Body & Spirit


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Someone once posited that we were created so that God could experience life through us. At first, I thought that this was a crack-brained idea but, with greater contemplation, I now think it makes some sense. As many religions teach, we are physical vessels in which our spirits reside. Is this not evidenced by our consciences and the awareness of right and wrong? Perhaps our individual spirits are pieces of a greater whole, with whom they seek ultimate unification. When our physical bodies die, where do our spirits go? If one were to live a perfect life (e.g., Jesus) his spirit might go directly to this unification (aka Heaven). On the other hand, the spirit of a truly evil person might be extinguished forever (aka Hell). In between, maybe our spirits move to another physical body after our deaths, or maybe they remain in limbo until some final reckoning or Judgment Day.

Does this seem plausible? I know that it borrows from (as well as contradicts) many religions, but maybe that means it is on the right track?
OP: When our physical bodies die, where do our spirits go?
the exercise might be to find the answer for the Spirits survival before the body perishes ... or perish with it.

the Triumph of Good vs Evil, one over the other might at least accomplish the possibility of being set free - and the reason for there to be the Almighty to give the green light to those found worthy to roam the Everlasting.

As many religions teach...
Don't you mean "preach"? :dunno:

I doubt that Jesus lived a perfect life.

Our senses, consciousness, and awareness continue on for a brief time after our bodies die. Then they slowly evaporate into the ether. *poof* that's all folks.

And now... you know... the rest of the story.

Actually, that's very, very close to what I believe. The only difference I have is that when we die, there is no test for reunification with God. We can if we wish, or we can decide that we (God and us) haven't experienced what we needed to so we will try again and be born into a new life on Earth. I kind of ripped that off from the Hindus but without the idea of karmic debt. So, to that doesn't sound implausible at all, but most religions will not endorse that point of view.
I think much of the opening post is correct. We are a part of God separated from the Godhead by a bubble of energy called the causal body. We do have to reincarnate many, many times in the course of our spiritual growth, and we do have to pay karma for our actions. Eventually we reach a state of grace, or enlightenment where we no longer need to reincarnate, and at that time we remember all our past lives, as the memory of them is stored in the soul/casual body. After that we continue to evolve as immortal beings in higher planes of existence.

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