BOMBSHELL: GOP Selects Old Rich White Guy!

In a move which has shocked the world, the Republican Party has selected as its nominee for President, the oldest, richest, white man in the running.
Now that the nominee is selected, the usual liberals are screeching their usual hatred and lies. Just as they have done for every Presidential election for many decades.

The Republican party didn't select Trump. The voters did. Apparently the usual liberal screechers have forgotten that the party was dead-set against him, and was trying everything it could to put someone else in instead. They were defeated by the voters, too.

BTW, the only people "shocked" are the liberals who are terrified that Trump might be someone who sees right through their constant appeals to Political Correctness and exaggerated rhetoric and outright lies... and isn't affected by them. And neither are his millions of supporters.

Trump is their worst nightmare: Someone they can't divert, someone they can't successfully lie about, someone whose supporters don't listen to Democrats' diversions, smears, and fibs any more. He's the first Republican in living memory for whom that's true.

Trump's acceptance by the voters, is the death knell of the Democrat party - a party that absolutely depends on fooling people into thinking they have a valid point, and fooling them that their diversions and lies are anywhere near the truth.

The Democrats highest priority has never been to destroy conservatism - that's #2. Their highest priority has been to fool their constituents into believing the Democrat ever deliver what they promise, believing the Democrats are for the "little guy", and believing that Democrats are not the big-govt-socialist party.

Trump's ascendancy sounds the death knell for the Democrats' constituents' belief in their party's lies, diversions, and chicanery. And once that acceptance is gone, the Democrat party cannot survive.
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'Nothing', yet you took the time to create a thread on it. :cuckoo:
Yes, to show that The Donald's ethnicity and wealth and gender turned out to be more important than abortion, gun rights, taxes, religion, and healthcare COMBINED!!!
Not that I expect the gop to nominate a black ... ever, but I think the Donald won simply because he convinced a bunch of people who perceive themselves to be losers in an unfair society/economy that he would try to make them winners like he is.

He's a con man, but imo that's about the size of it.

Actually, he's less a con man than career politicians are.
Oh no. He's been a con man his entire adult life.

Career politicians lke the Clintons are far worse. They've never done an honest day's work in their lives. They've only preyed on and bled Taxpayers. They're worthless corrupt degenerates.
I wouldn't dispute that, but Trump's never done an honest day's work either. The one big difference between Trump and Hillary is that with Hillary you pretty much get a clear idea of the policies they'd pursue.

With Trump you get shit like "he'll put America first again." Here's a cyber quarter, congress will never defund the defense of Europe from Russia, and we aren't Okaying any more free trade agreements.

But it appears picking an old rich white guy is more important to the bigoted hypocrites than selecting a conservative.

'Nothing', yet you took the time to create a thread on it. :cuckoo:
Yes, to show that The Donald's ethnicity and wealth and gender turned out to be more important than abortion, gun rights, taxes, religion, and healthcare COMBINED!!!
Not that I expect the gop to nominate a black ... ever, but I think the Donald won simply because he convinced a bunch of people who perceive themselves to be losers in an unfair society/economy that he would try to make them winners like he is.

He's a con man, but imo that's about the size of it.

How did that work out for Obama and black America?
Obama ran on universal healthcare and getting out of Iraq. America got what it voted for.
Yeah right. No one can afford health care and a soldier died in Iraq yesterday. How did that work out America?
NY Daily News Pronounces GOP Dead After Trump Presumed Nominee (PHOTO)

Trump is a far left liberal Democrat, rubes.

Face the truth.

He said all the things the far left was saying which really pissed off the Right:

Cut and run from Iraq.

Impeach Bush.

Bush is the worst President ever.

Bill Clinton was a great President.

Nancy Pelosi is impressive. I like her a lot.

Hillary will make a great President.

Tax the rich more.

Ban assault weapons.

I'm very pro-choice.

If you say all of those things at the same time, all in a row, to a right winger, you will see their head explode, and you would be condemned for life as an extremist libtard.

And you know it.
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Yes, to show that The Donald's ethnicity and wealth and gender turned out to be more important than abortion, gun rights, taxes, religion, and healthcare COMBINED!!!
Not that I expect the gop to nominate a black ... ever, but I think the Donald won simply because he convinced a bunch of people who perceive themselves to be losers in an unfair society/economy that he would try to make them winners like he is.

He's a con man, but imo that's about the size of it.

Actually, he's less a con man than career politicians are.
Oh no. He's been a con man his entire adult life.

Career politicians lke the Clintons are far worse. They've never done an honest day's work in their lives. They've only preyed on and bled Taxpayers. They're worthless corrupt degenerates.
I wouldn't dispute that, but Trump's never done an honest day's work either. The one big difference between Trump and Hillary is that with Hillary you pretty much get a clear idea of the policies they'd pursue.

With Trump you get shit like "he'll put America first again." Here's a cyber quarter, congress will never defund the defense of Europe from Russia, and we aren't Okaying any more free trade agreements.

Trump did inherit a fortune, but he worked incredibly hard expanding it. The Clintons on the other hand, have gotten filthy rich off bleeding Taxpayers. They don't know what work is. Hillary Clinton has never even driven a car for God's sake. She's been chauffeured around her life at Taxpayer expense. The Clintons have thrived on Taxpayer-funded Welfare. I could never support them.
'Nothing', yet you took the time to create a thread on it. :cuckoo:
Yes, to show that The Donald's ethnicity and wealth and gender turned out to be more important than abortion, gun rights, taxes, religion, and healthcare COMBINED!!!
Not that I expect the gop to nominate a black ... ever, but I think the Donald won simply because he convinced a bunch of people who perceive themselves to be losers in an unfair society/economy that he would try to make them winners like he is.

He's a con man, but imo that's about the size of it.

How did that work out for Obama and black America?
Obama ran on universal healthcare and getting out of Iraq. America got what it voted for.
Yeah right. No one can afford health care and a soldier died in Iraq yesterday. How did that work out America?

Amen. I nominate this one for 'Post of the Year.' Thanks.
Not that I expect the gop to nominate a black ... ever, but I think the Donald won simply because he convinced a bunch of people who perceive themselves to be losers in an unfair society/economy that he would try to make them winners like he is.

He's a con man, but imo that's about the size of it.

Actually, he's less a con man than career politicians are.
Oh no. He's been a con man his entire adult life.

Career politicians lke the Clintons are far worse. They've never done an honest day's work in their lives. They've only preyed on and bled Taxpayers. They're worthless corrupt degenerates.
I wouldn't dispute that, but Trump's never done an honest day's work either. The one big difference between Trump and Hillary is that with Hillary you pretty much get a clear idea of the policies they'd pursue.

With Trump you get shit like "he'll put America first again." Here's a cyber quarter, congress will never defund the defense of Europe from Russia, and we aren't Okaying any more free trade agreements.

Trump did inherit a fortune, but he worked incredibly hard expanding it. The Clintons on the other hand, have gotten filthy rich off bleeding Taxpayers. They don't know what work is. Hillary Clinton has never even driven a car for God's sake. She's been chauffeured around her life at Taxpayer expense. The Clintons have thrived on Taxpayer-funded Welfare. I could never support them.
Trump is a con man who's used bankruptcy laws to stiff his creditors. He isn't even in the top tier of real estate developers. If he hadn't been born rich, he'd be selling shoes in a sitcom about a guy in a bad marriage with two deadbeat kids.

The Clintons are corrupt.
Actually, he's less a con man than career politicians are.
Oh no. He's been a con man his entire adult life.

Career politicians lke the Clintons are far worse. They've never done an honest day's work in their lives. They've only preyed on and bled Taxpayers. They're worthless corrupt degenerates.
I wouldn't dispute that, but Trump's never done an honest day's work either. The one big difference between Trump and Hillary is that with Hillary you pretty much get a clear idea of the policies they'd pursue.

With Trump you get shit like "he'll put America first again." Here's a cyber quarter, congress will never defund the defense of Europe from Russia, and we aren't Okaying any more free trade agreements.

Trump did inherit a fortune, but he worked incredibly hard expanding it. The Clintons on the other hand, have gotten filthy rich off bleeding Taxpayers. They don't know what work is. Hillary Clinton has never even driven a car for God's sake. She's been chauffeured around her life at Taxpayer expense. The Clintons have thrived on Taxpayer-funded Welfare. I could never support them.
Trump is a con man who's used bankruptcy laws to stiff his creditors. He isn't even in the top tier of real estate developers. If he hadn't been born rich, he'd be selling shoes in a sitcom about a guy in a bad marriage with two deadbeat kids.

The Clintons are corrupt.

He worked while the Clintons bled Taxpayers. I mean come on, Hillary Ciinton can't even drive a car for God's sake. She's a clueless entitled Elite. And she's corrupt to boot. I'm going with Trump.
We had SEVERAL conservatives up for the nomination.

And we picked the whitest, oldest, richest limousine liberal.


Oh my God, that is so beautiful.
Oh no. He's been a con man his entire adult life.

Career politicians lke the Clintons are far worse. They've never done an honest day's work in their lives. They've only preyed on and bled Taxpayers. They're worthless corrupt degenerates.
I wouldn't dispute that, but Trump's never done an honest day's work either. The one big difference between Trump and Hillary is that with Hillary you pretty much get a clear idea of the policies they'd pursue.

With Trump you get shit like "he'll put America first again." Here's a cyber quarter, congress will never defund the defense of Europe from Russia, and we aren't Okaying any more free trade agreements.

Trump did inherit a fortune, but he worked incredibly hard expanding it. The Clintons on the other hand, have gotten filthy rich off bleeding Taxpayers. They don't know what work is. Hillary Clinton has never even driven a car for God's sake. She's been chauffeured around her life at Taxpayer expense. The Clintons have thrived on Taxpayer-funded Welfare. I could never support them.
Trump is a con man who's used bankruptcy laws to stiff his creditors. He isn't even in the top tier of real estate developers. If he hadn't been born rich, he'd be selling shoes in a sitcom about a guy in a bad marriage with two deadbeat kids.

The Clintons are corrupt.

He worked while the Clintons bled Taxpayers. I mean come on, Hillary Ciinton can't even drive a car for God's sake. She's a clueless entitled Elite. And she's corrupt to boot. I'm going with Trump.
man, how you got from Paul to Dumpf must be painful. Have a good day.
Actually, he's less a con man than career politicians are.
Oh no. He's been a con man his entire adult life.

Career politicians lke the Clintons are far worse. They've never done an honest day's work in their lives. They've only preyed on and bled Taxpayers. They're worthless corrupt degenerates.
I wouldn't dispute that, but Trump's never done an honest day's work either. The one big difference between Trump and Hillary is that with Hillary you pretty much get a clear idea of the policies they'd pursue.

With Trump you get shit like "he'll put America first again." Here's a cyber quarter, congress will never defund the defense of Europe from Russia, and we aren't Okaying any more free trade agreements.

Trump did inherit a fortune, but he worked incredibly hard expanding it. The Clintons on the other hand, have gotten filthy rich off bleeding Taxpayers. They don't know what work is. Hillary Clinton has never even driven a car for God's sake. She's been chauffeured around her life at Taxpayer expense. The Clintons have thrived on Taxpayer-funded Welfare. I could never support them.
Trump is a con man who's used bankruptcy laws to stiff his creditors. He isn't even in the top tier of real estate developers. If he hadn't been born rich, he'd be selling shoes in a sitcom about a guy in a bad marriage with two deadbeat kids.

The Clintons are corrupt.

When Obama ruled the GM bankruptcy in favor of the Unions and stiffed the creditors, Inesters and dealerships you morons cheered.
Actually, he's less a con man than career politicians are.
Oh no. He's been a con man his entire adult life.

Career politicians lke the Clintons are far worse. They've never done an honest day's work in their lives. They've only preyed on and bled Taxpayers. They're worthless corrupt degenerates.
I wouldn't dispute that, but Trump's never done an honest day's work either. The one big difference between Trump and Hillary is that with Hillary you pretty much get a clear idea of the policies they'd pursue.

With Trump you get shit like "he'll put America first again." Here's a cyber quarter, congress will never defund the defense of Europe from Russia, and we aren't Okaying any more free trade agreements.

Trump did inherit a fortune, but he worked incredibly hard expanding it. The Clintons on the other hand, have gotten filthy rich off bleeding Taxpayers. They don't know what work is. Hillary Clinton has never even driven a car for God's sake. She's been chauffeured around her life at Taxpayer expense. The Clintons have thrived on Taxpayer-funded Welfare. I could never support them.
Trump is a con man who's used bankruptcy laws to stiff his creditors. He isn't even in the top tier of real estate developers. If he hadn't been born rich, he'd be selling shoes in a sitcom about a guy in a bad marriage with two deadbeat kids.

The Clintons are corrupt.
Actually, he's less a con man than career politicians are.
Oh no. He's been a con man his entire adult life.

Career politicians lke the Clintons are far worse. They've never done an honest day's work in their lives. They've only preyed on and bled Taxpayers. They're worthless corrupt degenerates.
I wouldn't dispute that, but Trump's never done an honest day's work either. The one big difference between Trump and Hillary is that with Hillary you pretty much get a clear idea of the policies they'd pursue.

With Trump you get shit like "he'll put America first again." Here's a cyber quarter, congress will never defund the defense of Europe from Russia, and we aren't Okaying any more free trade agreements.

Trump did inherit a fortune, but he worked incredibly hard expanding it. The Clintons on the other hand, have gotten filthy rich off bleeding Taxpayers. They don't know what work is. Hillary Clinton has never even driven a car for God's sake. She's been chauffeured around her life at Taxpayer expense. The Clintons have thrived on Taxpayer-funded Welfare. I could never support them.
Trump is a con man who's used bankruptcy laws to stiff his creditors. He isn't even in the top tier of real estate developers. If he hadn't been born rich, he'd be selling shoes in a sitcom about a guy in a bad marriage with two deadbeat kids.

The Clintons are corrupt.
When Obama ruled the GM bankruptcy in favor of the Unions and stiffed the creditors, Inesters and dealerships you morons cheered.

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