Boeing Is Looking Worse and Worse

They can be VERY unreasonable in just about every facet of their existence with regulation enforcement and new sweeping regulations that are often just too damn stringent. They are a bureaucracy that can be out of control. I have dealt with them several times over the years. It is rarely a positive experience.

One word in dealing with the FAA: INCONSISTENT.
You ask a dozen FAA inspectors to interpret a regulation and you'll get a dozen different answers.

Their charter is contradictory. They exist to promote safety and at the same time encourage commercial civil aviation. What is good for business is bad for safety. What is good for safety is bad for business.

FAA's major roles and responsibilities
Under the broad umbrella of safety and efficiency, we have several major roles:

  • Regulating civil aviation to promote safety
  • Encouraging and developing civil aeronautics, including new aviation technology
  • Developing and operating a system of air traffic control and navigation for both civil and military aircraft
  • Researching and developing the National Airspace System and civil aeronautics
  • Developing and carrying out programs to control aircraft noise and other environmental effects of civil aviation
  • Regulating U.S. commercial space transportation
Safety: The Foundation of Everything We Do

Sorry, but thinking that safety is always the antithesis of good business is why the FAA has to be so strict in the first place.

When it comes to air travel, failures can lead to mass loss of life. People can survive bad car crashes, surviving a bad plane crash is less likely.

The true purpose of the FAA is to assure the flying public that they have an almost certain chance of arriving alive at their destination.

I'm what is called in the Pacific Northwest as a Boeing Brat. Which is a person who is supported by Boeing but doesn't work there.

My dad worked there most of my life. My dad got my ex husband a job there in the 80 and he still works there.

I have been in the Boeing family all my life. As a result I know things about Boeing that most don't.

What is happening now with Boeing and that airplane is very predictable.

The biggest problem with this is that the government has allowed Boeing to not only police themselves but to actually write the laws and regulations that they have to follow.

I know because my ex used to be a co chairman on a senate subcommittee that writes the laws and regulations for commercial GPS. He literally wrote the laws and regulations and all in Boeing's favor. It's a total conflict of interest and Boeing isn't held accountable for anything.

My ex has actually told the Transportation Secretary of the US what to do in regard to GPS navigation. Not the other way around. And the government did what my ex told them to do. It's gotten so bad that Boeing basically isn't held accountable for anything. Mostly because Boeing has been allowed to write the rules and police themselves. Boeing basically calls the shots. The government mostly only asks Boeing to do things.

The problem is that Boeing has a monopoly. There aren't any other large commercial aerospace companies left in America. Boeing bought them.

It's the same problem we have with most large corporations. They're too big, have very little to no competition and have been allowed to call the shots, write their own laws and do their own policing.

It needs to stop. The anti trust laws need to be enforced.
Yes, I understand that, but the FAA can be unreasonably strict. It is a huge bureaucracy that needs an overhaul.

I'm what is called in the Pacific Northwest as a Boeing Brat. Which is a person who is supported by Boeing but doesn't work there.

My dad worked there most of my life. My dad got my ex husband a job there in the 80 and he still works there.

I have been in the Boeing family all my life. As a result I know things about Boeing that most don't.

What is happening now with Boeing and that airplane is very predictable.

The biggest problem with this is that the government has allowed Boeing to not only police themselves but to actually write the laws and regulations that they have to follow.

I know because my ex used to be a co chairman on a senate subcommittee that writes the laws and regulations for commercial GPS. He literally wrote the laws and regulations and all in Boeing's favor. It's a total conflict of interest and Boeing isn't held accountable for anything.

My ex has actually told the Transportation Secretary of the US what to do in regard to GPS navigation. Not the other way around. And the government did what my ex told them to do. It's gotten so bad that Boeing basically isn't held accountable for anything. Mostly because Boeing has been allowed to write the rules and police themselves. Boeing basically calls the shots. The government mostly only asks Boeing to do things.

The problem is that Boeing has a monopoly. There aren't any other large commercial aerospace companies left in America. Boeing bought them.

It's the same problem we have with most large corporations. They're too big, have very little to no competition and have been allowed to call the shots, write their own laws and do their own policing.

It needs to stop. The anti trust laws need to be enforced.

So we should have people that don't know aircraft technology and hate air travel write the regulations?
They can be VERY unreasonable in just about every facet of their existence with regulation enforcement and new sweeping regulations that are often just too damn stringent. They are a bureaucracy that can be out of control. I have dealt with them several times over the years. It is rarely a positive experience.

One word in dealing with the FAA: INCONSISTENT.
You ask a dozen FAA inspectors to interpret a regulation and you'll get a dozen different answers.

Their charter is contradictory. They exist to promote safety and at the same time encourage commercial civil aviation. What is good for business is bad for safety. What is good for safety is bad for business.

FAA's major roles and responsibilities
Under the broad umbrella of safety and efficiency, we have several major roles:

  • Regulating civil aviation to promote safety
  • Encouraging and developing civil aeronautics, including new aviation technology
  • Developing and operating a system of air traffic control and navigation for both civil and military aircraft
  • Researching and developing the National Airspace System and civil aeronautics
  • Developing and carrying out programs to control aircraft noise and other environmental effects of civil aviation
  • Regulating U.S. commercial space transportation
Safety: The Foundation of Everything We Do

Sorry, but thinking that safety is always the antithesis of good business is why the FAA has to be so strict in the first place.

When it comes to air travel, failures can lead to mass loss of life. People can survive bad car crashes, surviving a bad plane crash is less likely.

The true purpose of the FAA is to assure the flying public that they have an almost certain chance of arriving alive at their destination.
We just had massive lose of life. Evidently something isn’t working at the FAA.

Has anyone been fired? LOL.
The true purpose of the FAA is to assure the flying public that they have an almost certain chance of arriving alive at their destination.

I wish it were but unfortunately, it's not. Refer to their mission statement. It's contradictory. I've dealt with the FAA in person for 46 years. If they're known for one thing and one thing only, it's being consistent in being inconsistent. With a whole lot of lazy incompetency thrown in for good measure.
They can be VERY unreasonable in just about every facet of their existence with regulation enforcement and new sweeping regulations that are often just too damn stringent. They are a bureaucracy that can be out of control. I have dealt with them several times over the years. It is rarely a positive experience.

One word in dealing with the FAA: INCONSISTENT.
You ask a dozen FAA inspectors to interpret a regulation and you'll get a dozen different answers.

Their charter is contradictory. They exist to promote safety and at the same time encourage commercial civil aviation. What is good for business is bad for safety. What is good for safety is bad for business.

FAA's major roles and responsibilities
Under the broad umbrella of safety and efficiency, we have several major roles:

  • Regulating civil aviation to promote safety
  • Encouraging and developing civil aeronautics, including new aviation technology
  • Developing and operating a system of air traffic control and navigation for both civil and military aircraft
  • Researching and developing the National Airspace System and civil aeronautics
  • Developing and carrying out programs to control aircraft noise and other environmental effects of civil aviation
  • Regulating U.S. commercial space transportation
Safety: The Foundation of Everything We Do

Sorry, but thinking that safety is always the antithesis of good business is why the FAA has to be so strict in the first place.

When it comes to air travel, failures can lead to mass loss of life. People can survive bad car crashes, surviving a bad plane crash is less likely.

The true purpose of the FAA is to assure the flying public that they have an almost certain chance of arriving alive at their destination.
We just had massive lose of life. Evidently something isn’t working at the FAA.

Has anyone been fired? LOL.

Technically "we" didn't. The accidents happened in other countries.

And we have been lulled into a sense of security as air travel has gotten better and better. Failures and fatalities used to happen far more often, and sometimes for repeated issues.

The fatigue caused explosive decompressions of the Comet 1's, and the Rudder issues on 737's back in the 1990's come to mind as serial accident issues that took time to figure out.

This is a new problem. A much more serous issue is if 5 years from now they have the same issue again.
Yes, I understand that, but the FAA can be unreasonably strict. It is a huge bureaucracy that needs an overhaul.

Boeing has infiltrated the FAA too. My ex has been working with the FAA through Boeing for decades.

The FAA will do what Boeing tells them most of the time. Not the other way around. The rules and regulations have been written by Boeing. So those rules and regulations give Boeing a lot of power and the government little.

The government decided in the 80s that business knows better than experts in the government that are working for the safety of the American public, or are supposed to be. Boeing works for money only. What will make them the most money. Nothing else.

Boeing wrote most of the rules they have to follow and do their own policing.

What needs to happen is for the government to be purged of big business and get back to the business of working for the people.
Yes, I understand that, but the FAA can be unreasonably strict. It is a huge bureaucracy that needs an overhaul.

Boeing has infiltrated the FAA too. My ex has been working with the FAA through Boeing for decades.

The FAA will do what Boeing tells them most of the time. Not the other way around. The rules and regulations have been written by Boeing. So those rules and regulations give Boeing a lot of power and the government little.

The government decided in the 80s that business knows better than experts in the government that are working for the safety of the American public, or are supposed to be. Boeing works for money only. What will make them the most money. Nothing else.

Boeing wrote most of the rules they have to follow and do their own policing.

What needs to happen is for the government to be purged of big business and get back to the business of working for the people.

So have people that hate a given industry regulate it?

That's really fucking smart.
Yes, I understand that, but the FAA can be unreasonably strict. It is a huge bureaucracy that needs an overhaul.

Boeing has infiltrated the FAA too. My ex has been working with the FAA through Boeing for decades.

The FAA will do what Boeing tells them most of the time. Not the other way around. The rules and regulations have been written by Boeing. So those rules and regulations give Boeing a lot of power and the government little.

The government decided in the 80s that business knows better than experts in the government that are working for the safety of the American public, or are supposed to be. Boeing works for money only. What will make them the most money. Nothing else.

Boeing wrote most of the rules they have to follow and do their own policing.

What needs to happen is for the government to be purged of big business and get back to the business of working for the people.
I have a family member who has recent involvement with Boeing. He says much the same thing.

This is Fascism and is prevalent in most big industries. Thanks to Uncle Sam.
Yes, I understand that, but the FAA can be unreasonably strict. It is a huge bureaucracy that needs an overhaul.

Boeing has infiltrated the FAA too. My ex has been working with the FAA through Boeing for decades.

The FAA will do what Boeing tells them most of the time. Not the other way around. The rules and regulations have been written by Boeing. So those rules and regulations give Boeing a lot of power and the government little.

The government decided in the 80s that business knows better than experts in the government that are working for the safety of the American public, or are supposed to be. Boeing works for money only. What will make them the most money. Nothing else.

Boeing wrote most of the rules they have to follow and do their own policing.

What needs to happen is for the government to be purged of big business and get back to the business of working for the people.
I have a family member who has recent involvement with Boeing. He says much the same thing.

This is Fascism and is prevalent in most big industries. Thanks to Uncle Sam.

It is crony capitalism, and both parties do it. Boeing is a monopoly. Just think of all the aircraft manufacturers there used to be.
Yes, I understand that, but the FAA can be unreasonably strict. It is a huge bureaucracy that needs an overhaul.

Boeing has infiltrated the FAA too. My ex has been working with the FAA through Boeing for decades.

The FAA will do what Boeing tells them most of the time. Not the other way around. The rules and regulations have been written by Boeing. So those rules and regulations give Boeing a lot of power and the government little.

The government decided in the 80s that business knows better than experts in the government that are working for the safety of the American public, or are supposed to be. Boeing works for money only. What will make them the most money. Nothing else.

Boeing wrote most of the rules they have to follow and do their own policing.

What needs to happen is for the government to be purged of big business and get back to the business of working for the people.

So have people that hate a given industry regulate it?

That's really fucking smart.

Who said anyone has to hate an industry to regulate it?


What you posted doesn't make sense.
Yes, I understand that, but the FAA can be unreasonably strict. It is a huge bureaucracy that needs an overhaul.

Boeing has infiltrated the FAA too. My ex has been working with the FAA through Boeing for decades.

The FAA will do what Boeing tells them most of the time. Not the other way around. The rules and regulations have been written by Boeing. So those rules and regulations give Boeing a lot of power and the government little.

The government decided in the 80s that business knows better than experts in the government that are working for the safety of the American public, or are supposed to be. Boeing works for money only. What will make them the most money. Nothing else.

Boeing wrote most of the rules they have to follow and do their own policing.

What needs to happen is for the government to be purged of big business and get back to the business of working for the people.

So have people that hate a given industry regulate it?

That's really fucking smart.

Who said anyone has to hate an industry to regulate it?


What you posted doesn't make sense.

Where would you get people to regulate the airline/aircraft industry besides from said industry?

it's the same with Environmental regulations for progressives. You don't want to regulate, you want to strangulate any business or process you don't like.

You get lawyers and bugs and bunny science losers to try to regulate industries when Engineers and Operators would be far more knowledgeable.

But the goal of progs like you is to end industries like coal, oil, gas, nuclear, etc, not to regulate them.
Yes, I understand that, but the FAA can be unreasonably strict. It is a huge bureaucracy that needs an overhaul.

Boeing has infiltrated the FAA too. My ex has been working with the FAA through Boeing for decades.

The FAA will do what Boeing tells them most of the time. Not the other way around. The rules and regulations have been written by Boeing. So those rules and regulations give Boeing a lot of power and the government little.

The government decided in the 80s that business knows better than experts in the government that are working for the safety of the American public, or are supposed to be. Boeing works for money only. What will make them the most money. Nothing else.

Boeing wrote most of the rules they have to follow and do their own policing.

What needs to happen is for the government to be purged of big business and get back to the business of working for the people.
I have a family member who has recent involvement with Boeing. He says much the same thing.

This is Fascism and is prevalent in most big industries. Thanks to Uncle Sam.

It is crony capitalism, and both parties do it. Boeing is a monopoly. Just think of all the aircraft manufacturers there used to be.
Crony capitalism...Fascism...same thing.
Yes, I understand that, but the FAA can be unreasonably strict. It is a huge bureaucracy that needs an overhaul.

Boeing has infiltrated the FAA too. My ex has been working with the FAA through Boeing for decades.

The FAA will do what Boeing tells them most of the time. Not the other way around. The rules and regulations have been written by Boeing. So those rules and regulations give Boeing a lot of power and the government little.

The government decided in the 80s that business knows better than experts in the government that are working for the safety of the American public, or are supposed to be. Boeing works for money only. What will make them the most money. Nothing else.

Boeing wrote most of the rules they have to follow and do their own policing.

What needs to happen is for the government to be purged of big business and get back to the business of working for the people.

So have people that hate a given industry regulate it?

That's really fucking smart.

Who said anyone has to hate an industry to regulate it?


What you posted doesn't make sense.

Where would you get people to regulate the airline/aircraft industry besides from said industry?

it's the same with Environmental regulations for progressives. You don't want to regulate, you want to strangulate any business or process you don't like.

You get lawyers and bugs and bunny science losers to try to regulate industries when Engineers and Operators would be far more knowledgeable.

But the goal of progs like you is to end industries like coal, oil, gas, nuclear, etc, not to regulate them.
When government is for sale to the highest bidder, it can’t effectively regulate.

Government works for moneyed interests, not the people.
Yes, I understand that, but the FAA can be unreasonably strict. It is a huge bureaucracy that needs an overhaul.

Boeing has infiltrated the FAA too. My ex has been working with the FAA through Boeing for decades.

The FAA will do what Boeing tells them most of the time. Not the other way around. The rules and regulations have been written by Boeing. So those rules and regulations give Boeing a lot of power and the government little.

The government decided in the 80s that business knows better than experts in the government that are working for the safety of the American public, or are supposed to be. Boeing works for money only. What will make them the most money. Nothing else.

Boeing wrote most of the rules they have to follow and do their own policing.

What needs to happen is for the government to be purged of big business and get back to the business of working for the people.
I have a family member who has recent involvement with Boeing. He says much the same thing.

This is Fascism and is prevalent in most big industries. Thanks to Uncle Sam.

Yes it is the real definition of fascism. The merging of business with the government.

It started in the 80s and has only gotten worse as time has gone by.

The founders of our nation were very wise. They gave the government the power to regulate business. Unfortunately in the 80s regulations became evil and so much regulation that benefits the people has either been removed or changed by business in the favor of business.

Teddy Roosevelt was also very wise when he got the anti trust laws written and passed.

It's one of the reasons why I personally don't believe that a business person should go to work in the government. Business needs to work with government. Not as government and take over the government.
Boeing has infiltrated the FAA too. My ex has been working with the FAA through Boeing for decades.

The FAA will do what Boeing tells them most of the time. Not the other way around. The rules and regulations have been written by Boeing. So those rules and regulations give Boeing a lot of power and the government little.

Has anyone ever heard of a FAA inspector being fired for incompetency or corruption?

When certifying the MAX, safety was not a top priority. Time was. Airbus was miles ahead on the A320neo and Boeing were desperate to catch up. FAA’s managers seemed like they also understood that time was a number one priority and would not review documents thoroughly.

More shocking facts about the Boeing 737 MAX crashes | Aviation Blog
Yes, I understand that, but the FAA can be unreasonably strict. It is a huge bureaucracy that needs an overhaul.

Boeing has infiltrated the FAA too. My ex has been working with the FAA through Boeing for decades.

The FAA will do what Boeing tells them most of the time. Not the other way around. The rules and regulations have been written by Boeing. So those rules and regulations give Boeing a lot of power and the government little.

The government decided in the 80s that business knows better than experts in the government that are working for the safety of the American public, or are supposed to be. Boeing works for money only. What will make them the most money. Nothing else.

Boeing wrote most of the rules they have to follow and do their own policing.

What needs to happen is for the government to be purged of big business and get back to the business of working for the people.
I have a family member who has recent involvement with Boeing. He says much the same thing.

This is Fascism and is prevalent in most big industries. Thanks to Uncle Sam.

Yes it is the real definition of fascism. The merging of business with the government.

It started in the 80s and has only gotten worse as time has gone by.

The founders of our nation were very wise. They gave the government the power to regulate business. Unfortunately in the 80s regulations became evil and so much regulation that benefits the people has either been removed or changed by business in the favor of business.

Teddy Roosevelt was also very wise when he got the anti trust laws written and passed.

It's one of the reasons why I personally don't believe that a business person should go to work in the government. Business needs to work with government. Not as government and take over the government.
I agree with most of that. However I do not believe government regulations have been reduced or eliminated. They have been expanded since the 1980s, and we just witnessed the Obama administration expanding them considerably. Trump is now dismantling some of that.

At any rate, it is a moot point. Government regulations today are specifically designed to PROTECT the established big corporations. This helps prevent competition and hinders any new entrants into the many government protected industries. These protected corporations pay protection money to Uncle in the form of campaign donations to politicians and they hire very expensive lawyers to lobby Uncle.

It is a protection racket Al Capone could only dream of.

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