BOMBSHELL: GOP Selects Old Rich White Guy!

There is a mountain of evidence Trump is a far left liberal Democrat and it is ASTOUNDING you Chumps line up to drink his piss straight from the tap.

Anyone one of these facts would have been enough for you tards to cut the throat of any Republican who did not pass the 592 litmus tests to qualify as a "real Republican".


"Very pro choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

Wanted Bush impeached for war crimes.

Supports assault weapons ban.

Supports universal health care.

Says we need to "tax the rich more".

Said HRC was greatest Secretary of State ever, AFTER Benghazi.

Said Bill Clinton was a great President and that Hillary would make a great President.

Entire family, including The Donald, donated to Clinton in her Senate and Presidential elections.

Financed Terry McCauliffe's run for governor of Virginia. Terry McCauliffe: as insider, slimy Establishment Democrat as it gets.

So, please. Please tell us the stories about RINOs and what a great Republican The Donald is so we can all have a fucking huge belly laugh. Just let me tape my ribs first so they don't break.


Now watch the pseudo-cons drink my piss!
If he's that liberal, then liberals should have no problems throwing votes his way. Can you say President Trump? I can.

From a guy named "smokealib". I think it should be changed to "Votealib" since liberal policies are OK
Whatever it takes to keep the lying skank hillary out of office.
I have said it a number of times - Trump just might be more left than Hillary.
So what does this say?
It says the BOTH parties are playing the pied-piper and blindly choosing the front runner.

To me, it is equally nuts that Hillary beat Bernie. It shows Democrats were not voting policy either.
America will not vote a socialist into the White House. He's great, but it won't fly in this country.
There is a mountain of evidence Trump is a far left liberal Democrat and it is ASTOUNDING you Chumps line up to drink his piss straight from the tap.

Anyone one of these facts would have been enough for you tards to cut the throat of any Republican who did not pass the 592 litmus tests to qualify as a "real Republican".


"Very pro choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

Wanted Bush impeached for war crimes.

Supports assault weapons ban.

Supports universal health care.

Says we need to "tax the rich more".

Said HRC was greatest Secretary of State ever, AFTER Benghazi.

Said Bill Clinton was a great President and that Hillary would make a great President.

Entire family, including The Donald, donated to Clinton in her Senate and Presidential elections.

Financed Terry McCauliffe's run for governor of Virginia. Terry McCauliffe: as insider, slimy Establishment Democrat as it gets.

So, please. Please tell us the stories about RINOs and what a great Republican The Donald is so we can all have a fucking huge belly laugh. Just let me tape my ribs first so they don't break.


Now watch the pseudo-cons drink my piss!
If he's that liberal, then liberals should have no problems throwing votes his way. Can you say President Trump? I can.

From a guy named "smokealib". I think it should be changed to "Votealib" since liberal policies are OK
Whatever it takes to keep the lying skank hillary out of office.

So easy to get you guys to abandon what you constantly say is so important. Your values.

Its just about time that you admitted what everyone already knew
Someone should take the time and find all the left loon's comments on here proclaiming Trump will never be the nominee...there were tons of them. How did that work out? LOL
I freely admit I grossly underestimated the depth of the stupidity of the bigots, psychopaths, hypocrites, and retards infecting the GOP.

Every election, I tell myself, "Well, they have finally hit rock bottom" only to be surprised.

So I've given up. I don't think there is a bottom to your idiocy. I think it is profound and quite possibly limitless.

I don't know anyone affiliated with the GOP, asswipe. Including me.
I'm affiliated with President Trump, who will probably fire 98% of the GOP once elected, cease food stamps, and reinstate the draft for pole-smoking llittle faggots like you with a keyboard warrior mentality.
Saddle up faggot.
You'll soon be in the front lines of Iraq, dying for the country you love. In your case, go ahead and defect to ISIS now.

Asswiping little cock-snorter.
Wash and Repeat
Wash and Repeat

Hillary, wash and repeat.

Fucking imbecile.

Thats one repeat.

Hilary isnt a RINO...

Woo lord what a dummy

One would argue neither is Romney. The point is, shitforbrains, you idiots are washing and repeating a Clinton. Again. This time, one who's under FBI investigation and married to a pedophile.
Good luck with that, assbrain.
All that to say people running for President flip flop on the issues hardly anything new.
Don't pretend the tards didn't cut the throats of any Republican who has flip flopped or not followed the party line right down the razor's edge.

Someone could earn a PhD by writing a paper about why the tards make an exception for leftie Donald.
Yeah they have just like the Democrats have the simply fact is Trump is a great self promoter and manipulater of the press and out maneuvered those trying to take him out much like Obama did in 2008. As I have said before the parallels between Obamas 2008 run and Trumps 2016 one are amazing both parties being captivated by candidates who are all flash and no substance but that is now the era we live in where celebrity tops ability.
"Old rich white guys" are the enemy of the socialist democratic party now? Pretty shocking that it only took about half a century for he party of the young rich guy JFK "ask not what your Country can do for you" to morph into the socialist Marxist party.
Wash and Repeat
Wash and Repeat

Hillary, wash and repeat.

Fucking imbecile.

Thats one repeat.

Hilary isnt a RINO...

Woo lord what a dummy

One would argue neither is Romney.

One would not argue that as you just didnt. Keep up fool

The point is, shitforbrains, you idiots are washing and repeating a Clinton.

Thats not the point. The point is that you guys back the fool and then claim you never backed the fool or the fool lost because they were RINO's.
Thats not the point. The point is that you guys back the fool and then claim you never backed the fool or the fool lost because they were RINO's.

Just back your fool (Hillary) and move along, dumb fuck. I honestly don't have the willingness nor desire to engage in a back and forth with someone, such as you, who has achieved such a monumental level of mental illness and stupidity.
The only way that the Republican party can win in November is to nominate a hard core right winger. Therefore, the hard core right wing vote has selected a Clinton donor who is opposed to every single conservative principle except one, which he has no actual plan for in any case. But hey, he's got a vulgar mouth, so it's all good.
The only way that the Republican party can win in November is to nominate a hard core right winger. Therefore, the hard core right wing vote has selected a Clinton donor who is opposed to every single conservative principle except one, which he has no actual plan for in any case. But hey, he's got a vulgar mouth, so it's all good.

And he doesnt care what people think, that means something...I think
The only way that the Republican party can win in November is to nominate a hard core right winger. Therefore, the hard core right wing vote has selected a Clinton donor who is opposed to every single conservative principle except one, which he has no actual plan for in any case. But hey, he's got a vulgar mouth, so it's all good.

And he doesnt care what people think, that means something...I think

That's because he doesn't think.
I will....When Trump loses I'll quote your support posts and compare them to your 180 reversal ;)

You honestly expect a dumbfuck like Hillary Clinton to outsmart a successful multi-billionaire who will soon be nominated as a presidential candidate ? Fuck, this idiot woman can't even delete email well.
Grow a brain stupid, or go jump down a fucking elevator shaft.
You appear to be a drain on society.
What's wrong with being rich and white?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing at all.

But it appears picking an old rich white guy is more important to the bigoted hypocrites than selecting a conservative Republican.

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