Boehner & co seek to hobble SEC

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
After the greatest economic downturn in modern history, Boehner & his boys want to gut the funding of the policemen on Wall St:

Frank, Dems blast GOP, say cuts will impair Wall Street regulators - The Hill's On The Money
Regulators agreed that smaller budgets would make their work more difficult.

At the level of funding proposed by Republicans, CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler said he had no doubt he would have to cut staff, at the detriment of the agency's oversight.

"We'd have to have significant curtailment of our staff and resources," he said. "We would not be able to police or ensure transparent markets."
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It is an axiom in politics that a taxpayer funded bureaucracy will ALWAYS say: "smaller budgets will make their work more difficult". The unstated purpose of a bureaucracy is to get bigger and get more funding. The dirty little secret is that there are hundreds of administration lawyers going through the GOP majority's budget and feeding alleged "victims" of budget cuts to Soros and other left wing blog sites.
The increase in the trades in the derivatives markets alone, since the meltdown, warrant at least a marginal increase.
I say cut the funding of the entire government to a level unseen in history.

Less money spent on Wall Street, like that was the problem for the government, banks, and Wall Street breaking the law.

Want to stop the criminals, catch them and throw them in Jail, we should start by at least throwing out every politician not screaming for investigations into the financial meltdown.

I bet when you get to the truth of the story, its nothing like whats posted.
Want to stop the criminals, catch them and throw them in Jail, we should start by at least throwing out every politician not screaming for investigations into the financial meltdown.

The way campaigns are financed, that won't happen. Thats why I'm an advocate for public financing. The way it is now, pols have to prostitute themselves to corps for donations from the day they take office.
Boner is just continuing a Bush tradition, to underfund agencies they do not like.
Boner is just continuing a Bush tradition, to underfund agencies they do not like.

I always wondered what caliber of people Bush II had in his Labor Dept., if anyone at all. I would think they'd just put a "closed" sign in the window.
Boner is just continuing a Bush tradition, to underfund agencies they do not like.

I always wondered what caliber of people Bush II had in his Labor Dept., if anyone at all. I would think they'd just put a "closed" sign in the window.

Labor Dept, FDA, EPA, Border patrol, etc for Bush to underfund while overspending around 5 trillion.
Boner is just continuing a Bush tradition, to underfund agencies they do not like.

I always wondered what caliber of people Bush II had in his Labor Dept., if anyone at all. I would think they'd just put a "closed" sign in the window.

Labor Dept, FDA, EPA, Border patrol, etc for Bush to underfund while overspending around 5 trillion.

Yeah. They prolly just put a skeleton crew in the places to make them look occupied.
I say cut the funding of the entire government to a level unseen in history.

Less money spent on Wall Street, like that was the problem for the government, banks, and Wall Street breaking the law.

Want to stop the criminals, catch them and throw them in Jail, we should start by at least throwing out every politician not screaming for investigations into the financial meltdown.

I bet when you get to the truth of the story, its nothing like whats posted.

You mean the whole of the Republican party? Who is fighting every attempt at investigation of the meltdown.
I listened to a portion of the debate and it is apparent the Frank (D-MASS) is/has always been very well versed in this area. Figures since he was the last chairman. He isn't running for reelection is he. I've witnessed him pwn many a Repub congressman over the years. Yesterday it happened to be the female Repub Rep from Missouri.
All part of their plan to liberate corporations from regulating,

This ought to surprise nobody.
The increase in the trades in the derivatives markets alone, since the meltdown, warrant at least a marginal increase.

No..actually it warrants a substantial increase. And given the "Dark Pools" and ENCs..this work is becoming more and more complicated.
I always wondered what caliber of people Bush II had in his Labor Dept., if anyone at all. I would think they'd just put a "closed" sign in the window.

Labor Dept, FDA, EPA, Border patrol, etc for Bush to underfund while overspending around 5 trillion.

Yeah. They prolly just put a skeleton crew in the places to make them look occupied.

Thats most definitely what happened. Worldcom, Enron, Tyco, Bear Stearns, Lehman, Tainted food/water/toys/pet food, Madoff and TARP all happened on Bush's watch.
The increase in the trades in the derivatives markets alone, since the meltdown, warrant at least a marginal increase.

No..actually it warrants a substantial increase. And given the "Dark Pools" and ENCs..this work is becoming more and more complicated.

Given that Republicorp/the water carriers for wall street are drafting the legislation, I'm just being realistic.
why in the world would you think they need anybody watching them, they are good corperate citizens, it's govt's fault they have to be the way they are. In the old days they just did it and nobody questioned it.
Just like pollution, hell they used to hire the farmer to take the suff home in the back of his pick up and dump it in a low spot somewhere, never hurt anybody did it. Now all the god dam rules have just screwed things up.
Are people still putting money on Wall Street????

If we are going to have the fox guarding the henhouse, I say the fewer fox the better. It's easier to keep an eye on them.
I say cut the funding of the entire government to a level unseen in history.

Less money spent on Wall Street, like that was the problem for the government, banks, and Wall Street breaking the law.

Want to stop the criminals, catch them and throw them in Jail, we should start by at least throwing out every politician not screaming for investigations into the financial meltdown.

I bet when you get to the truth of the story, its nothing like whats posted.

They've already had an investigation. The Republican members of the committee refused to sign on to the report because it didn't blame the CRA for the crisis.
I say cut the funding of the entire government to a level unseen in history.

Less money spent on Wall Street, like that was the problem for the government, banks, and Wall Street breaking the law.

Want to stop the criminals, catch them and throw them in Jail, we should start by at least throwing out every politician not screaming for investigations into the financial meltdown.

I bet when you get to the truth of the story, its nothing like whats posted.

They've already had an investigation. The Republican members of the committee refused to sign on to the report because it didn't blame the CRA for the crisis.

Funny that.

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