boehner reveals his complete ignorance on the topic of climate change

And as Soggy pointed out the backers of global warming are not scientist themselves... So good job with that attack.

Global warming is imminent, someday we might start feeling the effects!

South Park said it best...

Guy #1 "We don't know what causes rich successful men to go out and have sex with attractive woman...

Guy #2 "It could be global warming!"

Guy #3 " Or global cooling..."

What a shit thread...

what does any of this have to do with boehners lack of scientific knowledge?

That 20 years ago liberals ran off "global cooling is going to kill us all!"

Then, 10 years ago it turned into "Global warming is going to kill us all!"

In the next few years it will be "Global stagnation is going to kill us all!"

The point of the joke was that this year it's colder... GLOABAL COOLING!!!

This year is warmer... GLOBAL WARMING!!!!

You know that most the record tempatures recorded in the US were 15-90 years out right?

My, more idiotic with every post. No, the scientists did not predict global cooling in the 1970s. In fact, they predicted just the opposite.
Did scientists predict an impending ice age in the 1970s?

The fact is that around 1970 there were 6 times as many scientists predicting a warming rather than a cooling planet. Today, with 30+years more data to analyse, we've reached a clear scientific consensus: 97% of working climate scientists agree with the view that human beings are causing global warming.
But they trust scientists.

The GOP doesn't.

Many believe Obama is the Anti Christ.

The majority believe the Grand Canyon was carved out by "Noah's Flood". I suspect you are one of those believers.
It's funny the way you repeat what the voices in your head say as if they were facts. :lol:

And yet many Republicans do believe that Obama is the Anti Christ and I suspect the majority believe "Noah's Ark" is a true historical event.

How can you not know that? You do know that, right? If you say it's a lie, then you are either a liar or in denial. Which is it?

While not so much a Repoublican as a Conservative, I don't think that the Big 0 is the AnitChrist. I just think he's devoted to principles that are not conducive to a successful Presidency.

He thinks that the followers are the creators, that the rich have stolen from the poor (obviously, the rich are stealing from other rich people. Why rob someone who has nothing?) and that penalizing people for working hard will make them work harder.

Every remedy he has tried has gone wrong and every idea he has is aimed at dividing the public and punishing his "enemies". Pitting one half of the country against the other half is no way to unite and that is what he does all day every day.

Cherishing a story that is part of the fiber of the culture is not strict belief in it. Usually.

By the by, my brother in law is a died in the wool Democrat and union man. He believes in every story of the Bible as the word of God and therefore absolutely true and undeniable.

What that do to your prejudice?
Mainstream science is in agreement that global warming is happening and that man made emissions are a large contribution to it. This is a fact and not disputable, especially by politicians or people on this board.

Whether CO2 is a pollutant or not should NOT distract us from preventing companies from polluting the environment with mercury and other known pollutants. (CO2 is the least of our worries when it comes to what power plants pump into the air and leak into the water)

And I know of NO ONE who advocates the wholesale dumping of poisons into the environment, claiming that they don't hurt anything.

On the contrary, people like you do exactly that. You are always screaming about government regulations, but were it not for those regulations, the coal fired plants would still be dumping such pollutants into the atmosphere.

As for CO2, without a certain amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, we would have a snowball earth. But with too much, we get a rapid warming, and the possibility of a feedback effect that could avalanche into a real disaster.

Methane catastrophe
And as Soggy pointed out the backers of global warming are not scientist themselves... So good job with that attack.

Global warming is imminent, someday we might start feeling the effects!

South Park said it best...

Guy #1 "We don't know what causes rich successful men to go out and have sex with attractive woman...

Guy #2 "It could be global warming!"

Guy #3 " Or global cooling..."

What a shit thread...

what does any of this have to do with boehners lack of scientific knowledge?

When the non-scientist, stupid folks were in charge, the deficit was about 1.2% of GDP.

Now the people you tell us are really, really smart are in charge and the deficit is about 10.5% of GDP.

All things considered, I like the results of the stupid folks.
Boehner: Calling Carbon Dioxide Dangerous Is 'Almost Comical' -

its really sad that people with 0 scientific background are in charge of our laws pertaining to the field.

IOW, he's a rational person who understands the Scientific Method and realizes that human being exhale carbon dioxide.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Our bodies exhale carbon dioxide to get rid of it, because it's terrible for our systems. We may not exhale enough amounts to have an effect on the atmosphere, but we have things like cars and other things that do pollute that much to have an effect.

If carbon dioxide isn't a poison to humans like some have suggested in this thread, I suggest going into a room filled with only carbon dioxide and see what happens. It won't end well.

100% of any of the gases in our air would not work out well, either.

0% of CO2 would end in global famine.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts...
But they trust scientists.

The GOP doesn't.

Many believe Obama is the Anti Christ.

The majority believe the Grand Canyon was carved out by "Noah's Flood". I suspect you are one of those believers.
It's funny the way you repeat what the voices in your head say as if they were facts. :lol:

And yet many Republicans do believe that Obama is the Anti Christ and I suspect the majority believe "Noah's Ark" is a true historical event.

How can you not know that? You do know that, right? If you say it's a lie, then you are either a liar or in denial. Which is it?
I know people make those claims. I also know they're not nearly as common as your fevered imaginings tell you. You're either hateful or retarded. Which is it?

Oh, can be both at the same time.
It's funny the way you repeat what the voices in your head say as if they were facts. :lol:

And yet many Republicans do believe that Obama is the Anti Christ and I suspect the majority believe "Noah's Ark" is a true historical event.

How can you not know that? You do know that, right? If you say it's a lie, then you are either a liar or in denial. Which is it?

While not so much a Repoublican as a Conservative, I don't think that the Big 0 is the AnitChrist. I just think he's devoted to principles that are not conducive to a successful Presidency.

He thinks that the followers are the creators, that the rich have stolen from the poor (obviously, the rich are stealing from other rich people. Why rob someone who has nothing?) and that penalizing people for working hard will make them work harder.

Every remedy he has tried has gone wrong and every idea he has is aimed at dividing the public and punishing his "enemies". Pitting one half of the country against the other half is no way to unite and that is what he does all day every day.

Cherishing a story that is part of the fiber of the culture is not strict belief in it. Usually.

By the by, my brother in law is a died in the wool Democrat and union man. He believes in every story of the Bible as the word of God and therefore absolutely true and undeniable.

What that do to your prejudice?
He'll say your BIL is a DINO fundy rethuglican in disguise. :lol:
It's the libs that have zero clue.

Carbon dioxide is given off by all human beings. Perhaps we should kill all humans. :cuckoo:

It's all about a manufactured conspiracy to hurt businesses and the free market.
It's the libs that have zero clue.

Carbon dioxide is given off by all human beings. Perhaps we should kill all humans. :cuckoo:

It's all about a manufactured conspiracy to hurt businesses and the free market.

Not to worry, Odumbo's death panels will kill off a lot of unnecessary (not coummunist) humans
What a stupid fucking thread. What exactly was Pelosi an expert on?

You do realize don't you that the original intent of our elections was to put regular people in positions of authority and not to set up some sort of caste system where only the elite could have a say in government?

Fucking elitist pig.
Well I don't think we have worry about Boehner being an elitist. I'd say he's at the other end of the spectrum.
It's funny the way you repeat what the voices in your head say as if they were facts. :lol:

And yet many Republicans do believe that Obama is the Anti Christ and I suspect the majority believe "Noah's Ark" is a true historical event.

How can you not know that? You do know that, right? If you say it's a lie, then you are either a liar or in denial. Which is it?

While not so much a Repoublican as a Conservative, I don't think that the Big 0 is the AnitChrist. I just think he's devoted to principles that are not conducive to a successful Presidency.

He thinks that the followers are the creators, that the rich have stolen from the poor (obviously, the rich are stealing from other rich people. Why rob someone who has nothing?) and that penalizing people for working hard will make them work harder.

Every remedy he has tried has gone wrong and every idea he has is aimed at dividing the public and punishing his "enemies". Pitting one half of the country against the other half is no way to unite and that is what he does all day every day.

Cherishing a story that is part of the fiber of the culture is not strict belief in it. Usually.

By the by, my brother in law is a died in the wool Democrat and union man. He believes in every story of the Bible as the word of God and therefore absolutely true and undeniable.

What that do to your prejudice?
Should he have not respond to a collapsing banking system, over a million people losing their jobs, Wall Street banksters stealing billions, or a healthcare system that denies service to 60 million people. No, I think he did exactly what he should have done as president even though it cost him support of congress and possibly a second term.
Sounds like he is quite accurate to me. The idea that we breath out pollution is ridiculous.
Well then try this simple scientific experiment: place a plastic bag over your head and secure it with a rubber band around tour neck and breath as normal. :lol:
  • Thanks
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What a stupid fucking thread. What exactly was Pelosi an expert on?

You do realize don't you that the original intent of our elections was to put regular people in positions of authority and not to set up some sort of caste system where only the elite could have a say in government?

Fucking elitist pig.
And the arrogant elitist CON$ know everyone's INTENT, living and dead. CON$ get to say what YOUR intent is and YOU have no say in the matter.
Nothing elitist about that. :cuckoo:
I would be really careful in pointing out that climate scientists are lacking when it comes to debunking "global climate change" . In fact around 80% of the members of the IPCC are not climate scientists and if i'm not mistaken the current chaiman Rajendra Kumar Pachauri background is that of a railroad engineer. Further one of the "global climate change" faces was the former Vice President of the United States and his degree is in English from Harvard. As for Dr. Mann he has a degree in Physics , so I would be very careful about tossing around the term climate scientist as these days it does appear that anyone can call themselves a climate scientist as long as they can publish themselves as such.
I may be "slightly" prejudice, but Physics is the highest of all the scientists. It is the study of the physical universe. Someone who masters physics can master any of the other sciences involved with the physical universe.
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Deflection? Your claim is that Boehner isn't an expert on climate change, okay was Pelosi? No? Then what is your gripe?

yea you changed the subject to something else. the thread is about beoheners ignorance on the subject and his large role he wil be playing in the government. it scares me that such a stupid person will be at the helm

Which clearly indicates that you believe that Pelosi was an expert in such matters. Please show evidence.

And again, there is NO conceivable way a member of Congress could be an expert on even a small portion of issues they deal with. That is why they have committees and consult with experts. The only thing they need to be "experts" on is listening to the advice of those who ARE experts in such matters. Or do you think , for instance, that Obama is a military expert and has no need for advisers?

You're an idiot blu, there's nothing more to be said on the matter.
Congressmen have a wide variety of background knowledge. Regarding the topic at hand there are a number of congressmen who have science, math or engineering backgrounds, my favorite being Rush Holt who has a PhD in physics.

Scientists and Engineers in the 111th Congress - SHARP Network
Boehner: Calling Carbon Dioxide Dangerous Is 'Almost Comical' -

its really sad that people with 0 scientific background are in charge of our laws pertaining to the field.

Just curious.

Which Democrats have a scientific background do you think should be in charge of this? It also seems the the Democrats thought science was not as important as you do, or they would have voted for McClung in Arizona over the guy that got Olbermann suspended.
Here is a list of Dems and GOP that have a background in science, engineering or math.

Scientists and Engineers in the 111th Congress - SHARP Network
Bill Foster (D) IL-14 B.S., Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Ph.D., Physics, Harvard University

Jerry McNerney (D) CA-11 Ph.D., Math and Engineering, University of New Mexico

Rush Holt Jr. (D) NJ-12 B.S., Physics, Carleton College; M.S., Ph.D., Physics, New York University

Steve Scalise (R) LA-1 B.S., Computer Science, Louisiana State University

Pete Stark (D) CA-13 B.S., Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M.B.A., Business University of California, Berkeley

David Wu (D) OR-1 B.S., Biology, Stanford University; J.D., Yale University

damn, didn't realize we had so many in congress with useful degrees
And yet many Republicans do believe that Obama is the Anti Christ and I suspect the majority believe "Noah's Ark" is a true historical event.

How can you not know that? You do know that, right? If you say it's a lie, then you are either a liar or in denial. Which is it?

While not so much a Repoublican as a Conservative, I don't think that the Big 0 is the AnitChrist. I just think he's devoted to principles that are not conducive to a successful Presidency.

He thinks that the followers are the creators, that the rich have stolen from the poor (obviously, the rich are stealing from other rich people. Why rob someone who has nothing?) and that penalizing people for working hard will make them work harder.

Every remedy he has tried has gone wrong and every idea he has is aimed at dividing the public and punishing his "enemies". Pitting one half of the country against the other half is no way to unite and that is what he does all day every day.

Cherishing a story that is part of the fiber of the culture is not strict belief in it. Usually.

By the by, my brother in law is a died in the wool Democrat and union man. He believes in every story of the Bible as the word of God and therefore absolutely true and undeniable.

What that do to your prejudice?
Should he have not respond to a collapsing banking system, over a million people losing their jobs, Wall Street banksters stealing billions, or a healthcare system that denies service to 60 million people. No, I think he did exactly what he should have done as president even though it cost him support of congress and possibly a second term.

1. TARP was the response to the collapsing banking system passed under Bush. Half was used by Bush and half by the Big 0. The spending under the Failed Stimulus and the Healthcare Insurance Money redirection are the Big 0's.
2. Wall Street bankers steal billions every day. It's what they do. It's why lawyers love them and why they have so much money to pay lawyers and why they need lawyers so badly. Please recall that under Clinton, the same crimes were committed and they were prosecuted under Bush.
3. The count of people who have lost their jobs is over 5 million and rising.
4. The problem was not denied healthcare. Go to any emergency department and they are required BY LAW to give you care. The stated goal was to INSURE the 30 million without Health Insurance.
5. The Financial collapse should have been much more similar to the 9/11 financial collapse than it has been to the middle of the Great Depression, but something has prolonged it. Something made the 9/11 collapse quite temporary.

None of the problems the Big 0 thought needed to be addressed were bad things to address. He just did every one of them in a way that made the problem worse, increased the cost of correcting the core issue or both.
Climate change/ global warming foundation has been proven to be a lie.
The foundation is that man is the cause of climate change
The fact is the earth causes the climate to change.
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Bill Foster (D) IL-14 B.S., Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Ph.D., Physics, Harvard University

Jerry McNerney (D) CA-11 Ph.D., Math and Engineering, University of New Mexico

Rush Holt Jr. (D) NJ-12 B.S., Physics, Carleton College; M.S., Ph.D., Physics, New York University

Steve Scalise (R) LA-1 B.S., Computer Science, Louisiana State University

Pete Stark (D) CA-13 B.S., Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M.B.A., Business University of California, Berkeley

David Wu (D) OR-1 B.S., Biology, Stanford University; J.D., Yale University

damn, didn't realize we had so many in congress with useful degrees

Totally agree, the Senate has a few doctors and other "useful degrees" too.
That said, the lawyers run the show, and the subject-matter-experts that know are called "back-benchers" (hindered by political-correctness, etc).
Actually, the lawyers can hire "experts" to support whichever position they want supported, I'd like to see "expert congressmen" make a "bullshit" call now and then.

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