Boehner Pressures Senate to Pass Budget or Have Pay Withheld


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Sounds perfectly reasonable, though the penalty should go even farther. They should lose their jobs when they fail to do something they are legally obligated to do. There is no good excuse for failing to pass a budget for 1361 days. Try being a week late with your work duties and see how that goes over with your boss. They should be forced to resign immediately and lose all retirement benefits. They can go back to the private sector and learn what it means to accept a job. You do the job or you lose the job. I think they need a lesson in how things work in the real world.

Did you notice that Obama didn't address the economy, jobs and crushing debt in his speech? He focused on the things his voters understand, like amnesty and other liberal policies. He doesn't bore them with all that complicated talk of debt and budgets.

Maybe the debt and passing a budget isn't on Obama's list of priorities, but for the average tax payer, it's crucial to get a handle on things. When debt ceiling debates come around, we hear how active and retired military might not get paid or that the elderly might not receive their social security checks (even though that is a separate account and not part of the budget), yet no welfare recipient or illegal alien loses a moment's sleep wondering whether their EBT card will be refilled. Congress doesn't worry whether they'll get paid and they usually give themselves a raise to boot. Only those who work and those who earned their benefits get threatened with no pay.

WASHINGTON - Despite President Obama's call for Congress to prioritize issues like immigration reform and address climate change during his inaugural address Monday, House Speaker John Boehner said that the House of Representatives will instead continue its focus on fiscal responsibility, including a plan to balance the budget over the next decade.
"There are a lot of priorities for the Congress [and] a lot of priorities for the president, but right now the biggest issue is the debt that's crushing the future for our kids and our grandkids," Boehner, R-Ohio, said. "Taxpayers understand that you can't keep spending money that you don't have, so we're going to continue to focus, especially here over this next 90-, 120-day period, on bringing some fiscal responsibility to Washington."

Boehner Pressures Senate to Pass Budget or Have Pay Withheld - Yahoo! News
That is the best idea I have heard from anyone in Washington in more year's than I can remember.
That is the best idea I have heard from anyone in Washington in more year's than I can remember.

I hope he presses the issue and I am anxious to see if both sides are willing to put their money where their mouths are. They've been promising and failing to do anything. I'm writing my congress critters and demanding they make a deal to go without pay till they get something done. Of course, most of them are wealthy enough that they can go without pay for a while. I think we need to get real tough and force them to earn any benefits as well. They don't deserve any more than the average military member. Troops have a much harder job and we all know they come through for us every time. Yet, the ones who vote on bills without even reading them and fail to fulfill their sworn duty get the big bucks and the cushy perks.
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Let them mortgage their own futures instead of ours.

No kidding. Let them put their own butt on the line for their decisions. They play fast and loose with our money, but are sure not willing to give up theirs. How many of those leeches tried to cheat on their taxes?

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