BOMBSHELL: GOP Selects Old Rich White Guy!

Hell, Ben Carson has more conservatism in his little finger than Donald Trump has in his whole fat fuck body.

But let's go with the rich white Democrat pretending to be a Republican.
What's wrong with being rich and white?

But it appears picking an old rich white guy is more important to the bigoted hypocrites than selecting a conservative.

'Nothing', yet you took the time to create a thread on it. :cuckoo:
Yes, to show that The Donald's ethnicity and wealth and gender turned out to be more important than abortion, gun rights, taxes, religion, and healthcare COMBINED!!!
flip-flopping only matters if it's Romney because Christian-conservatives hate Mormons and needed a more friendly excuse to hate him than the honest reason
Thats not the point. The point is that you guys back the fool and then claim you never backed the fool or the fool lost because they were RINO's.

Just back your fool (Hillary) and move along, dumb fuck.

I will....When Trump loses I'll quote your support posts and compare them to your 180 reversal ;)

If and when Hillary lose also.
What we have to choose from is a direct effect of how blindly partisan this country has become.
Trump, probably more left than Hillary is running the Republican ticket.
Hillary, an elitist/corporatist is running the Democrat ticket.
You can't make this shit up.
I will....When Trump loses I'll quote your support posts and compare them to your 180 reversal ;)

You honestly expect a dumbfuck like Hillary Clinton to outsmart

Here'w what I said, when he loses I will quote you when you turn on him and call him a RINO.

Of course you support him now. Thats the cycle champ
Yep. The rubes were chortling and victory dancing over Romney's impending landslide literally right up to the last moment.

Then they turned on him. He's a "RINO" now.

Someone should take the time and find all the left loon's comments on here proclaiming Trump will never be the nominee...there were tons of them. How did that work out? LOL
I freely admit I grossly underestimated the depth of the stupidity of the bigots, psychopaths, hypocrites, and retards infecting the GOP.

Every election, I tell myself, "Well, they have finally hit rock bottom" only to be surprised.

So I've given up. I don't think there is a bottom to your idiocy. I think it is profound and quite possibly limitless.
You have a funny way of giving up.
I will....When Trump loses I'll quote your support posts and compare them to your 180 reversal ;)

You honestly expect a dumbfuck like Hillary Clinton to outsmart

Here'w what I said, when he loses I will quote you when you turn on him and call him a RINO.

Of course you support him now. Thats the cycle champ
Yep. The rubes were chortling and victory dancing over Romney's impending landslide literally right up to the last moment.

Then they turned on him. He's a "RINO" now.

Always was that way. RomneyCare sunk him right out of the gate.
I wonder which material he will use to build that wall? I kind of prefer bright shiny heat up hot in the sun steel. We need to bring the steel industry back to America. Jobs Jobs Jobs.
BTW I didn't make or take a single Romney 2012 bet.

Also if you had any confidence you would have take my "Hillary Won't even be the Nominee" action last year. It's still about 50-50 that they'll toss her aside for someone younger and more moderate like Lizzy Cheekbones Warren or Raoul Castro, but I won't take any bets
What's wrong with being rich and white?

But it appears picking an old rich white guy is more important to the bigoted hypocrites than selecting a conservative.

'Nothing', yet you took the time to create a thread on it. :cuckoo:
Yes, to show that The Donald's ethnicity and wealth and gender turned out to be more important than abortion, gun rights, taxes, religion, and healthcare COMBINED!!!

You're saying there's nothing wrong with being a rich white guy, while still whining on about it. Why don't you try being honest? More folks would show you more respect if you did so. If you have a problem with rich white guys, just say it. Don't employ the double-speak tactic and try to Bullshit. Give honesty a shot.
Hell, Ben Carson has more conservatism in his little finger than Donald Trump has in his whole fat fuck body.

But let's go with the rich white Democrat pretending to be a Republican.

Dr Ben Carson supports Trump for President.
What's wrong with being rich and white?

But it appears picking an old rich white guy is more important to the bigoted hypocrites than selecting a conservative.

'Nothing', yet you took the time to create a thread on it. :cuckoo:
Yes, to show that The Donald's ethnicity and wealth and gender turned out to be more important than abortion, gun rights, taxes, religion, and healthcare COMBINED!!!
Not that I expect the gop to nominate a black ... ever, but I think the Donald won simply because he convinced a bunch of people who perceive themselves to be losers in an unfair society/economy that he would try to make them winners like he is.

He's a con man, but imo that's about the size of it.

But, again, the Deep State will want to put in their VP so they can whack Trump is he steps out of line

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