Boehner says Obama can't run on economic record

May 21, 2012

Job Growth Accelerating

"The labor market will strengthen significantly next year, with monthly job growth expected to average 200,000, according to a new survey published on Monday.

The National Association for Business Economics forecast the unemployment rate at 7.5 percent by the end of 2013.

The survey of 54 economists painted a fairly upbeat picture of the labor market, which has slowed in recent months after job creation surged early in the year.

"Economists continue to see things pick up, even if it's just slightly from pretty low levels," said Shawn DuBravac, NABE outlook survey and chief economist at the Consumers Electronics Association.

The survey, conducted between April 19 and May 2, forecast nonfarm payroll increases averaging 188,000 per month this year and the unemployment rate at 8.0 percent by the fourth quarter."


"You're WHUPPIN' 'EM, Bubba!!!!!"
And Romney can't run on lies.


Oh yes the newest left wing attempt
to play down Papa Obama's spending

Your chart is showing that Papa Obama has kept spending at higher than Bush levels


Really it only shows that for the money spent
Bush had better overall average results than Papa Obama

Furthermore if fails to take into account that Papa Obama has made permanent these spending levels.
So from the inflated baseline, the measure of his "slow" rate of growth is highly misleading.

But if the goal of the left is to convince people that Papa Obama is not spending
Good luck with that....
-Papa Obama has presided over four straight trillion-dollar-plus annual deficits.
-Papa Obama has added more to the national debt than the first 41 presidents

Whatever helps the Left to sleep at night
But unless something changes to help Papa Obama

He is going to lose
that is just the way it is,,,,
Last edited:
May 21, 2012

Job Growth Accelerating

"The labor market will strengthen significantly next year, with monthly job growth expected to average 200,000, according to a new survey published on Monday.

The National Association for Business Economics forecast the unemployment rate at 7.5 percent by the end of 2013.

The survey of 54 economists painted a fairly upbeat picture of the labor market, which has slowed in recent months after job creation surged early in the year.

"Economists continue to see things pick up, even if it's just slightly from pretty low levels," said Shawn DuBravac, NABE outlook survey and chief economist at the Consumers Electronics Association.

The survey, conducted between April 19 and May 2, forecast nonfarm payroll increases averaging 188,000 per month this year and the unemployment rate at 8.0 percent by the fourth quarter."

One out of every four jobs in the United States pays $10 an hour or less at this point.

Hope and Change
Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Give a man a 40 oz, a welfare check, some food stamps and others people's money, and you have a Democrat voter for life.
JunE 6, 2012


"Morgan Stanley is considering selling a stake in its commodities unit, CNBC television reported on Wednesday, as regulatory pressures weigh on the outlook for the business.

The investment bank has been exploring a partial sale since at least last year and has talked to several parties, including private equity firm Blackstone Group LP (BX.N), CNBC said, citing sources.

Morgan Stanley's commodities unit trades in financial contracts, like oil futures, and ships and stores physical assets through subsidiaries TransMontaigne Inc and Heidmar Inc.

While the business has generated billions of dollars in revenues for Morgan Stanley through the years, it has come under pressure from weaker trading volumes as well as new regulations that will limit U.S. banks' trading, risk taking and ability to own physical commodity assets."

[ame=]Young Guns - Regulators - YouTube[/ame]​

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

"The proportion of investment bankers who got no bonuses last year more than doubled to about 14 percent, a poll by executive-search firm Options Group shows.

The percentage of employees who weren’t given an annual award rose from 6 percent in 2010, the New York-based company said in a report yesterday. Getting no bonus, or being “blanked” by your employer, isn’t the smear it once was because base salaries increased after the 2008 financial crisis, said Michael Karp, managing partner of Options Group.

“People aren’t complaining about it as much as they would have if this were 2007,” Karp said in a telephone interview. “As compensation shifted, the mentality of people has become more limber. Also, these are times you can’t just quit and expect two offers right away

Wall Street firms are cutting costs and vowing to claw back some payments as they succumb to revenue and regulatory pressures.

KPMG LLP’s Banking Outlook Survey released today showed 43 percent of the firms surveyed expect management will spend most of its time and energy on promoting efficiency and cutting costs for the next two years. Almost one-third of the 100 executives expect they’ll cut headcount, KPMG said."

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
Boehner says Obama can't run on economic record | US National Headlines | Comcast

WASHINGTON — House Speaker John Boehner (BAY'-nur) says President Barack Obama can't run for re-election on his economic record so his campaign will "pull out every bogey man that they can."

The Ohio Republican tells CBS News that he and Obama were close to a deal to break the budget stalemate when Obama "lost his courage."Boehner says he agreed to raise revenue by overhauling the tax code and Obama initially accepted changes in entitlement programs. Instead, the speaker says, Obama ended up advocating higher tax rates for the wealthy.

Boehner says he believes former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney is well prepared for the general election "and will appeal to more than half of America." He predicts Obama "is going to make the election about anything other than his failed economic policies."
:clap2::clap2: see this as a problem?

"Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined."
Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined |

Not at all , Obama is a grey cloud hanging over this Countries head, he needs to go and take all his baggage with him. He has destroyed the wage base in this country and has caused massive employment in this Country.

View attachment 18404

You didn't speak enough teabagger:

[ame=]Learn to Speak Tea Bag - YouTube[/ame]
Boehner says Obama can't run on economic record | US National Headlines | Comcast

WASHINGTON — House Speaker John Boehner (BAY'-nur) says President Barack Obama can't run for re-election on his economic record so his campaign will "pull out every bogey man that they can."

The Ohio Republican tells CBS News that he and Obama were close to a deal to break the budget stalemate when Obama "lost his courage."Boehner says he agreed to raise revenue by overhauling the tax code and Obama initially accepted changes in entitlement programs. Instead, the speaker says, Obama ended up advocating higher tax rates for the wealthy.

Boehner says he believes former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney is well prepared for the general election "and will appeal to more than half of America." He predicts Obama "is going to make the election about anything other than his failed economic policies."

Not just him saying it. Anyone who knows anything about the last 3 years knows he can not run on his Record.

Sorry but "things were worse than I thought, We didn't spend enough" is not going to work. see this as a problem?

"Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined."
Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined |

Not at all , Obama is a grey cloud hanging over this Countries head, he needs to go and take all his baggage with him. He has destroyed the wage base in this country and has caused massive employment in this Country.

View attachment 18404

You didn't speak enough teabagger:

I kinda figured it was the big-words that scared-'em-off.

Boehner says Obama can't run on economic record | US National Headlines | Comcast

WASHINGTON — House Speaker John Boehner (BAY'-nur) says President Barack Obama can't run for re-election on his economic record so his campaign will "pull out every bogey man that they can."

The Ohio Republican tells CBS News that he and Obama were close to a deal to break the budget stalemate when Obama "lost his courage."Boehner says he agreed to raise revenue by overhauling the tax code and Obama initially accepted changes in entitlement programs. Instead, the speaker says, Obama ended up advocating higher tax rates for the wealthy.

Boehner says he believes former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney is well prepared for the general election "and will appeal to more than half of America." He predicts Obama "is going to make the election about anything other than his failed economic policies."

Not just him saying it. Anyone who knows anything about the last 3 years knows he can not run on his Record.

I guess you were the.....

Ya' gotta come-up, from your bunker....for air.....more-often.

June 8, 2012

U.S. Debt

"Everyone knows America has too much debt. What they don’t know is that things are getting better, not worse.

Little by little, our economy is reducing its debt burden, slowly repairing the damage caused by 10, 20 or 30 years of excess.

If you want to know why economic growth has been so tepid, here’s your answer. Four years after the storm hit, the economy is still deleveraging. And it’s very hard for any economy to grow when everyone is focused on increasing their savings.

Total domestic — public and private — debt as a share of the economy has declined for 12 quarters in a row after surging over the previous decade."




:party: . :party: . :party:

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

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