BOMBSHELL: GOP Selects Old Rich White Guy!

What's wrong with being rich and white?
For several months, the rubes were bragging on the diversity of the GOP slate. But when it came down to brass tacks, they still chose the oldest, richest, whitest man.
like hillary is a spring chicken


You should have read the OP, dumbass.

"All that remains now is Clinton and Trump, and as these two seniors toddle their way toward the ultimate nursing home on Pennsylvania Avenue..."

it is humorous that you got stung by your own bullshit


next time cross reference the ages

Trump is older than Clinton, dumbass. Of all the candidates on both slates, only Sanders is older than Trump.
like hillary is a spring chicken


You should have read the OP, dumbass.

"All that remains now is Clinton and Trump, and as these two seniors toddle their way toward the ultimate nursing home on Pennsylvania Avenue..."

it is humorous that you got stung by your own bullshit


next time cross reference the ages

Trump is older than Clinton, dumbass.
but he has a younger spouse!!1!
like hillary is a spring chicken


You should have read the OP, dumbass.

"All that remains now is Clinton and Trump, and as these two seniors toddle their way toward the ultimate nursing home on Pennsylvania Avenue..."

it is humorous that you got stung by your own bullshit


next time cross reference the ages

Trump is older than Clinton, dumbass.

your making yourself look stupid stupid


hillary is no spring chicken

If there is one subject the Right has talked about more than all other subjects combined in the past seven years, it is ObamaCare. They hate it so much they have impotently repealed it nearly 60 times.

You have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to not see this is an issue which separates Republicans from Democrats.

I have been saying since before ObamaCare became the law of the land that ObamaCare is just a stepping stone to Universal HealthCare (UHC). And let me tell you something, the Right has been opposed to UHC since the dawn of time. Reagan himself speechified against it before we had color TV.

The Right wants to repeal ObamaCare. And I have asked many, many times, “Repeal ObamaCare…AND THEN WHAT!?!?”

So where does Trump stand on UHC? To the Left or to the Right? Is he going to repeal ObamaCare? If so, with what will he replace it?

He will repeal ObamaCare and replace it with Universal HealthCare.

Told ya it was a stepping stone!

Trump Proposes Replacing Obamacare with Government-Funded Universal Healthcare

“This is an Un-Republican thing for me to say.” “I don’t care if it costs me votes or not.”

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like hillary is a spring chicken


You should have read the OP, dumbass.

"All that remains now is Clinton and Trump, and as these two seniors toddle their way toward the ultimate nursing home on Pennsylvania Avenue..."

it is humorous that you got stung by your own bullshit


next time cross reference the ages

Trump is older than Clinton, dumbass.

your making yourself look stupid stupid


hillary is no spring chicken
That's the point, Jon. They have much in common.
like hillary is a spring chicken


You should have read the OP, dumbass.

"All that remains now is Clinton and Trump, and as these two seniors toddle their way toward the ultimate nursing home on Pennsylvania Avenue..."

it is humorous that you got stung by your own bullshit


next time cross reference the ages

Trump is older than Clinton, dumbass.

your making yourself look stupid stupid


hillary is no spring chicken
The only person looking stupid here is you. Your idiotic retort only works if you think I am a Hillary supporter.

Could have fooled me...
like hillary is a spring chicken


You should have read the OP, dumbass.

"All that remains now is Clinton and Trump, and as these two seniors toddle their way toward the ultimate nursing home on Pennsylvania Avenue..."

it is humorous that you got stung by your own bullshit


next time cross reference the ages

Trump is older than Clinton, dumbass. Of all the candidates on both slates, only Sanders is older than Trump.
I'm glad I left the republican party when baby Bush ran. I would not want to be the last person off the sinking ship...

The republicans are glad you left also....that and judging from your comments I have serious doubts you were ever a republican, RINO maybe but no conservative by any means
It's nice to see g5000 flailing about :lol:

Americans have spoken and they have outright rejected an ideology and embraced the message of America first. Populism-nationalism has trumped (pun intended) the narrow mindedness ideology known as cuckservatism. Cuckservatives will either get on board with Trump or they will continue to fall into irrelevance. They had their chance and blew it. They stood by and got beat up by the Dems/liberals and like the beta males they are they did nothing to stop it. They will now take a back seat and watch how it's done.

If there is one thing which the Democrats are known for, it is their craven desire to “tax the rich”. This is a bedrock principle of every Democrat, almost without exception. And it is a bedrock principle of every Republican to defy higher taxes on the rich. Every right winger has expended metric tons of energy explaining how the rich pay more than their “fair share” of taxes already.

So which side does Trump come down on? The Democratic or Republican side?

Donald Trump: My Tax Plan Is Going To Cost Me A Fortune. You can bleev that only if you bleev Trump has as high an income as he wants you to bleev.

Donald Trump: Tax The Rich More

The man sounds like Elizabeth Warren on this point!

Does anyone seriously believe a man who owns a chain of casinos is a religious man? Trump builds temples to greed which soak the rubes for every penny they have. The man has built his wealth off their gullibility and human weaknesses. He profits from sin!

A few days ago, Trump came down on the side of Left with respect to transsexuals and bathrooms.


The Donald with first wife:


Trump with second wife:


Trump with third wife:


Trump has had THREE wedding cakes, which makes him holier than gays. I can see why evangelicals would like him...
It's nice to see g5000 flailing about :lol:

Americans have spoken and they have outright rejected an ideology and embraced the message of America first. Populism-nationalism has trumped (pun intended) the narrow mindedness ideology known as cuckservatism. Cuckservatives will either get on board with Trump or they will continue to fall into irrelevance. They had their chance and blew it. They stood by and got beat up by the Dems/liberals and like the beta males they are they did nothing to stop it. They will now take a back seat and watch how it's done.

Is a cuckservative the same as a democock?
It is true there are many issues on which the Republicans and Democrats overlap. Big spending, for example.

But on the hard issues, the core principles, Donald Trump has a record of taking the far left position.

Like I said at the top, you might as well shout at traffic than try to get these facts through to the retards, but the rest of you should give some hard thinking to the reality that Trump always has been a liberal until five minutes ago.

Does anyone seriously believe a man who owns a chain of casinos is a religious man? Trump builds temples to greed which soak the rubes for every penny they have. The man has built his wealth off their gullibility and human weaknesses. He profits from sin!

A few days ago, Trump came down on the side of Left with respect to transsexuals and bathrooms.


The Donald with first wife:


Trump with second wife:


Trump with third wife:


Trump has had THREE wedding cakes, which makes him holier than gays. I can see why evangelicals would like him...

So he's had some divorces? It happens. At least he's not a despicable serial pervert like your boy Slick Willy Clinton.
In a move which has shocked the world, the Republican Party has selected as its nominee for President, the oldest, richest, white man in the running.

The presumptive nominee eliminated the uppity Negro early on in the race by portraying him as a mentally unstable psychopath who plays the Knockout Game with belt buckles.

One of the spics was easily removed from the board by being smeared as a homosexual robot.

After being smeared as an adulterer, the remaining **** amazingly stayed on his feet, and so the presumptive nominee’s friend who owns a rag tabloid said his daddy killed Kennedy. This will go down as one of the worst whackjob campaign dirty tricks of all time.

By the way, whatever happened to Cruz's five mistresses? Anybody?

All that remains now is Clinton and Trump, and as these two seniors toddle their way toward the ultimate nursing home on Pennsylvania Avenue, it is fitting we should review Trump’s political positions. After all, the right wing hate machine has dredged, and will re-dredge, everything Clinton has said and done since she was a kid in college, so it is only fair we perform the same courtesy for Trump.

So let’s begin.

I find it amusing it is mostly Southern rubes who are lining up to follow the Washington insider from New York. A man who has supported Democrats for well over a decade. A man who had to change his party affiliation to Republican last year, and whose children are so stupid they forgot to change their party registration to Republican in time to vote for their daddy.

The Southern rubes know nothing about Trump except that he says he doesn’t like Mexicans and Muslims, and that is why they march in lockstep with a Democratic insider from New York.

The puny mind is a binary mind, and Trump’s Chumps are already assuming that if I am against Trump I must be for Hillary. This will be all they say in this topic. They have no other response to the truths which are going to be shown here.

In fact, I am extremely disappointed in those who are going to vote for Clinton as a protest against Trump. Such people have no real principles.

Another fact is that showing Trump’s true colors to his true bleevers is about as productive as shouting at traffic. I know all this. This topic is for the edification of the sane, not for the lost and brainwashed children following this pied piper to the cave.

Getting to the point: Some people like to claim there are no differences between Republicans and Democrats. They like to use words like “statist” and “Establishment”. But only a fool believes this.

There are bedrock principles which separate the Right from the Left. Principles which can be used to instantly identify someone as a conservative or a liberal.

The first is the abortion question. Another is gun control. A third is universal health care. A fourth is whether or not to “tax the rich” to pay for things. And then there is the little matter of homosexuality and Christianity.

So let’s take a good, hard look where Trump has been on all of these issues, shall we?


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