks do much.

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